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Topics - Theepicman

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Forum Games / High School Adventures [War declared!]
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:37:54 PM »
This is a forum adventure. You are a 14 y.o teenager who has just entered High School as a freshman. Your goal is to make it through Freshman year. The characters actions are based on the forumers that post what the character should do.


HEALTH: Your character will start with 10 HP. If your character signs up for a gym class, he will be able to increase his HP and strength (more on that later).

STRENGTH: There can be bullies that target you, so you would want to work on strength because strength governs character stats such as intimidation and fighting damage. Additionally, it will increase your chances of winning a possible fight and the chance that a bully wont pick you. Your character will start with 4 Strength, not that intimidating and may attract bullies.

1-3 STRENGTH: High chance of getting bullied, low chance of winning a fight, little intimidation.

3-6 STRENGTH: Medium chance of getting bullied, Medium chance of winning a fight, slight intimidation.
6-12 STRENGTH: Less than medium but not low chance of getting bullied, Medium-high chance of winning a fight, intimidating.
15-17 STRENGTH: Low chance of getting bullied, high chance of winning a fight, strong intimidation
20 STRENGTH: Nearly non-existant chance of getting bullied, very high chance of winning a fight, frightening intimidation.

Each day I will roll for bully chance. The more your strength, the more you subtract the bully roll, which is good.

HUNGER: Hunger is a very important mechanic, as it can help determine your overall performance in all classes and in school.

0-30 HUNGER: Your character is very satisfied, and his performance stays normal.
30-50 HUNGER: Your character is satisfied, though his stomach has seen better day, so his performance in school is very slightly decreased.
50-70 HUNGER: Your character is getting hungry, so his performance in school is decreased.
80-100 HUNGER: Your character is very hungry, drastically decreasing his performance in school.

CLASSES: Your classes are very important, as they are crucial to achieving your characters goal. When you get to your class, your teacher will give you an assignment, and you guys will suggest what the character does on the assignment. If your character is facing any penalties regarding school performance, it will be more difficult to complete the assignment.

SOCIAL LIFE: Your social life governs many things such as girlfriends (boyfriends if your character turns gay or bi), friends (more on friends later), and your name on the school newspaper. You can increase this stat by standing up against bullies and helping people and teachers.

1-30 SOCIALITY: Social outcast. People rarely notice you and the ugly girls have a high chance of getting obsessed with you, and the hot girls rarely notice/ get interested in you.
30-60 SOCIALITY: Average socialness. People notice you and sometimes are interested in being your friend, the obsessed ugly girls realize that their chances of them getting with someone as cool as you is low, they back off. Hot girl have a medium chance of noticing you.
60-90 SOCIALITY: Very popular. People notice you in the halls and almost always say hi to you (except bullies, they hate you regardless of sociality, and higher sociality makes them even angrier), and the hot girls have a high chance of noticing you.

BACKSTORY: You are a 14 y.o who has just entered school as a freshman. You were never the social type, and had a very small circle of friends. The school you're going to is filled with many different people, some having personalities you have never seen before. However, the school also has very lenient security, and as a result there will be more bullies who pick on the weak ones.



You are inside the main doors, and see people talking in groups and opening their lockers. An announcement comes up telling you to go to the cafeteria to pick up your class list.

What do you do?

Off Topic / Why are Florida men crazy?
« on: October 19, 2015, 12:04:40 AM »
OK. I have noticed a trend that all weird news almost always comes from Florida men!

Who builds a 24 foot tall chair in their backyard?, and who kills their neighbor over a loving dog argument?

Post weird stuff Florida men do. The only weird thing that a man did that wasn't a Florida man play a banjo naked outside his house for 2 hours.

Off Topic / Most disturbing things to have happened to you v.1
« on: March 31, 2015, 11:25:40 PM »

Here is something weird that I came across. Not mine

Quote from: From a random guy
Ok this is going to be long
About 3 years ago when I was in high school me and a group of about ten other guys where the ultimate pranksters at our school. We spent nearly all of our time preparing pranks and carrying them out then moving on to the next idea. Some of my favorites include when we all pitched in and bought 2000+ bouncy balls snuck into the school and filled every unlocked locker and cabinet we could find with them.

