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Topics - naturemon

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Modification Help / Skateboard help?
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:29:21 AM »
Alright someone helped me by modifying a script, however he doesn't know a whole lot about scripting so can someone modify this to not let the player ride through walls and not flip over (or at least when they do, flip back)?
Code: [Select]
//script made by Bas BT 4-1-2010.

datablock WheeledVehicleTire(SkateboardwheelTire)
shapeFile = "./Skateboardwheel.dts";
staticFriction = 4;
kineticFriction = 7;

// Spring that generates lateral tire forces
lateralForce = 18000;
lateralDamping = 4000;
lateralRelaxation = 1;

// Spring that generates longitudinal tire forces
longitudinalForce = 18000;
longitudinalDamping = 4000;
longitudinalRelaxation = 1;

datablock WheeledVehicleSpring(SkateboardwheelSpring)
// Wheel suspension properties
length = 0.3;                // Suspension travel
force = 3500;              // Spring force
damping = 800;             // Spring damping
antiSwayForce = 6;        // Lateral anti-sway force

datablock WheeledVehicleData(SkateboardwheelVehicle)
category = "Vehicles";
displayName = "skate Board";
shapeFile = "./Skateboard.dts";
emap = true;
minMountDist = 3;
numMountPoints = 1;
mountThread[0] = "root";

massCenter = "0 0 0";
//massBox = "2 5 1";

maxSteeringAngle = 0.85;
integration = 4;           

cameraRoll = false;         // Roll the camera with the vehicle
cameraMaxDist = 13;         // Far distance from vehicle
cameraOffset = 7.5;        // Vertical offset from camera mount point
cameraLag = 001;           // Velocity lag of camera
cameraDecay = 0.75;        // Decay per sec. rate of velocity lag
cameraTilt = 0.4;
collisionTol = 0.1;        // Collision distance tolerance
contactTol = 0.1;

useEyePoint = false;

defaultTire = SkateboardwheelTire;
defaultSpring = SkateboardwheelSpring;
flatTire = SkateboardwheelTire;
flatSpring = SkateboardwheelFlatSpring;

numWheels = 4;

mass = 400;
density = 5.0;
drag = 1.6;
bodyFriction = 0.6;
bodyRestitution = 0.6;
minImpactSpeed = 5;        // Impacts over this invoke the script callback
softImpactSpeed = 5;       // Play SoftImpact Sound
hardImpactSpeed = 15;      // Play HardImpact Sound
groundImpactMinSpeed    = 10.0;

engineTorque = 4000; //4000;       // Engine power
engineBrake = 600;         // Braking when throttle is 0
brakeTorque = 8000;        // When brakes are applied
maxWheelSpeed = 40;        // Engine scale by current speed / max speed

rollForce = 900;
yawForce = 600;
pitchForce = 1000;
rotationalDrag = 0.4;

justcollided = 0;

uiName = "Skateboardwheeler Board ";
rideable = true;
lookUpLimit = 1.6;
lookDownLimit = 1.6;

paintable = true;

minRunOverSpeed    = 1;   //Skateboardwheel fast you need to be going to run someone over (do damage)
runOverDamageScale = 10;   //when you run over someone, speed * runoverdamagescale = damage amt
runOverPushScale   = 10; //Skateboardwheel hard a person you're running over gets pushed

steeringUseStrafeSteering = false; //this vehicle has pitch control, so we can't use strafe steering

function Skateboardwheel::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col,%vec,%speed)
   // Collision with other objects, including items
    Parent::onDamage(%this, %obj);

function Skateboardwheel::onAdd(%this,%obj)

function StaticShapeData::create(%block)
 %obj = new StaticShape()
      dataBlock = %block;

function ServerCmdOllie(%client)
%pmount = %client.player.getObjectMount();
%vec2 = %pmount.getForwardVector();
%vec2 = VectorNormalize(%vec2);
%vec2 = VectorScale(%vec2, 15);
Checkheight(%client, %pmount);
%client.ollie = 1;
if(%pmount.getDataBlock().getname() $= "SkateboardwheelVehicle"){
if(!%client.ollie) return;
%vec3 = %pmount.getposition();
%client.ollie = 0;
%vec = VectorAdd(%pmount.getposition(), "0 0" SPC 10);
%vec = VectorAdd(%vec, %vec2);
%vec = VectorSub(%vec, %vec3);
%vec = VectorNormalize(%vec);
%vec = VectorScale(%vec, 30);
messageclient(%client,"","You are not on a Skateboard.");

