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Topics - TheLeaderOfTheRebellion

Pages: 1 [2]
Games / Lambda Wars: Free HL2 RTS
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:29:38 AM »
The Combine
-need energy and (basically pylons) to build
-stronger units that cost more
The Rebels
-need scrap and stuff to build
-weaker units that you can spam
if u dont il fkn kil u scrub

Drama / Solaria the Blaziken (26355): Badmin
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:54:20 PM »
I connect to their server.
Immediately told username is "god awful".
I say "It's %, not "god awful"".
Some other people chime in with irrevelant stuff.

how do i shrink images?

Games / Town of Salem Thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:31:01 PM »
Town of Salem is a game with three major factions:
the Town, the biggest faction in the game: their job is to kill the Mafia and Neutral Killing or Witch.
the Mafia, who want to kill the Town and Neutral Killing.
and the Neutrals, who have a variety of roles. Neutral Killing wants everyone dead, and Witch wants only Town dead, while Survivor just wants to live!
The twist?
Nobody knows who's who.

General Discussion / Instagib
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:45:22 AM »
I'm hosting instagib, will change around map if requested.
Instagib is a server where you have 1 hp.

Help / Text effects?
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:54:41 PM »
How do you do the "offset shadow" like trogtor's welcome message? (Has another text below it, that gets obscured by other text)
I know how to do fonts colors and stuff

General Discussion / Anyone have Jorgur's or Visolator's RPG code?
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:02:32 AM »
Asking Viso for it but I heard some people had Jorgur's. Anyone with it that canh ost?

Drama / Teoras1: Mini Empires Badmin Host
« on: November 11, 2013, 12:09:21 PM »
(I couldn't get screenies but several people will support me)
We were on Teoras1's good MERP server. Videot, Foopster, other people and I were on one side against Teoras right before the event happened. Then, i ordered my book-ripped people using camo cloaks to sabotage his catapult, but he claimed it was "super OP."
Then, he tells us to remove our catapult wall. I previously built catapults for both sidees.
We don't agree that it's overpowered, so we don't. He then ragequits and closes the server.

« on: April 03, 2013, 10:33:57 AM »
I downloaded Torque 3d 2.0 recently and can't find the launcher. Website says something about VS.

Suggestions & Requests / [SUGGESTIONS] Ion Shockwave
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:16:13 PM »
The ION SHOCKWAVE will be in a class of its own. Vote for look! It will have High or Low damage depending on if you charge it or not.  COOKIEZ, and Awesome! are accepted as good ratings. Now, we need a good modeler and coder to make the weapon! Please try!  :cookieMonster: asks you to. And, here's a  :cookie: .

Clan Discussion / [HS]/[RB] Clan; Please Join!
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:57:13 PM »
We have made a clan called Headshot, or Rebellion for our special members. What We Need: 1. Publicity! We need more people. 2. Members! Of course we need MEMBERS! 3. A banner! Please make a banner!     HeadShot or ReBellion are going to be clans of Mini Empirers, Deathmatchers, Fort War players, and Zombies players. Banner: MAKE IT please           Any Suggestions? Ask Me.

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