We did lots of bigger and smaller things like getting white rock candy and putting it in plastic bags (to look like coke) and leaving them randomly in the hallways. We blew up a couple toilets and flooded a couple bathroom bathrooms to a knee deep level. I'm not even scratching the surface with the stuff we did if u want a and ask me. But the craziest thing by far was so bad that most of us didn't even want a part in it including me. What happened was at the end of senior year a couple of us went down to the beach and cought a bout a dozen seagulls.

Then we went and bought some alka-seltzer (for those of you who don't know when you give a seagull alka-seltzer the pressure it makes has nowher to go so the seagulls explodes pretty quickly) so they each took about two and hid them in there lockers across the school. Then they simultaneously gave the gulls the tablet and let loose all of the seagulls from their lockers quickly so nobody would notice. People original where just confused when they saw the seagulls flying around the school and next thing you know you heard an awful popping sound and blood and feathers everywhere all across the school.

This happend on the last day of senior year they pulled aside my entire grade in the autitorium and said we where not leaving until whoever did that turned themselves and they would investigate and would receive minimal charges if thy turned themselves in now. Well time went by and they couldent find anything to trace it back to us (after all we never got cought for anything we did because we always were careful and slow but performed big) after a couple hours they let us go. All of us celebrated a successful prank (even those of us who didn't want to be involved in the seagull prank) but man that prank was crazy

Another random thing I came across. Not mine.

Quote from: A person
We were playing Airsoft at my friend's house. We play in the creek behind his house which is a quarter mile long with thick forest on one side, a corn field on the other, and a creek down the middle. Anyway, I was crawling through the cornfield to flank the opposition's right when I came across my friend's brother having love with his girlfriend in the cornfield. I was covered head to toe in ERDL camouflage and had tan grass attached to a good portion of my body (I go a little to far I know). I have no idea how I got to within 4-5 feet from them, but I sure as hell wasn't going to move. This caused me to have to lay prone a watch for them to finish and make their way back to the house. I was finally able to move once they left, and was able to complete my flanking maneuver in the end.

As for me, nothing has happened to me that would qualify as being disturbing, but I know that blf has some disturbing things to share. Go go go!

Off Topic / LSD Vision
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:51:29 PM »
Focus your eyes on the center, don't move your eyes away from the center until the video tells you to stop.

I've tried this using mobile devices but this only seems to work on computers. When I looked away the wall was waving.

Games / Do you like Motion Blur?
« on: March 22, 2015, 05:05:20 PM »
So I've been experimenting with Motion Blur and I don't like it. I would like to hear the opinions from gamers on Motion Blur.

When I experimented, I notice my FPS would be lower when Motion Blur was on. But, when it was off, my FPS was higher. I  have come to the conclusion that I do not like Motion Blur because the results.

Title should be enough to explain what this thread is about. Go go go.

Off Topic / Remember the "What have I missed?" Thread?
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:50:04 PM »
What've I missed Thread.

I just found it when I was going through my posts because I was bored and this is one of the biggest dramas I've ever seen. I remember it being in Off Topic before it was moved to Drama by Badspot. A few people were banned in it.

Does anyone remember it?

I know this took place a few days ago but I just decided to share this with the forums to see your take on this. With that said, Here is the article link. The video link is in the article.

If you're too lazy to click on the article for the video link, here is the link.

Off Topic / The entrepreneur your gun thread v.???
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:47:30 AM »
                              The Make your own gun Thread

Welcome to the Make your own gun thread, where you use your imagination to create a gun. Use This website to make your gun.

Here are some of my creations:

The Michael bay gun

The next generation gun

Go go go.

Off Topic / Weird stuff you believed in when you were a kid V.?
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:00:19 PM »

I'm talking about like 3-8 years old.

When I was taking vitamin supplements I saw something on the box talking about how the vitamin supplements would help your immune system but I thought that your immune system made you immune to everything and I'm talking about knives and falling down large heights. Thankfully I didn't grab a knife to test it out.

