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Messages - Prodigy Effects

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Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:29:30 PM »
Lawyer, Great job. Im sorry I didnt use tier tac. but I couldnt install it. And 20 points seemed better than 10 because I thought we were going to have more people show up. But anyway, I won c: GG

Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 20, 2016, 05:07:36 PM »

Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 20, 2016, 03:27:19 PM »
UPDATE: Jiggy will be the one hosting the server unless something comes up because of my laggy server.

Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:54:54 PM »
if you don't use kaje sniper, your clan sucks ok?
Sorry but I cant install it. It doesn't show up in my addon list in game.

Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:35:08 PM »
meeting tomorrow
9:00 EST. My server. We will be using the tier tactical sniper

Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:33:57 PM »
hype for snicreepwn of the century. op you gonna build a spectator section? i would join & drink beer while watching this lmao.
We have a couple of maps in mind for the 1v1 so once we decide a spectating area will be built.

General Discussion / Re: What happened to the Pokemon RPG servers?
« on: July 19, 2016, 11:14:58 PM »
You can become a pokemon and choose the type of pokemon you want to be and you can evolve and there is a lot to it, Flareon and this one guy I forgot hosted it before.
Hotremox used to host it and whenever I see him I bug him about it lol

Clan Discussion / Re: Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:44:00 PM »
If this is an actual sniping clan, I challenge you to a 1v1 snipe battle with the tier tactical sniper rifle on a map of your choice. First to 10 kills win. Winner becomes leader of the Prodigy clan.

I await your answer.

What's your BL name?
Meet me on my server in two days, at 9 at night. I'm fine for us 1v1ing but I refuse to bet leadership of Prodigy. Good luck friend.

Clan Discussion / Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 13, 2016, 08:29:45 PM »
     After a long break of not dealing with Prodigy (mainly because I got investigateed), I decided today that I should bring it back. I understand that people did not like us for just what the clan was based on. That's fine, I don't need people to believe in me because I am me. No one else is me, so I don't need to care about anyone else. Our clan is based on primarily sniping, but no longer trickshotting. Trickshotting was fun while it lasted, but I feel like it was hard to recruit because of it. If you are interested in joining, please leave your BL_ID, And why you think you could help Prodigy. We will contact you if we feel like you are a decent applicant.

Drama / Re: Resolute Gamer/Teck One + Kahnu Hacked Me
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:30:53 PM »
I would like to say that while yes I have the most evidence on Reso, I do believe it was Kahnu who screwed me over the most.

Drama / Resolute Gamer/Teck One + Kahnu Hacked Me
« on: July 08, 2016, 03:17:28 PM »
     So heres what happened, A while ago when I was "Prodigy Effects" I was investigateed by "Kahnu" and "Resolute Gamer". Lets take a look at some of his past dramas:

     If this doesn't prove anything, look at these screenshots of previous Skype conversations w/ him. It is quite pathetic that someone who I trusted would do this to me. He threatened to post some of my vine videos "on researchhub." On freaking researchHUB. That's just disappointing. Also, I have a picture of a conversation from "Kahnu/Buddha" who supposedly did most of the hacking.



Clan Discussion / Re: Why Prodigy will stop trickshotting
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:51:47 AM »
you didn't have to make another thread just to announce that you are shutting down your clan
We're not shutting down..... we are simply removing a part of our clan.

Clan Discussion / Why Prodigy will stop trickshotting
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:44:22 AM »
     So it seems that one of the reasons people dislike the Prodigy clan is because of the whole trick shot aspect of it. That is not by any means why I am not going to press trick shots into the clan. I am going to stop doing it because in the clan, it was easier to get people to do amazing with a sniper. All of the people in the Prodigy Clan are good snipers, but some of them are not good trickshotters. So, will Prodigy members still do trickshots? I am not going to say yes or no, but I will say it is up to that member's own choice.

I already knew this, they were trying to recruit people at the server even to the point of resol extortioning random players, "if you dont join my clan ill ban you"
Resolute Gamer has never brought this up to me, I do not think I can recall him ever telling me when he was going to recruit someone. I do not like that Resolute would say that he would ban someone if they did not comply with his demands. Resolute has seen me recruit people before, and he knows exactly what to do. For him to say this to a player is just unethical.

General Discussion / Prodigy Recruitment Challenge
« on: September 19, 2015, 05:19:51 PM »
     Prodigy needs members, simple as that. So what me and Ecstasy have decided to do is host a server. This server is a Sniper Deathmatch. While players are playing on this server, I will be selecting people who I think stand out from the crowd in terms of skill to join Prodigy. Now this server is mainly for fun however, and it does not revolve around the clan. I am just using it to recruit while others have fun. The server will be up from 5:18 PM EST, to 12:30 PM EST.

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