Author Topic: Ninja Gaiden II  (Read 1783 times)

Ninja Gaiden II has been out for a few days, and the demo recently came to USA and Canada (downloadable over XBL).  Much better than Ninja Gaiden Black (can't compare it w/ the original, since I don't have it).  Very gory though (cut off an enemies limbs, sometimes they'll throw them back at you depending on the enemy).  Recommend the demo to anyone who enjoys ninjas and isn't put off by extreme violence.  Videos really don't do the game justice, try it for yourself.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I think it's an Xbox 360 exclusive.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 06:52:48 PM by Aloshi »

I saw the trailers and gameplay vids of it a month ago, they looked hawt :D I might get it.

Bump/dubble toast, I got it, Havn't played it yet but I played the demo, is epic :)

Also, I bumped this because there wasn't really a point of making a new topic.

i played the demo on Xbox and for some reason..... Im not interested.

I rented it, it was fun, but I only finished the first chapter then kinda got bored with it.

aloshi you haven't even seen the toughest boss i fought on there that is the giant water dragon.

I don't care about this version, but i played a demo for a ds version and it was fun :3

The water dragon was easy to kill, if you think it was hard you must be bad at teh game :D