Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523282 times)

Granted, but the person you have the trust with tears down all your builds.

I wish for a better computer.

Granted, but i steal it. :cookieMonster:

I wish people wouldn't be so aggresive.

Granted but fuck you.

I wish I could fly.

Granted, but you get hit by a plane.

I wish he didn't get hit by a plane.

Granted, but the resulting paradox destroys reality.

I wish they would release a beta of the Mother 3 fan translation.

Granted, but you die 3 minutes after so you can't enjoy it

I wish that portal 2 would come out within the next week

Granted, but it turns out to be the same game but with different locations and more levels. Plus, there's no jokes about cake and the companion cube isn't mentioned once.

I wish I was better at online fps games.

Granted, but you only get one game.

I wish the scroll wheel on my new mouse wasn't oversensitive in Blockland.

Granted, but then for find the sensitivity setting on the options menu.

I wish people remembered I made this topics and my orginal account is perma banned.

Everyone who has/tries to get full trust ends up with built trust.

I wish I could have a actually nice computer. (Mom got a dell...)

Granted but it's outdated 10 seconds later.

I wish laremere wasn't mean to my wish

Granted, but you blow up.

Granted, but I'm mean to this one >:D

I wish the post above me had a wish in it...

Granted, but Ladios won't modify his post

I wish Kellan would take my sig off his Avatar thing, Seriously, Kellan is making Zero gay now :(

Granted, but you are given women's Viagra during a school health exam.

I wish I knew what'd result in the situation above...