Author Topic: What do you HATE?  (Read 14466 times)

What pisses me off is:
1. Little kids
they whine, complain, ask stupid questions, and i cant even hit em upside da hed because they are not my brother.

2. My fat cousin
He likes modern rap music, he is obsessed with cars, he lays around in his underwear around mass amounts of people.He lies about stuff like him reaching an "alternate ending" in GTAIV apart from the 2 endings already presented. He also lied about getting naughty bear before it even came out >:|. He leaves a crap smell on the chair after he has been sitting on it. and he broke my grandpa's office chair with his massive whopping 230 pounds(he is 11 >.>)

3. My fat cousins little cousin
It seems everyone BUT me can understand what he is saying, he smells like piss all the time. and my fat cousin bullies him and always like to play with him when he is naked.

4. handicaps
I dont like handicaps.
'Nuff sed

5. MY computer
it is slow as heck and freezes whenever i play oblivion.

6. Old hag Substitute Teachers
They blame you for stuff you didnt do, and CLAIM that they can "see it in your eyes"

7. Anything on disney.
I hate how any TV/Movie star comes out with their own album a month after their show has been broadcasting.

8. Icarly
I hate the show and the special episodes are become more predictable the more they preview it. also, Sam is hotter than carly

9. Most BL members
People that say "OH HURRDEEDURF U ARNT RSPECTD GTFO NOOB" when respect on an exclusive indie lego ripoff game's FORUM, could not mean less.(THIS IS DIRECTED TOWARD SARGE)

10. FO1 and FO2 and Morrowind fanboys
Im tired of looking on youtube and finding a fallout 3 video and or oblivion video and finding some kind of fanboy raging on about how bethesda is a terrible company. stop whining about it, it wont change anything.(THIS IS DIRECTED TOWARDS ARC)

11. People that point out obvious spelling errors
"Nuff siad

12. Everyone who hates GreenBH and Tyler66
You are all idiots who ignore the fact that they are trolls.

13. GreenBH and Tyler66

14. The school stupid people
You know
The loudmouths that crack a joke for everything the teacher says. Its not funny, its stupid and annoying.

15. Overreactive kids
I once, in second grade, said "gimme back my eraser before I kill you lol" They I got sent to the principal's office.

16. Fat people

17. Stupid people

18. Daytime Television

19. Whoever took the time to read all this

20. The fact that I can only play 2 hours on my computer which forces me to watch daytime television and sleep the entire day.

21. Movie previews that get voted best movie of the year when 15 other movies are already #1 movie of the year

22. tribals, this includes the 70% of the BL forums, which is either Bi-loveual or gay.
or a crossdresser (Sup verticalhorizon)

23. Cybering idiots
I hate the fact that they try to be cool and have love VIA internet.

24. Anyone who is underaged and pregnant.

25. Religion bashers and OtisDaHousekat


27. I hate the entire BL community (excluding some people)
You are all jerks andrichardheads

28. taboo, ARC, and OtisDaHouseKat
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 09:43:10 AM by Madmitten »


They're so smug looking.

I just want to punch them.

12. Everyone who hates GreenBH and Tyler66
You are all idiots who ignore the fact that they are trolls.

13. GreenBH and Tyler66

18. Whoever took the time to read all this


I hate around 80% of the Human race, and what said 80% has done to us, so I don't really feel I need to make a hugeass list

I hate Children. (Don't say I can't say this because I'm 15, they annoy me immensely)

I hate people who get put in the Newspaper because their handicapped offspring died because they were being stupid enough to play around on disused rail carriages with active Third Rails underneath them.

I hate Newspapers all together.

I hate reality T.V shows.

I hate it when reality T.V shows get "Best Television" awards.

I hate people who are generally stupid (E.G, 80% of the Human race).

I hate people who whine about abortions (See above).

I hate it when grown ups try to act 'hip' to get through to me because most of the other children they see/have to work with are handicapped and into rap/dressing like a rapper and thinking they're a rapper.

I hate Movies because they always get overhyped, no matter how good a film is it never lives up to the hype.

I hate lots of other things

1. My head can think of more then 6 thoughts before 5 seconds pass! It makes me crazy. But yet an somewhat an advantage.

2. Man kind, for doing the stupidest of things, but not everyone.

3.Jeff, for being a handicapped loser, he tries to get me in trouble, or blackmail me, but yet he always fails, really bad.

4.Internet handicaps, to many examples.

5. Immature brats, for being immature and cant think right, the one in my class, its very shocking that he hasn't held back from the 3rd grade.

6.Every crime above kidnapping.

7.tribals, for not being able to tell the difference between 2 colors.

8.People whom tear down forests, without realizing that you could just being destroying the last medice that could save hundreds.

9.I agree, iCarly makes stupid advertisements, and seems too childish for me.

10.A.R.C for being a jackass/smartass/tribal/spammer/research freak.

11.People in my class, they're always getting in trouble, acting stupid, and yelling, in the 5th Fing grade. Yet the other class is a lot better, i just dont get that.

12.Iraq, some of the people there through 2 year olds into builds with C-4 attachted to them!!

Thats about it, that i fell like saying.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 08:38:38 AM by Efmu »

12. Everyone who hates GreenBH and Tyler66
You are all idiots who ignore the fact that they are trolls.

13. GreenBH and Tyler66

10.A.R.C for being a jackass/smartass/tribal/spammer/research freak.

I sincerely hope you realize that being pissed at the quoted portion of your post is completely pointless, that's just A.R.C. He's like that and he won't ever change. Whether he means it or not, just don't bother wasting your energy on him.


I sincerely hope you realize that being pissed at the quoted portion of your post is completely pointless, that's just A.R.C. He's like that and he won't ever change. Whether he means it or not, just don't bother wasting your energy on him.

The topic is named "what pisses YOU off?"
ARC does, K?
I dont care what happens to him and makes him fell that he has to be the best.
I just hate him for all of the above.

I sincerely hope you realize that being pissed at the quoted portion of your post is completely pointless, that's just A.R.C. He's like that and he won't ever change. Whether he means it or not, just don't bother wasting your energy on him.

We all know that none is this ranting will make a difference
We are ranting because that is the point of this thread, just like every other pointless thread on the BL forums

I also hate sleeping for 8 hours of daytime just to find out i cant sleep after i've been napping all day

1. Little kids
they whine, complain, ask stupid questions, and i cant even hit em upside da hed because they are not my brother.

Seems an awful lot like what you're doing.

Seems an awful lot like what you're doing.
I hate brothers.

Little kids are supposed to loving ask questions you arrogant cunt. Noone comes out of the womb with a dictionary smashed into their skull so they can get some book learnings.