function CheckHeight(%client, %obj)
%Zspeed = getWord(%obj.getvelocity(), 2);
if(%Zspeed < 0.35 && %Zspeed > -1.5)
%client.ollie = 1;
%client.ollie = 0;

function ServerCmdNitro(%client)
%pmount = %client.player.getObjectMount();
if(%pmount.getDataBlock().GetName() $= "SkateboardwheelVehicle"){
messageclient(%client,"","You do not have Nitro charged.");
%vec = %pmount.getForwardVector();
%vec = VectorAdd(%vec, "0 0" SPC 0.3);
%vec = VectorNormalize(%vec);
%vec = VectorScale(%vec, 65);
%client.nitro = 1;
messageclient(%client,"","You are not on a Skateboard.");

function Nitroit(%client)
%client.Nitro = 0;

function SkateboardwheelVehicle::OnTrigger(%this, %obj, %triggerNum, %val)
      if(%triggerNum == 2){

function ServerCmdToggleMidollie(%client)
if(%client.issuperadmin || %client.isadmin)
  $pref::server::Midollie = 0;
  messageAll('','Midollie is now disabled!');
  $pref::server::Midollie = 1;
  messageall('','Midollie now enabled!');

Faces, Decals, Prints / Brown Haired smiley
« on: December 31, 2009, 05:08:10 PM »
I decided blockland needed one of these because..really only one face with actually decent looking hair?

So tell me what you guys think.


Modification Help / Skateboard coding help
« on: December 30, 2009, 01:30:34 AM »
Alright a user of the forums named Pi has given me the pieces needed to create a skateboard HOWEVER I don't have a clue about scripting and editing a script (which I have tried) doesn't work for me because I'm not very good at it, so can someone please help me with this? I have the main board itself and as a separate model a wheel...please help someone. (If you would like to help please message me. ASAP)

(this has been posted on 2 forums because it technically belongs in either but this one seems to fit more)

Gallery / Blockland Skatepark
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:50:08 AM »
I decided to create a skate park as soon as one of my siblings informed me of the bike add on by Pandan, so tell me what you think and what I can add to this place, I am going to try to get an actual skateboard mod for this place so please don't point that out.

Modification Help / Skateboard coding help
« on: December 29, 2009, 11:51:53 PM »
Alright a user of the forums named Pi has given me the pieces needed to create a skateboard HOWEVER I don't have a clue about scripting and editing a script (which I have tried) doesn't work for me because I'm not very good at it, so can someone please help me with this? I have the main board itself and as a separate model a wheel...please help someone. (If you would like to help please message me. ASAP)

Suggestions & Requests / We need skating equipment
« on: December 28, 2009, 04:52:38 PM »
I have a skate park server that gets around 100+ people every day and is usually always full but seems like it is...missing something. We don't have a lot of sports like equipment like a skateboard (hover board sucks and has TERRIBLE control). So please someone make some skating equipment.

Suggestions & Requests / Server sided clan tag mod
« on: December 19, 2009, 10:45:59 PM »
There should be a mod that shows people's clan tags next to a person's name, I don't mean in chat I mean above the player's head, it would lessen the burden for people like me who share accounts with other members of their household, so no one goes "um so which is the one with the clan tag?".

Help / Blockland has no sound
« on: December 16, 2009, 06:39:17 PM »
It has no sound at all, including the main menu and anything that would make sound, I reinstalled my drivers, blockland and all other programs have sound. Can someone please help? (This includes in game sound also)

Help / I have an error every time i'm finished ghosting?
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:39:18 PM »
I get the error message saying that blockland has experienced an error and needs to quit >.>, any ideas? I played the same game yesterday, and with no changes to my comp it started this today...

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