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Topics - Ceist

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Help / Failed to perform Bzip2 decompression
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:52:52 PM »

This happens every time I try to start up blockland.

I still don't have my key yet either, I just wanted to play the Demo.

Off Topic / Where will you be in 20 years?
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:20:35 AM »
I'll be sitting on my man-made island, smoking a cigar and drinking liqour with a friend named Teddy.

Help / Lost Key and no recovery available.
« on: May 27, 2013, 01:46:04 AM »
I've lost my key and can not retrieve it through the e-mail we received it in because we don't have the password for it and google is asking for us to pay for support for the account. I've made a topic in Help for this issue, but it wasn't answered. I've also sent an e-mail before and it wasn't answered.
My ID is 14139 and my username is Ceist and I purchased from I have proof of purchase as well.

I want to recover my key. This message is more directed at Badspot.

Games / Half-Life movie?
« on: May 27, 2013, 12:19:46 AM »

i might be late, but that's not important.

Off Topic / help me with my computer please
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:27:32 AM »
i am having computer trouble. in the last thread i didn't get much help.

my problem is that images won't load, youtube videos keep stopping in the middle of buffer or skipping 3-5 seconds of the video. steam has constant trouble connecting to the internet. skype takes forever to come online, or doesn't even come online at all. certain games that don't require steam refuse to update. my anti-virus (malwarebytes PRO) doesn't detect anything. I used CCleaner to get rid of unncessary programs.

i can't reformat, and i can't restore to a previous date. i need help seriously.

Off Topic / Blockland forums should go to PAX
« on: May 12, 2013, 04:13:23 PM »
The next scheduled event is in Seattle, Washington on August 30-September 02.

i've been having computer troubles for the last week. steam won't load. youtube videos replay themselves sometimes, or just end randomly in the middle, as if they were uploaded for a shorter time period than what they were supposed to, or they start getting video errors, such as pixelation or green screen errors. some images won't load, they'll stop half-way down before turning to static then a grey spot. like a corrupted jpg file. it also screwed up blockland, therefore i have to constantly re-enter my key, but i don't have it anymore so i can't, so i haven't played in 3 months. my anti-virus (malwarebytes) says it hasn't been updated since 22 days ago, but it said that as soon as i downloaded it to try and fix the issue. i ran a scan it came up with nothing. my mother downloaded all these other useless anti-virus programs like windows defender or whatever and it came up with nothing. we tried to reformat but we can't. (or my mother doesn't remember how to) we can only restore back to april 26th, but that's work either.
can i get some help please, like how to reformat so i can try it myself, or something to fix this stuff without reformatting.
i'm going to run another scan, then go to bed.

Off Topic / i love sauce.
« on: May 01, 2013, 01:17:33 AM »
whenever i get barbecue sauce, mustard, or ranch, i'll usually use it on my food but if there's any left i just eat it with my finger. this includes vegetable dip and salsa.

It's just an amazing song, there is no singing, just humming and a guitar. The song is best listened to at night or when you're alone, so you feel its full effect.

What makes this song so much more interesting is that it was embedded on the Voyager-1 space probe along with many other things that represent humanity and it's celestial neighbors. The song is supposed to represent the loneliness of humans, which is exactly what I believe it represents.

Another neat thing is that the most lonely person ever was Michael Collins, apart of Apollo 11, he was the command director in a pod orbiting the moon, and when he passed over the far side of the moon, all communication was lost between him and the rest of Apollo 11 and Earth, making him the most isolated man ever.

just something neat.

Forum Games / Living Alone
« on: March 30, 2013, 04:13:35 AM »
Living Alone

This is a text-story of a lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse. I will be taking requests from the community on what he should do throughout his hopefully long journey ahead. The communities decisions will decide whether or not he lives or dies, use your knowledge and and wits to aid our survivor.

The story takes place in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapses, a biochemical plant in Mongolia funded by both the U.S., U.K., Mongolia, China, France, Germany and the U.S.S.R. in a joint operation to create a biological cure for all disease. When the Russians are forced to abandon the project, the extra funding is left behind to the remaining countries.
The U.S. and the U.K. leave the project to fund a war in the Middle East.
Seven years later, France leaves the project as they believe it will go no where.
In 2003, China leaves due to an outbreak of SARS.
In 2007, Germany leaves due to a outbreak of economic cries in Europe.
With lack of efficient supplies and funding, Mongolia with little funding from it's allies shuts down the plant in 2016, sending all foreign scientists and workers back to their home countries. A Mongolian janitor comes into the plant in suicidal rage out of losing his job. He kills two security guards and releases the yet-to-be destroyed biological material.

