Author Topic: Cats - They're douches >:[(But I still love them)  (Read 2443 times)

My cat just threw up on my homework.
Now my teacher will get mad at me because there is brown kibble liquid on the inside cover of my Agatha Christie book.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 10:15:09 PM by Anti-Block »

I love them too, but they're also douches.
I'm conflicted.

Cats can be cute and evil.

Change tawpic to be more nice to cats.

Quick, do something to amuse him!

My cat can travel from a floor vent to a nother room. Through the floor vent.  :cookieMonster:

I'm not kidding.

 I love how cats before they puke they do this "uns uns uns uns"

Dance party! UNS UNS UNS UNS

Dance party! UNS UNS UNS UNS
Oh yeah! Uns! UNS.. UNS!! *barfs all over someones dress*