Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523928 times)

Granted, but then aliens come down and harvest our organs.

I wish for my organs not to be harvested.

Granted, but instead your limbs are.


wait? dang it!

I wish for Pan-Asian Cuisene!

Granted, but there's an error because "Cuisene" is not a word. YOU GET NOTHING.

I wish everyone could just get along.

Wish granted, but there are Roblox spammers

I wish i knew how to spell cuisene

Granted, but you forget how to spell everything else.

I wish my sleep schedule was back to normal.

Granted, but you now lose your eyelids.

I wish I had Regulith's eyelids in a jar.

granted, only the rest of him is sapping your sentry.. O_o
I wish this book returned himself to the liberary, because i'm too lazy to do it :P

Granted, but people chase the living book out of town, thinking it's some sort of demon.

I wish I could use my drawing skills for good instead of evil.

Granted, but a group of thieves steal your paintings and duct tape!

I wish I had a self-cleaning taco.

Granted, but I eat it. :cookieMonster:

I wish I had a nice cookie recipe.

granted, but you got banned out of life because you spam cookies...
I wish i knew a wish...

Granted, but you forget it.

I wish for a 12-guage shotgun, 500 shells, and a zombie tied to a lightpole to kill with the shotgun.

Granted but after you shoot the zombie it falls on you and you get stuck and other zombies come and eat you.

I wish people would stop trying to evade the side effects of wishes.

Granted, then everyone is mad on you and they try to kill you, and because you can't evade side effects you get killed.....
Wew...That was a long sentence... Now i wish for lemonade, with some ice please! :D