Author Topic: What do you HATE?  (Read 14470 times)

The Jonas Brothers.

My list is very short.

The Jonas Brothers.
Joe Jonas is gonna guest host on American Idol. :(
...isn't that on right now?

12. Everyone who hates GreenBH and Tyler66
You are all idiots who ignore the fact that they are trolls.

13. GreenBH and Tyler66

People that pull out the "tribal!" card as soon as anyone mentions any ethnicity/nationality/affiliation in a way that can be interpreted as negative.
oh you

i now love you, for we must go to similar schools.

i now love you, for we must go to similar schools.
If someone ever says the colors "white," "brown," or "black" at my school in any context, everyone freaks out, "tribal! OMGOMGOMG YOU tribal!!!"

Thank you, thank you for whining and complaning on how the internet is, and for the forget up you made on 12, and 13.
4 words most of the world has been told:WELCOME TO THE INTERNET

What pisses me off is:
1. Little kids
they whine, complain, ask stupid questions, and i cant even hit em upside da hed because they are not my brother.

2. My fat partner
Smells like B.O. and ass, doesn't wash his clothes so I'll probally get ringworm soon.He weighs 285lbs (keep in mind, he's 14 and is like 5'4)

3. handicaps
I dont like handicaps.
'Nuff sed

4. Old hag (Substitute) Teachers
They blame you for stuff you didnt do, and CLAIM that they can "see it in your eyes"

7. Anything on disney.
I hate how any TV/Movie star comes out with their own album a month after their show has been broadcasting.

8. Icarly
I hate the show and the special episodes are become more predictable the more they preview it. also, Sam is hotter than carly

9. The school pot-heads
Don't know whats going on most of the time. Good at fighting, but not at anything else.

10. Fat people

11. Stupid people

12. Cybering idiots
I hate the fact that they try to be cool and have love VIA internet.

13. Anyone who is underaged and pregnant.

14. Religion bashers

Brickybob, and his avatar
So you mainly target an avatar that I made at 1:30 in the morning?
Jesus Christ.

Thank you, thank you for whining and complaning on how the internet is, and for the forget up you made on 12, and 13.
4 words most of the world has been told:WELCOME TO THE INTERNET
shut up about that internet crap
I have real life complaints

like this kid that my mom is housing for a week
he is handicapped and im sick of him.

  Things I hate:

1. This douchebag at my school named justin weeks for the reasons, always tries to be your friend when hes not, his voice sounds gay, he wears gay shirts, and overall, I want to kill him. Anyone on the forums a hitman?

2. Stuck-up people.

3. Rabid animals.

4. Dirreah.

5. stuffting out of my snake.(Seriously!)

6. People who never take baths.

7.People who do stupid stuff thinking they will succeed but turn out losing half of their body th the sidewalk.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 06:10:55 PM by Lil D »

  Things I hate:

5. stuffting out of my snake.(Seriously!)


  Things I hate:

1. Rabid animals.

2. People who never take baths.

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its called masturbating
You stuff out your snake when you...?
You know what, forget I even started that sentence.