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Messages - Dilt

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the legend of dilt continues

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: January 30, 2018, 02:42:57 PM »
I busted out my old machine earlier today, looking through old files. Oh no, I've found some screenshots of the old days... The screenshots are from Jan 2006. It looks like I made an army of Bob Dole bots that apparently walked forward through an obstacle course? I do remember the stretched and rotated bricks of ancient times, though!

I've also found the Rise of Blockland server files. Not the ver2 leaked ones, but the actual v1 ones given directly to me by Mr.Wallet back in the day. Dated July 2008. Cool stuff.

As an aside, does Blockland have a central and/or popular discord?

General Discussion / Re: Anyway to buy a lower BLID?
« on: January 24, 2018, 09:48:24 PM »
this thread makes me feel like an old man

I'll show you old.

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:45:52 PM »
It is absolutely Rise of Blockland! Thank you very much, that has been bothering me on and off for weeks now. Also, sup snot

Now get off my lawn, blah blah drama.

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: January 20, 2018, 10:14:22 AM »
I am Dilt

I am a man who bought Blockland 7/5/2007, but I've been playing since the initial freeware versions came out years before this, around 2005.

I have been summoned because I remembered an old server that I used to play on. It was centered around building stuff based on in-game currency that generated over time. Those three blocks in the middle were the currency generators. Does anybody remember this ancient server?

The only pic I have of it (edited, imgur host):

General Discussion / Re: Players/servers that you miss?
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:15:58 PM »
Yep! It was the RISE OF BLOCKLAND!

General Discussion / Re: Players/servers that you miss?
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:27:45 PM »
Edit: Uh, accidental double post.

General Discussion / Re: Players/servers that you miss?
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:25:56 PM »
I remember a lot of you all too! Good to see you all again.

I'm amusing myself by looking through my old posts. My last post really was from 2009! That was two years ago. I am a senior in college and I can say that I've been playing Blockland since like 2005. Oh dear god what have I become.

Oh dear god the Drama Man. I miss the Drama Man. Oh wait, I am the Drama Man. I also miss that server that involved buying/selling resources and building on plots of land. Completely forgot the name, but I have a complete copy of the game script on a hard drive somewhere.

I don't miss the pandaheads. :panda:

General Discussion / Re: Players/servers that you miss?
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:30:46 AM »
Nobody misses me? :(

Drama / Re: Horrible Servers That People Seem To Like For No Reason
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:29:28 AM »
*'s * RPG.

Rarely are they actually RPGs, but people just going 'omfg your all students in school GET IN SKOOL OR BAN1!!'. When it's actually a script RPG, it's usually better, though it's also generally riddled with pandaheads and the admin is usually scripting and unable to properly maintain the game (I am guilty of this).

*'s Build.

Maybe half of the time are you allowed to build in these builds. When you -can- build, and there are no pandaheads, it's usually amazing. There's usually pandaheads though.

And worst of all...
Any DM

Any form of DM, Team, General, whatever. Ninety-nine percent of the time it's usually the admins are wolves and anyone else are sheep. They've got guns, you've got nothing. You're also caged! If you break out or get a weapon OMFG CHEATING BANNNN!!! Even 'normal' ones you can hide around and watch admins yank weapons from 'secret admin spots' they adminwarp to. I don't even try to join these anymore. It has such a low return in effort that it's not even -worth- trying to click on anymore. NEDM.

Achievement Unlocked: The King of Idiots
    Make Dilt post on the forums.

I paid the most for my account. I made a seperate payment arrangement with Notch (PayPal sucks in general, especially when it comes to combining two forms of payment to make a complete one) and wound up spending about half an euro more than everyone else.

Also, here's to being one of the first in the IRC channel and one of the first accounts registered.

And here's a cheer for Notch. Really nice fellow; he isn't like Badspot who breathes hate and fire at idiots.

Edit: Oh, and here's BANDANA SNAKE:

Drama / Re: Best Blockland Players
« on: May 13, 2009, 12:18:34 AM »
Even zombies rise from the dead in order to be on a 'Best Blockland Players' list in Drama.

Drama / Re: [Almost] Everyone is a loving moron.
« on: December 23, 2008, 08:32:10 PM »
The game has physics. Most games have physics. When you push the forward button, you move forward. If you run into something, you stop moving forward. If you are a pong projectile, you may probably bounce off of it. This is physics, by definition of game physics. Any other arguement is void. But let's start anyway, since this is Drama.

  • 'It's not like real life!' Find me a game that is. And before you say anything, I want at least real-time ray tracing in it. Don't know what that is? Go read a book on game design and get back to me on that one.
  • 'But moving around in a thing and bouncing off of things isn't physics!' Yes it is. Please read the following wikipedia article:
  • 'Wait, that means it's not real physics! Yay I win!' Go back to your science class. Physics is the study of the natural laws which command our Universe. Replace Universe with Game World and you're one step closer to winning.
  • 'I don't understand!' The game world has natural laws. If your Blockhead 1 bumps into Blockhead 2, Blockhead 1 stops. That's a natural law of the Blockland game. Or maybe I should rephrase. Physics is being used to describe the presence of these so called natural laws. Since Blockland has some form of these natural laws, it has physics.
  • 'No, you!' Yeah, that's it. MSPaint time.

You fail at Physics! Good day, sir!

Drama / Re: Post other peoples' terrible posts and mock them here.
« on: October 27, 2008, 10:02:32 PM »

Here's your chance, pick out any post from any forum member from any topic you want. Quote it here and criticize it as much as you want. And be prepared to defend your point if/when the original poster catches whiff that you just burned his stuff.

Rules of conduct
- Generally anything goes, but then that doesn't make you immune from other people's flaming now does it??
- Posts are still subject to forum rules of course.

Allow me to begin by picking out a pretty bad post:

Here's an excellent example. Just what the forget is going on? I got the first line, the second line had something going on about money but it lost me in the terrible syntax errors. After that, all the mistakes pretty much snowballed and made the third line even more nonsensical. Or maybe the entire concept of this remark was just terrible? And this was in a ROBLOX friend raid topic of all places, thanks for showing those starfishs exactly how stupid we can get.

Cuda feel free to counter me with whatever you can dredge up, that's part of the game.

Rise up to the challenge! Be a loving MAN! Go burn someone on the internet for making bad posts.

Ahahaha, what a lame post! </dramatroll>

Drama / Re: Rykuta= Build Stealer
« on: October 19, 2008, 05:42:22 PM »
Wait, I said I'd run away, but I want to rant. I spent a good time building a nice little 'tavern-inn' back when he was first starting to make servers. He was also with a 'girl' at the time, giving her admin and the like. Surprise, they want to make a farm. They spam 1x1flatrounds and such to make corn. Next to my tavern. A large area of it. I ask if they can either move it farther (so I can turn down my draw distance, bloody cheap-o old laptop video) or get rid of it. They, of course, don't bless me with a response. They're too busy way off on the other side of the map doing 'ninja' stuff. Mind you, everyone on the server (6-7 people?) had admin, except me. Why did I bother to even finish that build... K, rant over, showertime get.

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