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Messages - ultimateZAX

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Help / Re: Player Light not functioning in my server
« on: June 02, 2022, 08:39:31 PM »
with this issue you're having, are you hearing the light sound whenever you try to turn it on?

if you aren't hearing it, did entering the command i posted play the sound? or perhaps turn on your light?
Turns out it was that Keyblade thingy. Must've been buggy af.

Help / Re: Player Light not functioning in my server
« on: June 02, 2022, 08:32:40 PM »
Here's the log.

Looking at it in console references several things, such as a buggy Keyblade item I somewhat knew about, as well as Toolgun, HookGun, etc.
I dunno why these are being called in (unless they effect the player's light somehow), but my first thought is that one of these is causing the issue.

Help / Re: Player Light not functioning in my server
« on: June 02, 2022, 08:29:16 PM »
with this issue you're having, are you hearing the light sound whenever you try to turn it on?

if you aren't hearing it, did entering the command i posted play the sound? or perhaps turn on your light?
I don't think I'm hearing a light sound, but I'll get back to you on it ASAP. Using it normally does no sound at all.

Help / Re: Player Light not functioning in my server
« on: June 02, 2022, 07:32:53 PM »
Here's the console.log file. Sorry for not checking back up on this, lol.

Help / Player Light not functioning in my server
« on: May 16, 2022, 07:05:41 PM »
A simple problem, but I have no idea what could be causing it. This is very new to me, never occurred before.

Drama / Re: An Apology.
« on: June 09, 2018, 01:15:02 AM »
noedit: if you're really sorry you should clear your banlist lol
Some of the players banned have legitimately done things they weren't supposed to, like spam crazily without reason. This doesn't mean I'm not going to unban those who are banned, because I'll certainly look into it and consider which to unban.

Drama / Re: More on the subject of explaining things I do.
« on: June 09, 2018, 01:13:19 AM »
this is why i told you to just write your own fanfiction or something, don't subject others to your creepy incest tentacle roleplay.
I've stated that I don't enjoy roleplaying with some people, not all.
I don't have many other sources of which I can roleplay (like an IRL group that does something like "Dungeons and Dragons"-type things). Though, like I said, I have been trying to slowly leech onto other things like comics and other games.

Drama / More on the subject of explaining things I do.
« on: June 09, 2018, 01:04:59 AM »
Part of which I roleplay by myself is because I prefer to build up a story between my own characters. I don't like the idea of roleplaying with people anymore due to others' influences, in and outside of the game/roleplay.

I prefer to make a story by my own hand, rather than share a story with hundreds of people. Because of this, I'm starting to branch away from just the game/server, and start with it on other outside sources (such as other games, and my own little comics I share with my friends in real life).

Drama / An Apology.
« on: June 09, 2018, 12:47:09 AM »
Seeing the rampage of a recent drama, I've came to say that I'm sorry.
I've never meant to represent myself or the server as of such.. needless chaos and oddity.

With the recent roleplays, I've only done such out of boredom and experimentation, not as a primary goal to make people uncomfortable. I sometimes take the time to do things a little my way (even if that little isn't exactly the size it means).

With such claims of certain characters doing some things such as "Vore", I must admit that it is true to which I have done. My reasoning is basically what I have already previously stated, being more of an experimentation.

I seem to have forgotten that some of the community here is sensitive to some subjects like some parts of the "Fantasy" genre, as well as some of the other subjects, such as ERP (Erotic Roleplay). As to which, I apologize to those who were effected (or "scarred") by the actions given in the server at the times of which it has happened.

This message isn't meant to taunt or insult people in any way, shape, or form, as I only mean it as conformation about certain things, mostly as (for the millionth time) an apology to all who found what has happened to be of a waste of time, insult, or other kinds of angering or upsetting impressions.

I'm sorry.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: Copy's face and decal thread.
« on: May 06, 2018, 08:50:08 PM »
Wasn't that "Grim" face taken from Roblox? (If not, I apologize.) I've seen those same eyes on several games on there.

Add-Ons / Re: Hit Numbers
« on: April 17, 2018, 08:40:42 PM »
It seems like everyone is more interested in the mini-nuke than anything. Lol.


Someone told me it was no longer available.    :/

I've been searching for a certain add-on for a while now, but never seemed to have found it, in either the forums or in-game.

I remember one of the weapons being a gun that fired some sort of blade that was effected by gravity, and had a special effect of bouncing or sticking, I don't remember which. I believe it also included a dual variant, unless it didn't/already was dual.

I appreciate the help given in advance.   :cookie:

Help / Re: Glass Friend Disconnect
« on: March 25, 2018, 07:08:43 PM »
This is happening with everyone (if not, then nearly) that has this add-on, including me.

You just gotta wait until they come out with a patch for it.

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