Author Topic: Your worst injuries  (Read 5537 times)

Fractured pinkie finger on my right hand which i write with  :cookieMonster:
Happend in 7th grade when i was trying to catch a football it bent my finger to far back.

Yeah, I can't "feel" mine, but it's just a semi-permanent mark.

Is your just a mark, or is the actual pencil still in there?

Back in 2004, or 2005, I really can't remember:
Jester stabbed a pencil into my arm.
The granite stuff broke off and it's still in there, and hurts when I lay my arm down.

Decapitation. It hurted for like a month but it got fixed when my doctor gave me this pill.

I was trying out my new heelies while walking back to my house with a friend, and there was a steep drop on my street, so I though it wold be fun to ride down it on my heelies...

The tiny wheels got stuck in a crack in the sidwalk halfway down the hill and I <literally> tumbled head over heels down the sidewalk.  My friend said the back of my foot almost touched my head.  So I had taken off all the skin on my left knee and most of it on the left. I could hardly get around for about a week.

My worst pain is when I was riding my bike barefooted (dumb idea) and I was going to my friends house around the block and he had a curtain rod, he stuck it through the spokes while I was riding by, then I flipped, it was basicly a front flip off of my bike, I landed on my toes then went face into the ground and both of my big tonails ripped off, and I had a scarred up face.
This all happend when I was like 5 or 6.

My worst pain is when I was riding my bike barefooted (dumb idea) and I was going to my friends house around the block and he had a curtain rod, he stuck it through the spokes while I was riding by, then I flipped, it was basicly a front flip off of my bike, I landed on my toes then went face into the ground and both of my big tonails ripped off, and I had a scarred up face.
This all happend when I was like 5 or 6.
Your friend is a douche

One of my friends made me bleed twice this year so far. Once he was all like "Hey im WOLVERINE"! and put 3 pointy pencils in his fingers. He stole a pen from me, I reach to get it back and he thrusts 2 of the 3 pencils into my hand.

And recently he had this rotating ruler thing, and he whacked it down so hard it left a 2 inch long cut in my arm, and the thing wasn't even sharp. He told me there was a scab there that i picked off to make him think he hurt me -__-

My friend stabbed me with a pencil once, when I really annoyed him. I still have the tip of it inside my hand.

Didn't hurt that much but sharing is fun.


Is your just a mark, or is the actual pencil still in there?

I pretty sure there's still granite in there, as otherwise it would've gone away already.  There's a ton of skin grown over it, and it doesn't bother me, so I'm just gonna leave it there.

Worst thing ever:

I was about 9 months old, and Me and My family was leaving some friends house, in Fort St John. (4 Hours away from here). So we were driving lalalala and the raod was icey. (Winter btw). Soon after, we hit a huge ice slick and went careening off the road, down a 56ft hill and stopped upside down against a big pine tree. My mom was franticly worried about me, and my dad whent out to find my Baby Formula, Luckily, we were driving in front of a tow truck, and he had enough cables to pull up our car. Saldy, an ambulance was 1 hour away. Well, when It came, it was a 2 hour drive to Mackenzie. Apparently, I had 15 shards of Glass in my face, several more in my body, and was losing alot of blood. My mom didn't care about her condition, she just wanted me to live. But she was badly cut up too. My dad only escaped with a few cuts and brusies.

Fun-Fact: We never found my baby bad until last year, when we parked nearby, and went hiking at that hill. It was covered with icky stuff. But it was cool, cause it had my old stuff in it.

My big toe tried to rip apart from my toenail, fixed at home with duct tape.