The release of the material infects northern Mongolia, killing off most of the population. Mongolian officials declare a state of emergency, requesting help from China, Russia, and South Korea. Wind blows the now airborne material into Siberia, killing off local tribes and the farmers who live there. As the material moves across Siberia, into the more-populated Moscow and St. Petersburg killing off millions. The material continues it's devastation out upon Europe, overtaking Italy and eastern France in a matter of weeks. Newly independent Scotland begins closing it's borders to English immigrants. Ireland later closes it's borders to Europeans immigrants before English military fire into the populated regions of Ireland. The material ends up later across the Atlantic into Alaska and Canada. The U.S. and Canada declare marshal law and close it's borders. The material makes it down through central Canada into the U.S. The U.S. splits into Western U.S. and Eastern U.S. but is still overtaken by the pandemic. Mexico and Central America is infected with the material, Cuba turns into a civil war, the military killing all civilians without mercy. Brazil starts opening up Quarantine Shelters that can resist the pandemic and starts helping Argentina and Chile build their own. Argentina and Chile do not survive the infection, but Brazil survives with only three quarantine shelters up and running, as the other four have been breached. Australia and New Zealand are unaffected for a very long period of time, however in 2018, boat loaded with dead bodies reach Australian shore, and the quarantine centers in Brazil are breached. The plague continues to ravage the planet, destroying all human life.
As of now in 2021, 6.7 Billion people have died because of the infection material. 300 Million remain, but still dwindles down, as people leave their protective chambers, or war tears them apart. The infection material has mutated into new forms at least four times a year, and has mutated into a strain that bonds with water, but kills itself off as it does so.

The character the community will control is named Hanns van Claude, from Austria at age 37.
Right now his story will remain unknown and his hobbies and favorites will remain unknown. Everything you want to know about him will be reveals as the story goes on, but can only be revealed by the community.

  • Three 7.62x51mm NATO full magazines
  • Thermos
  • Duct Tape
  • Bandages
  • Morphine Syrette
  • Three .45's
  • Collapsible Tent
  • Sleeping Bag
  • One change of clothes
  • Binoculars
  • Oil Lamp
  • Two Glowsticks
  • Crowbar
  • Heavy-Duty Flashlight
  • DD-Batteries

This is where I get off, I hope you all make wise decisions and guide him through our beloved planet in one peace.


Hanns wakes up in a sleeping bag in a small shack in Alfenz Land, Central Austria. Next to him in the shack is your rifle a Steyr SSG-69, a dim oil lamp on his other side, and his backpack at the end of the shack under a work-table. He looks around the room some more, noticing a tractor, and some shelves with paint cans, tools, parts for some sort of vehicle. On the work table is a dead man with a hatchet in his head, he is wearing overalls and there is a Luger hanging out the back of his pants.

Off Topic / remember when the world ended 10 times?
« on: March 28, 2013, 08:47:07 AM »
i sure do, apparently it's also ending on march 31st or some stuff, or next month in april i can't remember.

Games / redline 2066: gang warfare
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:16:40 AM »
i'm looking for a download for this game, it's no longer being sold and i can't seem to obtain a copy, not even through torrent services. can anyone help me out? game looks like this:

Suggestions & Requests / animated skybox
« on: March 20, 2013, 04:15:23 AM »
so i was watching this when i thought:

hey, the skybox can move and stuff, so can it be animated or something, to show off as the clouds dissipate and form?
so is this possible?

Off Topic / I need a good post-apocalyptic book
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:45:33 PM »
I was on the website for my schools library and they don't have Metro 2033 so I need a different book.
suggestions please

Off Topic / Steam troubles
« on: March 15, 2013, 01:31:11 AM »
I tried reinstalling steam because of an earlier issue, which lead to a stuff-load more of issues which were only half-way resolved, viruses and such.

Anyways as I tried reinstalling steam, and this keeps coming up.

and as you can see, I have a clear connection to the internet.

I tried logging in through the steam website, and when it requests a code being sent to me e-mail, I can only go through my entrance page of my log-in, and my inbox, but not any other folder to check if it's there. I also haven't received any new e-mails apparently since the first of March, which makes no sense at all.

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