Author Topic: Forget about 2012, were gonna die this november!  (Read 7505 times)

Yes, in a way. We are Gods scientifically, its physics. Solid matter is a figure of our imagination, you can bend it in way you never could think of. Plus your eyes are like rendering screens, when you look away from an object it becomes everything like the Universe, when you look back its in one place.

Lay off the acid br0.

 Physics is like taking acid, when you read about it. I can fetch a video to prove it all, two hours to waste anyone?

Physics is like taking acid, when you read about it. I can fetch a video to prove it all, two hours to waste anyone?

Physics = real
Acid = hallucinations

Physics = real
Acid = hallucinations
Can you touch acid?: Yes.
Can you touch physics?: No.

Can you touch acid?: Yes.
Can you touch physics?: No.

That's like saying you can't touch physics so therefore there is no such thing.

The science of matter and energy and their interactions.
The physical properties, phenomena, and laws of something.


The science of matter and energy and their interactions.
The physical properties, phenomena, and laws of something.


Not sure who you're agreeing with, but it sounds good to me.

You can manipulate physics

Like so:

Push a car down a hill,Throw a ball into the air.

When did this topic go from ZomG were going to die to a debate about acid vs physics?

 Riot did it again.

what are we talking about?
I want to contribute to a side D:


2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons. Not entirely impossble.<same

2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans. You're gunna need a whole hell of a lot of nukes to do that.< same

2023 – A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit. Impossible.
That is VERY unlikely at this current time and date.
2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing). NoNO

2084 – The restoration of nature. It didn't go anywhere.< same

2088 – A new disease – aging for a few seconds! Not without time travel.< same

2097 – The rapid aging defeated. See above.What did they do to defeat it?

2100 – Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth. Seriously?NO, just no

2111 – People become living robots. Umm...seems like a messed up version of the time machine movie to me

2125 – Hungary will receive signals from space. From who?<same

2164 – Animals turn half-human. Ok seriously, WTF?How?

2167 – A new religion. I hope not.Yay,all hail the monkey god!

2170 – Major drought. Where?<same

2187 – Will stop 2 large eruption of volcanoes. Physically impossible.How?

2196 – Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans. Why?WTH?

2201 – At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops. Not for another couple million years, guy.<same

2221 – In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what – something terrible. What?What did they see?

2256 – Spacecraft forgotten to Earth terrible new disease. Not even a

2262 – Planets gradually changing planetary orbit. Mars is threatened by comets. Planets don't do that.
2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?) NO.Literally impossible

2279 – Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black hole). Like a Dirt Devil? Also, if there was a black hole close enough to draw power(which wouldn't happen because they sap power) we would be sucked into it.WTH?

2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens. Again, no.<same

2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again. Again, not for millions of years.<same

2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites. See above.<same

2341 – Something terrible is approaching Earth from space. Like what?What kind of pokmemon is it?

2354 – An accident in one of the artificial Sun leads to drought. There is no artificial sun.What was the point of making an artificial sun anyway

2371 – The great famine. Why? How?

2378 – A new fast-growing race. Races don't just appear.<same

3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system. How did we get there? < same
3803 – A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people – they mutate. Mutations are not the result of climate change.<same

3871 – New prophet tells people about moral values, religion. No.and Again, NO

4302 – The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior. We already have science.<same

4304 – Found a way to win any disease. I didn't realize diseases were a game.I thought you only lose THE GAME.

4308 – Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred. As long as there are humans, we will have hatred.Oh and bold dude, if you have ANY species, you will have hatred 

4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God. There is no god.I'm pretty sure that if you only use 34% of your brain, god probally does not want to talk with them

4599 – People achieve immortality. How?<same

5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows I don't even know what this means.<same

5078 – The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it. Do you even understand how far away the fathest reaches of the known universe are? We ain't gettin' there, put it that way. How do you leave the galaxy if your scientists are Dip-s****?

5079 – End of the World. I thought there was tons of worlds.< same, also, Wich world?

This topic is oozing stupidity.

"5079 – End of the World."

What the forget. The world is going to be there at least one million years. Maybe longer if we stop pollution.
Pollution or not, it'll still be there.