Author Topic: [xCo] xCorp - DEAD.  (Read 8897 times)

I am not a leader.

I have thought about this decision almost since the beginning, and decided I should not lead a clan. I work independently. The clan was ill-concieved. It had no real direction, it was biased for people who were "my friends" and was named after me as well as something already in existence. And... really creepy. I offered to have it renamed, nobody wanted to. I didn't like any different ideas and was opposed both to renaming it and to keeping its current name.

Given everything, I decided to get rid of it. The channel is vaporized. Its single video, created entirely by myself, is now on my channel instead. The original members of xCorp are not disbanded. It is simply, once again, the unofficial clan. Those who were admitted to [xCo] in its ten official days are welcome to continue considering themselves a part of the group. The time I have left before somebody inevitably stuffposts on the end of this thread, however, is up. If you have any further questions, you should contact me here, or on Youtube (xC3110x).


« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 08:33:09 AM by xC »

Join4Mak? I model for movies.

Having seen your models, I'm gonna say yes. I'll send you a few questions.

Well my second favorite color is orange. So for the record, I claim Bright Orange. But I probably won't wear it very often...


If not, want to make a movie with the Argos?

I haven't really seen anything you can do, and... the Argos? Sweet. I think I would.

Also, avatar change detected
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 11:38:17 AM by xC »

Hey that's my line!

Aww man does Squid already have orange?! Hmmm maybe I should be negative. Instead of black with green, I should be green with black.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 11:17:45 AM by Makanix »

Im good at eventing and acting, as I can listen to commands and respond to them well.

Ahh, I dunno. It kinda violates the pattern somehow.
You could use lime green, with more yellow. The green I use has a touch of blue to it. It would be easy enough to tell the difference I think.

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Strange timing.

What has Mak started?

Anyway, Muzz, I'd like to see an example, do you have a topic for an event build of yours and/or a video in which you acted?

What has Mak started?
I tend to do things like that...

EDIT: your green that you use is the same as mine. (I would know cause I use you avatar in your server to annoy you... And swarm bots...)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 11:58:20 AM by Makanix »

same as mine.
Well, what I'm saying is perhaps you could use one that's somewhat different instead.

No that's your actual avatar and I don't want to make you change it... I'll just use my normal avatar...

You kind of missed the point.. oh well.

Rereading that yes I did... Lol

Wait, does xC remember my events radar?