Author Topic: Player_Guinea Pig  (Read 1709 times)

A playertype for a Blockland Guinea Pig would be nice for Family RPGs...

"Family RPs" make me cringe.  What kind of a sick rp is that?  Anyways I think we have enough animal player types for now.

"Family RPs" make me cringe.  What kind of a sick rp is that?  Anyways I think we have enough animal player types for now.

Aren't bulls like... A type of pig... Or something...
Use Player_Bull

Aren't bulls like... A type of pig... Or something...
Use Player_Bull
Player_Bull+Amade's bot events + setplayerscale = gunie pig

Cow + Brown Spawn + Re-Color Vehicle + 0.003 Scale = Guinea Pig

if anybody wants to crash family RPs, be my guest

Cow + Brown Spawn + Re-Color Vehicle + 0.003 Scale = Guinea Pig

Yeah! Minicow!
Doesn't look at all like a guinea pig...

Yeah! Minicow!
Doesn't look at all like a guinea pig...
It's good enough, better than what we had before the cow was released.

Not a great idea IMO. However, we need some Bachelor RP's in BL. THOSE would be fun. :3

GREAT IDEA YALL! Here, I made the model:

EDIT: ironic that the suggester's name begins with "jk"

*Looks over sunglasses*
I just lost the game.

Yeah! Minicow!
Doesn't look at all like a guinea pig...
Actually, some Guinea pigs do have brown spots of fur...

May you please use that pig model w/ cow/bull script and make a regular pig?

May you please use that pig model w/ cow/bull script and make a regular pig?
You have got to be kidding me.