Author Topic: GlopGun -- First Addon (fixed)  (Read 17629 times)

ohai destroyer! I love you too! btw.... your sentence is not there :D so idk that u ar a stupid noob :D and we dont have to mention that it is idiotic to waist the time to demoralize others by randomly cursing to their face and passing insults with a cherry on top.

Are you like mentally challenged or some stuff? No, forget it. Don't answer that. You're probably going to spew some more bullstuff out of that star fish of a mouth you have.

I'm just going to be straight forward here, in plain English so even you can loving understand the point I'm trying to get across.

You act like a loving tool. "ohai :D lol your a noob only noobs flame :D" I swear to God you must be like a total let down for your parents. They probably think you're loving gay and every day they have to look at their mistake, a bastard child who is a god damn tool.

No, don't even bother replying to me. Just get the forget out.

Very nice, especially for your first. Blorp.

-idiotic rant war-
WTF It's an add-on. Take it to drama please

Also, "noob" is not a word.

Look, this is a good add-on. Stop turning this into a flame war
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 12:00:10 AM by Narkro555 »

This is so epic :D i love it and yes it looks rly good especially for your first. 15/10 lol

i forgot (FEEL FREE TO RATE)

thanks guys for ignoring my and other's stupidity.

And sorry for my "ironic post." I guess it was too hard to get the irony. from now on i will do exactly what i said i will do. IGNORE. so all you people who are up there with flame posts, ENJOY YOUR POSTS!!! have fun! cause to me, they are not there.

(ps i think its kinda funny that i got so many poeple mad over a stupid post xD)

btw destroyer, i think i did just controll your post!

WTF It's an add-on. Take it to drama please

Look, this is a good add-on. Stop turning this into a flame war

i agree. "idiotic rant war"

and if noob is not a word, you cant deny that people use it in just about all multiplayer games that have people in it that want to lord it over some new guy.

the funny thing is that i also agree that we should stop flaming eachother!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 07:22:14 AM by Dy mar »

Dont ignore it, embrace it. If you are getting flamed, ask why. Even though it may seem like it, we do flame for a reason. Whether its a bad add-on, or you just cant spell for your goddamn life.


um............. i will receive constructive critiscism if thats what you mean. flaming is off the radar :D
mabe eventually i will eradicate it by ignoring it. you do realize the difference...?

btw, i know i cant spell xD and... I dont care!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 08:40:28 AM by Dy mar »


Isn't blocko.
Oh noez a flamer!! >:O
Ontopic: Nice gun! 10/10.
Also, Any of you who flame are being dumb, So STOP FLAMMING
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 09:42:11 AM by bot1 »


thanks for rating lol.

Replaces Gun bullet hit sound with the Glop gun's projectile explosion sound. also, the model looks odd and the sounds are annoying. But hey, it's a first.

darn! i was hoping it wouldent do that D:<


edit: fixed. try it again. it shoulden't override the gunshot sound anymore.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 11:00:12 AM by Dy mar »