Author Topic: snot am drunk  (Read 4550 times)

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Megaguy the sheep: hi snot
Megaguy the sheep: moo
Megaguy the sheep: moo
Megaguy the sheep: moo
Megaguy the sheep: baa
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: what
Megaguy the sheep: I mean, Baa baa baa baa
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: no
Megaguy the sheep is a spah
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: o, tpp darim
Megaguy the sheep hopes snot will not noteice
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: im too drunk to notice
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: cdz
Megaguy the sheep: can i rub your back with my knife?
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: hehe notice
Megaguy the sheep stabes snot in back
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: yes back
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: baknkd
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: felf
Megaguy the sheep: oh god snot really is drunk
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: lex`atly
Megaguy the sheep: wat
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: :D
Megaguy the sheep: watwat
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: exatly
Megaguy the sheep: oh you
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: :]
Megaguy the sheep: you are so silly
Megaguy the sheep: lol im poasting this on bl forums
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: goahed
Megaguy the sheep: waat
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: tate who re ou
Megaguy the sheep: what are you talking about you silly drunken snot
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: wht
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: no
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: :a
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: :a
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: :S
Megaguy the sheep: Err snot
Megaguy the sheep: moo?
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: tyes moo and such thing]
Megaguy the sheep: snot whats your faveorate tf2 class
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: i mostu [urp
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: puro
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: pyeo
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: [ueo
Megaguy the sheep: *pyro
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: es
Megaguy the sheep: snot please stop tryign
Megaguy the sheep: its ok if ur drunk
Megaguy the sheep: i can decode your chat
Megaguy the sheep: just dont play any games.
snot? ☺ RATM UK xmas No1: :D
Megaguy the sheep: people react badly to drunk people
Megaguy the sheep: afk quick sec

And I have officially lost respect for snot.

I hate it when people try to act like snot and fail. :(

butiamsnot so i no fal

butiamsnot so i no fal
I was talkin' about Megaguy silly.

Snot aren't you like 12?

20 im legal yws
D'what. Damn brits and their young drinking ages >:(

Snot aren't you like 12?
A 12 year old with Snot's sense of humor would signal the beginning of a new era.

D'what. Damn brits and their young drinking ages >:(
In France the drinking age is "tall enough to reach over the counter".

 When I was coming home from a party I saw some dude sleeping in his car with his door open in the middle of the road. Man he was in one hell of a party.

A 12 year old with Snot's sense of humor would signal the beginning of a new era.
I share snots sense of humor :D