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Messages - FacePalmParadox

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Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: October 12, 2014, 02:14:06 AM »
"the war on industry women"? that needs like a comma or somethin cus I can't figure it out

No, it's just mismanaged structural grammar.

Considering her "noble" cause, she should at least put more thought to her words before she sent them.

Off Topic / Re: Why does the United States education system suck so much?
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:08:19 AM »
I think my biggest disappointment about the USA education system, at least according to my experiences, is that the college I take isn't at all what I expected in high school.

I thought college was gonna be living hell, even though I graduated with a GPA greater than 3.6 in high school,
due to how modular high school is.

You get up 5 days a week for school, and if you're lucky, you get a short day every week,
and as you progress through school, you tend to have pre-defined classes, and some electives later.

And as you go up and up, things become harder and harder,
like you imagine middle school to be really advanced while you're at elementary, then you think high school was going to be really hard when you're in middle school, and then finally college when you're in high school.

Until I actually took college, I though college was just a harder paid version of high school.

It isn't. And it shouldn't be that way, as in it's perfect as it actually is.

In the college I take, everything's a elective, including online courses.
(I did have them at my main deaf school, but not my public school while dual-enrolling.)

And I choose to only go two days per week for actual courses, and take the rest of the courses online.

Grades so far:

Public School: C? (Five Days a week, has less holidays[/color], 5 years of dual-enrollment (6th-10th, 9th/10th was hell.)

Deaf School: A-B  (Five Days a week,Has more holidays, all of my years (Pre-K to 12th))

State College: A-B during high school, A+ after graduation (Three days per week during dual enrollment (10-12th), 2 days post-graduation.)

When I took college for the first time, I realized that college wasn't the living hell my 6-year old self's brain predicted it to be, and then as I started to take more college classes, I realized that college is for adults, like adults who has families and jobs, not like the public school system which is more "for kids", since kids don't seem to have the same range of choice as adults have, even when the kids become old enough to drive a car.

As a high school student, I could pick some classes I want, and some extracurricular stuff, and maybe even a different teacher, but that's it.

As a college student, I pick the classes, I pick the time, I pick the day, and I pick the professor.

I'm much happier now.


In and all, the public school system should at least promote specialization, like specialize in mathematics, science, etc.
College does the same thing, and that's another reason why I'm so disappointed.


If only jobs could be tweaked that way...

Also if I knew what job I want(I don't.)

« on: September 11, 2014, 04:08:28 PM »

Why is this making me feel uncomfortable?

About the IQ debate, I don't think IQs should be taken seriously, since there's always been a trend of intelligence moving higher and higher towards the right side of the bell curve over many years, causing it to adjust so that 100 is the average again, as well as having differing IQ tests that could have a IQ difference significant enough to change people's perception of you, even if you could take these tests at the same time.


I do believe Education is the main way to break poverty, though.

One big example: My own father.

You see, my father is profoundly deaf, all 60 years of his life to now, and he can't speak one coherent English word.

He was born to a hearing family, and as the youngest of 5 brothers and 6 sisters.

They were a poor family, for example, one bed shared by all the brothers and sisters.

All of his brothers were hearing and went to schools like any other kid, while Dad went to a oral-training school,
and he apparently didn't enjoy that, hearing from him.

He didn't learn any real language until he got transferred to another school, a ASL-oriented one, in the 6th grade.

There his character grew tenfold, going from a mute mimic to the school basketball star, taking up so many sports and keeping good/excellent grades.

In the end, Dad was the only one to graduate from high school among his brothers in 1973, because he cared about the future.

A long story short later (40+ years after graduation, no less) , his brothers are worse off, either poor/homeless or even dead at a early age, and Dad seems to be the most successful of them all.

We're not rich, but the fact that all of his children has their own beds (and after they moved out, took college education with financial scholarships) , shows that Dad worked his way out of poverty to be able to support that, let alone computers, phones, and televisions, food, water, things that my father had to worry about while he was my age, as well has his emphasis on education, has he told me numerous times through my life.

For me, Dad started to end the cycle of poverty on his family through education,
and I think it's my turn to finish it in the same means.

Actions speak louder than words, after all.

And an IQ test is just words.


Long wall of text cut short:

Education is important and essential to ending poverty; while IQs are not good indicators of max potential intelligence.

You can have an IQ of 120 or more, but unless you train for things to do, and learn from things you study,and most importantly actually doing it, you'll probably never be good at anything.

« on: September 10, 2014, 11:56:18 PM »
Whoever posted the trypophobia stuff, I think trypophobia is kind of misrepresented.

I mean since trypophobia is de facto the fear of many tiny holes,

People who are trypophobic should be afraid of them in general, I'm aware of that.

But for most of us, we're mostly disturbed with people having holes with stuff in them, or very bumpy skin (making it not really a hole),
because it is not expected for people to have that, while the pictures that don't involve people don't scare us.

We would be scared too if the sun somehow went out, or things are suddenly not what they seem to be, like animatronics that move without being controlled by anything.

Basically the pictures of "people with holes" is the fear of the uncanny valley, as it implies here as well as the robots.

Yes, having holes in your arms is disturbing, but so is mutilation to the body in general, because it is simply "off" and "odd" and "strange"
and even "creepy" or "horrifying".

"Why" is probably another matter, probably due to parasites borrowing in the body, like maggots.

Makes sense, right?

Drama / Re: Banned from Tezuni's Prison Escape
« on: September 03, 2014, 11:09:10 AM »
Wow, I actually respect every point made in this post.
Maybe Emo Freak isn't such a ba-... Nevermind.

There are straight and gay/lesbian people.

...And then Emo Freak.

Forum Games / Re: What is the person above you avatar saying?
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:54:46 PM »
"Oh excuse me, one of my eyes isn't working.

I don't know which one, though."

Forum Games / Re: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:38:12 PM »

As short as this sound is, it's worth a chuckle or two.

Drama / Re: Spanking Simulator Server
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:10:23 PM »
I suggest anyone posting after me to not post, since this is obviously a troll thread, since no proof, no real reason, and overall lack of seriousness or urgency.

If you agree with me, don't post.

Thank you.

Drama / Re: IM Quittng Blockland, Reason?, Crashing.
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:26:49 AM »
Btw, someone read Setro's poem in a Sonic impersonation:

Games / Re: Five Nights at Freddy's
« on: August 20, 2014, 07:20:24 AM »
Someone made this, it's pretty neat.



Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: August 16, 2014, 11:21:40 AM »

This is probably from Franken Fran, one of the most forgeted up surreal/body horror/surgery mangas.

Read at your own risk.

Drama / Re: Badmins
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:58:26 AM »
"Send" is greyed out so it doesn't allow it

Watched the video, it checks out.

Off Topic / Re: Narcissistic Personality Quiz
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:29:28 PM »
I got a 1.

I got a 1...

Forum Games / Re: One Word.
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:30:41 AM »
Kek, rubbed space Yoshi's trees METAL richard

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