Off Topic / My 2 year old creepypasta story.
« on: November 30, 2014, 02:27:39 AM »
I wanted to share this creation with you guys for entertainment. I cant even read through the full thing without breaking out in laughter. Anywho, here it is. If you want to see the original thread click this.
Quote from: Theepicman
Story starts now (Hope you know its made up)

"Sarah, so what is the new house you're gunna buy?" Sammy asked.

"Oh, its a two story house. Seven bedrooms, Four bathrooms, backyard, pool, and a porch."Sarah answered.

Sammy and Sarah arrived at their new home.

"It looks beautiful!"Sarah said in an exicted voice.

"Lets see the bedrooms" Sammy said

As Sammy went up the stairs to check out his room, he heard a voice.

"It must be my brain playing tricks on me"Sammy said to himself.

As he entered the bedroom, it became harder to breath.

"Wierd. It is suddenly harder to breath in this room"

With his real hearing, he heard a voice.

It said "You made a mistake"

"Huh? Augh, this mind of mine is playing tricks again!" Sammy said.


"ALRIGHT! I'M COMING"Sammy yelled

As he got out of the bedroom, he can breath normaly again.

As he walked down the hallway he saw some figure.

It stared at him.

"Huh? Who are you? Get out of my house"Sammy said

The figure said "You must die"

"Look mind, stop playing tricks on me"

The figure dissapeared when he said that.

Sammy got to the pool

"Woah, that is big"Sammy said

"I know!" Sarah said

As he entered the house, he heard a loud noise that sounded like a Deagle shot.

"What was that noise. I heard it from the bathroom" Sammy said.

"I'm gunna come with you" Sarah said.

As sammy and Sarah walked into the bathroom, they saw a note.

It said

"You have made the mistake."

"That was what the mind said to me" Sammy said

"We should get some sleep" Sarah said

"Okay"Sammy said.

Sammy closed the door. Then they both tucked into bed.

Not long, they heard footsteps coming closer to their door.

"I hear footsteps" Sarah whispered

"Its just your mind, Sarah." Sammy whispered.

The footsteps stopped next to their door.

The door slowly opened. A claw was seen.

"I SEE A CLAW" Sarah yelled.

"Calm down Sarah" Sammy said

The claw rushed into the room. They saw a figure rushed at them.

"AAAAH" Sarah yelled.

Just when the claw almost stabbed Sammy, the figure dissapeared.

Sammy and Sarah are panting heavily.

"That was close..." Sarah said.

"They fell asleep"


"I'm gunna cook breakfast." Sarah said

As she entered the kitchen, a knife was hovering.

"Woah, why is that hovering"Sarah said

The knife rushed to her leg

The knife stabbed her leg, making her bleed

"HELP!!" Sarah screamed

"I'M COMING" Sammy yelled

Sammy found Sarah on the kitchen floor, barley concious.

" to the ER" Sarah said

Sarah went unconcious.

Sammy rushed Sarah to the ER

"Fatal injures"The nurse said.

"We'll take her into a room"A specialist said.

Sammy prayed Sarah would be ok.

Five hours later, the doctors came back.

"There is nothing we can do."The specialist said

"She has passed away" A doctor said.

Sammy started crying.

As soon as he started crying, the lights went out.

The lights turned back on and he saw dead doctors on the floor

"What...what is happening..."Sammy said.

The lights went out again.

Red eyes emereged from the far hallway.

The eyes got closer

"Who..who are you??" Sammy said

"I am your nightmare..."The eyes said.

"No...please no!"Sammy said

"Die" The eyes said

Sammy got stabbed in his heart.

Sammy bled to death

Story over c:

Kudos to Duckman for making this image two years ago. I broke out in laughter.

Quote from: Duckman

Off Topic / One year anniversary of the "Its a snake!" Chainban.
« on: November 27, 2014, 06:58:35 PM »
It has been one year ever since the rocket sent forumers to banland. I was a part of that crew.

The thread where the glorious chainban took place.

Off Topic / Create a gun using this website - ROOTY TOOTY POINT AT BOOTY
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:13:34 PM »
Make a gun here. Here is my gun.



Rooty tooty point at booty


Did I do it right?

I call it the 420NS

I call it


                                            DOMINATING GUN COMPANIES

1. Dreams of Cheese
2. Duckman1229
3. Hodotman/Cool boi

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