Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523921 times)

Granted but your computer cant run it.

I wish i could remeber that game i want to remeber that my computer CAN play

Wish granted but then you find it is shutdown by your great grampas ghost.

I wish i could rule the world and lots of bad things happened.

Whish Granted but good things happend!

I whish i had 6 snakees!

Granted, but you are now homoloveual.

I wish it was 4 PM.

granted but it's 4:00 am

I whish i had a vagina to play with for 2 minutes!

granted but it gets outa control
i wish for 7579683468947895764867 badspots

Wish granted but they ban you from life for being a moron.
I wish this post never appeared.

Wish granted,But you get hacked and someone does it anyways
I wish i had cake that wouldn't be a lie :D

Granted but you never existed

granted but you get
i wish for (insert wish here)

granted but you get
i wish (I was gay. ;D)
Granted, But it didnt change anything.

I wish for a sandwich.

wish granted  but :cookie monster: ate it before you
i wish for a sandwitch

Granted, but the sand witch casts a curse on you. Have fun being a stone!

I wish for a wish that wished on a wish so he could wish for a wish's wish.

Granted, except you get transported to a paradox so it doesnt happen.

I wish people would stop trying to be clever by saying something like,"I wish the post never happened and I wish for a wish," and other stuff like that.

Granted, but instead YOU say it all the time.

I wish for a sandvich.