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Author Topic: Muzzles56's Christmas house build-IMAGE HEAVY  (Read 3412 times)

This was a house I started a week ago at Space Guys server. After people trying to call it theirs, I decided to do it on my own single player game. So, after 1 week, Ive finished.
This is one of the builds I've spent the most time on.

This is the front of the house

This is a little snowman I decided to make

These are 2 little snow forts with snowballs in them. 2 people fought here earlier

This is the tiny hallway you walk into when you open the door

This is the main hallway after you enter the mini corridor

This is the kitchen

This is the dining area, in the same room as the kitchen. The box to the right is a TV

This is the downstairs bathroom. I wasnt sure about the walls but I went for it anyway. Just remember that this is the downstairs bathroom

This is a lizard tank I made to fill up some of the hallway that goes on a bit. It looks like a frog, though :/

This is one bit of the living room. By far my most favourite room. It feels very cozy

This is the other end of the living room. Looking at the fire makes me feel warm :)

This is the landing (The upstairs hallway) with a mirror to the right. Its a bit empty

This is a little picture I made myself. I call it "Miracle"

This is another picture I call "Blanket"

I call this one "Ivy of freedom"

This is the boiler room. Im our house, we store towels and things. We also store other stuff for the upstiars part of the house in this room, so I did the same

This is the upstairs bathroom. This is angle 1

And this is angle 2, the shower

I just made this little statue as a suggestion from my brother to fill up the landing a bit

This is a better angle of the landing

This is my bedroom. Also quite empty

This is a wardrobe that I made. Made it quick and its kinda crappy as I dont have anything to make proper body parts and feet out of

And finally, this is the chimney, just to show it isnt just a flat wall, like most peoples are

Thank you for reading and looking. You may rate X/10
This took me a week and I hope to get into Craftsmen, as this is my first real dedicated build
I may do edits of this, like Halloween, Birthday and other celebrations

Built by Muzzles56
Space Guy for telling me about Sirrus' colourset
Sirrus for his colourset

EDIT: The strange lights are from the RGB decor lights outside. Other edits may have the same but on different places
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 04:41:34 PM by Muzzles56 »

Not too bad, pretty good actually.
Tough I'm not sure if this will get you a spot in the Craftsmen, good luck though.


I hope you get in!


brown town love.

Good luck!

how big is ur penor
Look, Ill go to the end of the room for you

The first reaction was that I wasn't sure. It looked nice enough but some areas just.. aren't that great. Other than the chimney the wall IS flat and made of 100% stonework which makes it look fairly average. I'm not a huge fan of the mas lights either. The bathrooms especially seem rather ugly and the landing could use a bit. You seem like you definitely have potential and I urge you to keep trying but for now it's a no. But then again I'm not a huge fan of houses; better hope Spock likes it.

Nvm Spock says no too.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:12:48 PM by Wizard »