Author Topic: Scorp is a theif!!!  (Read 5226 times)

Scorps a cigarette.
Thank you sir, we had no idea whatsoever.

Thank you sir, we had no idea whatsoever.

God I hate zombies

And you are a furcigarette.
Classic bandwagoning from Megaguy

Classic bandwagoning from Megaguy
Hey. Hey you.

Im sick of seeing you and your handicapped avatar on posts.

Get out. You only came here to flame and cause agro and by god you have gotten it.
You have your attension, You have "friends", Or tards who act the same as you because of your "Huge e-peen"

You enjoy yelling at people and stalking they're posts because you know they are weak, And its working.
Your like the school bully who sent all his time beating up little kids at primery because you know they are smaller than you and you know you cause fear.

It makes me feel HORRIBLE knowing that insted of doing your schoolwork, You stay out all night partying and getting drunk, meaning you Know nothing.
And you wonder why you fail.

You are a sick person and I am tired of seeing you.
My secound point is that
we all "Bandwagoners" In a way.

Bandwagoning to the rules of life and hanging on tightly, Just because you are on the internet does not mean that you shouldnt treat everyone well.

We all bandwagon to get respect, And so do you.

Grow up you prick, Or one day when you go "Outside" You will get punched in the mouth, Not by me, But by someone you have offended IRL.


Oh and if you respond by posting a picture of trollface, Well, Lets just say you'll be takeing a little forum vacation.

Oh and if you respond by posting a picture of trollface, Well, Lets just say you'll be takeing a little forum vacation.




no. Im just sick of seeing him.

no. Im just sick of seeing him.

Yeah silly comr4de, him being sick of him because he proves him stupid isn't being butthurt you silly moose you.

Im hurt




Yeah silly comr4de, him being sick of him because he proves him stupid isn't being butthurt you silly moose you.