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Author Topic: Duck's New PC Thread  (Read 12875 times)

By "furthering" the forums do you mean they have the potential to evolve?

I see what you're doing...

They'll always stay the Blockland forums, but it will be a better place to be.


Duckmeister, I don't understand how you think you can win. You simply never will. No matter what argument I provide, you will attempt to refute it, and I will refute your rebuttal. In the mean time, science will advance past the roadblock that is creationism and slowly but surely eradicate it.

The future of your beliefs is sealed, mon ami.

I've read the posts you've made in this thread, and I've decided that you have proved your views to be irrelevant as you claim atheism to be a religion and evolutionism to be a religious doctrine.

Once again, we are resorting to affirmations.

Simply saying that you will refute me doesn't mean you will, and you certainly haven't so far.  Simply saying that my views are wrong doesn't make them so.  Simply saying that you've won doesn't make you the winner.

You, being the pathetic dreamer you are, will never accept that you've lost, as you will always cling on to some imagined doctrine of evolution that I haven't brought down yet.

By derailing this thread into yet another heated religious debate, you have only shown everyone that you have no contribution to the forums besides religious flame wars.  You only exist here to start a religious war in every topic I post in, or anyone else who claims to have views differing from yours.  You have shown to everyone what a fool you really are.

I suggest you put your affirmations of delusion in another thread, as this thread is about COMPUTERS.

Asus just pulled their 5970 off newegg, I think they are completely dry of cards.  The only ones that are left at $629.99 are Sapphire and XFX.  As soon as one of them gets back in stock, I'm buying it.

Asus just pulled their 5970 off newegg, I think they are completely dry of cards.  The only ones that are left at $629.99 are Sapphire and XFX.  As soon as one of them gets back in stock, I'm buying it.

I hope that's not too much of a set back...

Once again, we are resorting to affirmations.

Simply saying that you will refute me doesn't mean you will, and you certainly haven't so far.  Simply saying that my views are wrong doesn't make them so.  Simply saying that you've won doesn't make you the winner.

You, being the pathetic dreamer you are, will never accept that you've lost, as you will always cling on to some imagined doctrine of evolution that I haven't brought down yet.

The clock is ticking, monsieur. The world will be different when you grow up.

The clock is ticking, monsieur. The world will be different when you grow up.

He's older than you.

He's older than you.

And who said I'm grown up?

I'm talking about the future. Not age.

You realize Sapphire and XFX make better cards than Asus right?  You should be able to comprehend brand selection even if you can't figure out natural selection.

So, this thread's about a computer or something?Nice de-rail Inv3rted.

another pro-tip: ignore zaran and inv3rted holy stuff they are just trolling

also thats an awesome computer duckmeister, im jealous

He's older than you.
Unfortunately, age does not determine intelligence.

I hope that's not too much of a set back...

I was prepared to drop $600 on the GPU anyways, once I heard the 5970 was out.

Since everyone is out of stock, it really doesn't matter what brand you get it from, as long as you get the actual card.

They all get the same cards from ATI, so it really wouldn't matter even if everyone had it in stock.


I paid $2000 for mine. You have a better processor and RAM, but I win with my GPUs.

You also stated early on that one 5970 is comparable to two 5870's in crossfire.  I almost stuff myself laughing.  Considering the 5870's came out around a month ago, and were easily the best cards on the market, I find it extremely unlikely they could put out such a revolutionary card in that short of a time.  You're wasting your money on that card.  It's only slightly better than the 5870.

I paid $2000 for mine. You have a better processor and RAM, but I win with my GPUs.

What do you have?

Currently, the 5970 is the fastest single-card GPU solution on the market.  Do you have Crossfire 5850's or 5870's?

You also stated early on that one 5970 is comparable to two 5870's in crossfire.  I almost stuff myself laughing.  Considering the 5870's came out around a month ago, and were easily the best cards on the market, I find it extremely unlikely they could put out such a revolutionary card in that short of a time.  You're wasting your money on that card.  It's only slightly better than the 5870.

Haha, you are an idiot. You know nothing about computers, and yet you continue to make these stupid, stupid posts. 

First, the brand thing, which isn't true.  The vendors don't "make" the cards, they get them from ATI all the same.  Second, the 5970 is two 5870s in one card.  It's a dual-GPU card, using two 5870 GPUs.  Of course it's comparable to two 5870's in crossfire, because it's two 5870s in one card.

In the mean time, science will advance past the roadblock that is creationism and slowly but surely eradicate it.
The future of your beliefs is sealed, mon ami.

Bah, go make a religion.

Ontopic: Does anyone know how a Macbook compares to this? I'm an Apple person, so I was wondering just how much faster this new computer will be.