Author Topic: just let it all out 1  (Read 53225 times)

Don't follow Plethora's example.
Calm down.  The likelihood that I'll act on those murderous impulses lessens by the day.

So yesterday was my first day back at my Summer job, which is as a laborer for a masonry company, real nice gig, I love the work, the people are ok, the pay's good, plain old a good time.  So some time between March and yesterday a new guy was hired, and he seems pretty cool.  The guys, including the new guy, ask me how school was, and I answer with my usual way of saying that it was ok: "I survived it with all my fingers and toes, so so far so good."  Anyway, today I learned that the new guy lost a finger to a skillsaw.  So yeah, I felt about three inches tall, but come on, how often do you check to make sure everyone has all their fingers before making a casual remark like that?

So apparently this guy planned to attack a predominantly Muslim community in New York with assault rifles, bombs, and machetes, he was an independent candidate and ran for congress. He kept in contact with private militias.

Even worse
Doggart was arrested on 10 April in Signal Mountain, Tennessee, and has admitted one count of interstate communication of threats, which can be punished with up to five years imprisonment and a $250,000 (£160,000) fine.

Pretty shocking that he's only getting up to 5 years even though he was plotting a massacre

went through a pretty nasty breakup after 1.5 years of dating a girl and it sucks pretty bad. super lonely and nobody to comfort me.
hardest part is seeing her in school where she has completely changed dressing style and be really close to a guy she said she would never like, even as a friend. and wants nothing to do with me anymore.

feels like im just annoying people with my problems and my mom wants to send me to the psychiatrist because im depressed

creeped out an internet friend by asking inappropriate questions (even though i would love an answer to that question)

feels like nobody understands because they said they went through it before and that it gets better. oh boy i know it gets better but it hurts now!

loving up in school and not even playing games anymore. i'm pretty sure this is my first post since monday.

oh well. she might have a change of heart over the weekend and that would be great.

she wanted to break up because i have anxiety problems and i just played video games all day but now I enjoy the little things. It's the little things.

As of late ive been feeling like stuff around one of my friends, thinking and hearing several peoples opinions on it froms others I thought I liked her, after a few days I told on wensday, today I felt like a forget up and got more depressed than usual and all the stuff I did in the past ran through my head and I felt like the feeling was only a facade and my mind playing tricks on me, I just told her to forget what I said and that it didn't matter,

I am probably gonna severe all ties and just not talk to her anymore like I always do with friends when stuff hits the fan or we get in an arguement.

Hopefully she won't appear in my dreams anymore and I can go back to being a crazy forget.

I also feel like stuff and like I'm gonna burst in to tears
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 06:02:32 PM by plad101 »

jeez plad don't be such a scrubmuffin, giving up on friends like that.

i say sorry a lot. i never say sorry to BLF because all of you should be really sorry for your selves to be honest
i feel fbad for a lot of people, but not BLF ever because you are all worthless im not sorry

I have hella bad social anxiety because of the response to my behavior in the past on this website.

I have hella bad social anxiety because of the response to my behavior in the past on this website.
at lest youre not hated by almost everyone

at lest youre not hated by almost everyone
I mean I have no idea how long people hold grudges, so there is a possibility, albeit extremely slim, that everyone on this website still hates me.

I mean I have no idea how long people hold grudges, so there is a possibility, albeit extremely slim, that everyone on this website still hates me.
yeah i vaguely remember you, but just by your name. i don't remember how you were on the forums previously

yeah i vaguely remember you, but just by your name. i don't remember how you were on the forums previously
If you read my posts, you'll sure as hell remember me.

oh, it's you again

who're you actually lol

hm can i get blocked

no i cant. wtf.