
A v2 of this map has already been made.

22 (28.2%)
38 (48.7%)
6 (7.7%)
6 (7.7%)
6 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 78

Author Topic: The Jumps v1  (Read 12029 times)

Hmmm... but that would discredit me...

[EDIT]  Ut-oh... I messed around with it, but it won't work...  how do you make a link to upload a build through mediafire?
just upload the .bls file

Offtopic: Howda get that weapon to be attached to your back?
It's part of Gravy Cat's firearms. it does that on it's own.

Ontopic: Nice map, good for a firsty.

Why is everyone stuffting their pants over this map? While it IS a tiny bit above average compared to most maps people post, it's not all that great.

It only comprises of two textures, which contrast horribly, and the ground has no bump texture.
The dirt spots are neat, random dots, they look extremely out of place. Not to mention the fact that it looks like you spent 5 seconds on the dirt road.
There is no sky texture.
There's just a random jumble of trees in that one spot... Why?
The stretch marks and random spikes in the terrain make it look odd, but to give it some credit, the terrain is otherwise shaped nicely.
Although the terrain does look half decent, it feels more like sand dunes with a snow texture.
You mentioned that it has spots for 2 bases but... What, that's it? There's no room to build otherwise which kind of defeats the purpose of making a map in a Lego building game.

Also, Lord Tony said he thinks the jump sucks.

Don't take this as straight out bashing, take it as advice about what you need to improve on, run with it. It doesn't necessarily suck, it's just not that great.

Looks cool.
Buuuuut. I Dont like how your guy is in the pic.
Just press F8 to get admin cam.

But cool nonetheless.

Looks cool.
Buuuuut. I Dont like how your guy is in the pic.
Just press F8 to get admin cam.

But cool nonetheless.

It's called PERSPECTIVE!

While it IS a tiny bit above average compared to most maps people post, it's not all that great.

It only comprises of two textures, which contrast horribly, and the ground has no bump texture.
The dirt spots are neat, random dots, they look extremely out of place. Not to mention the fact that it looks like you spent 5 seconds on the dirt road.
There is no sky texture.
There's just a random jumble of trees in that one spot... Why?
The stretch marks and random spikes in the terrain make it look odd, but to give it some credit, the terrain is otherwise shaped nicely.
Although the terrain does look half decent, it feels more like sand dunes with a snow texture.
You mentioned that it has spots for 2 bases but... What, that's it? There's no room to build otherwise which kind of defeats the purpose of making a map in a Lego building game.

Also, Lord Tony said he thinks the jump sucks.

Don't take this as straight out bashing, take it as advice about what you need to improve on, run with it. It doesn't necessarily suck, it's just not that great.

Yup... I made this map in about 2 days so please, don't think I don't realize this. 
Also, the whole only having space for two bases, it's a CTF that uses mainly just the map... duh.  I may release the build though.

If you really want to judge me, wait until I post maps that I actually work on.  So, shut up for now.

Looks cool.

Just press F8 to get admin cam.

No duh. =\

Well, I may release a second version of this map if I make the jumps better and texture it better and make a skybox for it.  Otherwise, wait for my map Ski Resort to come out.  =P

[EDIT] May take a while for next map, I got a PS3 (whoo Uncharted 2) and Battlefield 2142 on my PC now.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 02:31:13 PM by Wesley Williams »

Yup... I made this map in about 2 days so please, don't think I don't realize this. 

How about spending more than 2 loving days on it.

If you really want to judge me, wait until I post maps that I actually work on.

I have every right to judge you based on this map seeing as how you just said you didn't even loving work on it. If you're not going to bother working on something don't post it dumbstuff.

I have every right to judge you based on this map seeing as how you just said you didn't even loving work on it. If you're not going to bother working on something don't post it dumbstuff.
Here's my mod. PS: I didn't put effort into it so it sucks.

Palm trees in a snowy land?

i like it 10/11

You failed to vote right.

This may be his first map, cut him some slack guys. I'm not going to say anything because I'm waiting to judge some of his future maps, so basically, leave him alone.

This may be his first map, cut him some slack guys. I'm not going to say anything because I'm waiting to judge some of his future maps, so basically, leave him alone.

Protip: Never post your first anything.