Author Topic: Conquer on Contact - lets populate the game world!  (Read 419 times)

Conquer on Contact is a very basic web browser game, though it has a very nice level of polish.
The basics of it are you have an army that you can move around, with tiles where you can increase the size of your army, tiles that decrease your army size but temporarily boost its power, and a few other tile types.

It's not that complicated or special, but seeing as there are currently three players on the board, I would like to see what a game with more people playing looks like.

No screen shot provided because you click the link and you're playing.  If you want to create an account it will let you do so with the army you started without an account.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 10:26:43 AM by laremere »

There is one guy who is controlling the board.  Imo the board is too small and it's too easy at the moment for one person to control it.  I almost got him, but he ended up getting me :/

Wanted to try the mobile one, but I can't sign up. Its just not letting me :(