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Topics - Masterlegodude

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 [13] 14 15 16 17 18 ... 32
Off Topic / Merry December!
« on: December 01, 2009, 12:41:56 PM »
Hooray, i love this time of year, i like decorating windows with stuff (Lights, window stickers), i like decorating our Christmas tree with lights (And musical lights), pretty garland, and ornaments!

It's nice to see how other people decorate the outsides of their house, but unfortunately, my neighborhood doesn't decorate much :(

So now it's time to get yer Christmas avatars on and be all happy happy joy joy! :D

Games / Garry's Mod update 72! (New background)
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:10:49 AM »
GMod Update 72

The new background:

I personally don't like it, the original one better and some of the screenshots posted in the Contest Thread were plenty better than this

What is your opinion?

Games / Garry's Mod contest: Garry's Mod Background!
« on: November 18, 2009, 08:25:18 AM »
A challenge has been put up on, this challenge is to see who can take the best screenshot and then have it made as the background!

Garry is looking for a new Garry’s Mod Background. The background image will be shown at the main menu. Here’s your shot to get your work seen by everyone playing when Garry’s Mod starts up!

If you would like your background to be considered for use, you must follow the rules below.

1. Don’t paste text onto the picture
2. Enable Anti-aliasing
3. High resolution
4. Ideally widescreen

Screenshots must be posted over in the forum thread. Good luck!

Still working on my Snowmobile and i'm dumbfounded, i'm trying to make the player's hands go up by using the 'armReadyBoth' animation when they mount the vehicle, and for their hands to go back down when they un-mount it, i've been trying different things, but i can't seem to get it working, i would like some help with this

Off Topic / Team Fortress 2 Holiday Cards!
« on: November 13, 2009, 03:28:02 PM »

Modification Help / Snowmobile problems...
« on: November 07, 2009, 11:42:54 AM »
So i'm making a Snowmobile, it has three wheels (Two fronts for steering and a back wheel), i want the wheels to be invisible, but i'm having trouble doing this, also, i've been messing with the 'mass' and stuff trying to make the Snowmobile fall on its side when turning, and it seems to slow it down and/or make it have a hard time getting off the Spawn Brick, and the collision mesh, i have it's LOD set to -1, cause that's what i was told to use, but the collision keeps appearing at certain distances (Disappears when taking a screenshot of it, not if it's a Print Screen though), how do i fix these? D:

Current model (Might fix it up one day)

Visible collision mesh

The collision mesh shows up as the shadow too

Flips over too easy (Yes i did enable 'Camera roll', to make it more interesting)

I was hoping i could fix these myself, i've been doing what i can, and... i failed ._.

Gallery / The Nightmare Before Blockland by Block Eye Entertainment
« on: November 01, 2009, 04:25:40 AM »
Yes, another great animation by Block Eye Entertainment, this one is a Blockland version of the movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', but the video is only as long as the song 'This is Halloween' from said movie :D


General Discussion / I'm making holiday namesand outfits!
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:57:16 AM »
I've brought it upon myself to make not just holiday related avatars, but also holiday related names for Steam and holiday related outfits for Blockland, here's what i got

1. Masterlegodude View Image

Jan 1st New Years: (I'm red white and blue, the colors of the USA flag)
2. NewYearslegodude View Image
Good enough

Feb 14 Valentine's Day: (I'm pink, like a heart (Technically) )
3. Valentinelegodude View Image
Good enough

Mar 17th St. Patrick's Day: (I'm green like a four leaf clover, but i'm rather undecided about this outfit)
4. St. Particklegodude View Image
Not sure

Apr 1st April Fools' Day: (I'm dark and stealthy like a ninja or something)
5. Trickylegodude View Image

Apr 12th Easter Sunday: (I'm white like an easter egg, i don't really like this outfit though)
6. Easterlegodude View Image
Not sure

May 5th Cinco De Mayo: (I'm the colors of the Mexican flag, but i'm unsure of this outfit)
7. Cinco De Legodude View Image

Sep 19th Talk Like A Pirate Day: (I'm dressed like a pirate, i'll keep this one)
 8. Piratelegodude View Image

Oct 31st Halloween: (I'm like a zombie, this is pretty good)
9. Zombielegodude View Image

Dec 25th Christmas: (I'm dressed in a Santa Claus kind of way)
10. Santalegodude View Image

I wanted 10 holiday related outfits to take up all the saved outfit slots in Blockland, and these are ones i've chosen, but the ones in yellow and red, i need a better outfit (Face needs to stay the same though) and possibly a better name, i would like some help with what i can do with these outfits as i am drawing blanks here

Games / My Gmod achievement icons are messed up
« on: October 15, 2009, 03:23:34 AM »

I don't know why this happened, i have downloaded nothing that may have caused it, and past achievements have these, and they change every time i start up Garry's Mod, as for Ball Eater, i got it in that one time i had Gmod open, so that one was normal for the time being, now that i shut Gmod down, i don't know, some of the images are quite disturbing and one image i thought it needed censoring just in case (The one with the naked black baby)

Games / Left 4 Dead 2: Achievements list
« on: October 13, 2009, 06:07:09 AM »

My favorite ones:
A SPITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS - The Beatles - With a Little Help From My Friends
CL0WND - Reminds me of L4D's Cr0wnd achievement
RODE HARD, PUT AWAY WET - Reminds me of TF2's Sniper's achievement 'Rode Hard, Put Away Wet'
SCATTERING RAM - lolbatteringram
WEATHERMAN - And for the weather today, a 60% chance of zombie corpses followed by a 30% chance of blood
STILL SOMETHING TO PROVE - Referencing L4D's achievement 'What Are You Trying to Prove?'

Modification Help / Shaper fails to export MS3D ASCII file
« on: October 08, 2009, 03:12:54 AM »
Seeing as how xC uses my chairs, i thought i'd search the forums and remake them, fix up their script, etc, but i don't have the .ms3d files on this XP computer (I don't know about the Vista one), so i thought i'd use Shaper to import the .dts, and export it as a MS3D ASCII .txt file, but then this error comes up

I looked at the exMS3D.lua file with Notepad and looked for line 189 (Manually, cause i forget what program can search for a line, seeing as how Notepad and WordPad can't), this is what i saw
Code: [Select]
function exMS3D:exportMaterial(material, exportFile)

-- name
exportFile:write("\"" .. material:getName() .. "\"\n")

self:exportColor(material:getAmbientColor(), exportFile)

self:exportColor(material:getDiffuseColor(), exportFile)

self:exportColor(material:getSpecularColor(), exportFile)

-- emissive
self:exportColor(Color(), exportFile)

-- shininess

-- transparency

exportFile:write("\"" .. material:getDiffuseMap() .. "\"\n")

-- alpha map
The '-- transparency' line or the line below it is possibly line 189, i don't see any problems, but then again, i know nothing about LUA, let alone Torque Script, so i'm not sure :S

Off Topic / Shelf Life (A Garry's Mod machinima) by PixelEyesProduction
« on: September 09, 2009, 12:40:44 PM »
I just thought that this was pretty well done and was deserving of a topic

PixelEyesProduction is making a series in Garry's Mod called Shelf Life, they're currently at Chapter One, this series has pretty good potential IMO

Shelf Life Chapter One Part 1

Shelf Life Chapter One Part 2

They've also made a 'Thank you' video for their fans and stuff, it's pretty interesting to watch

PixelEyesProduction's Youtube channel

Off Topic / I'm sick :(
« on: September 06, 2009, 01:53:20 AM »
I got sick about two days ago, i have a stuffy nose, slightly sore throat, i used to have back-drip, but that hasn't happened in a while, and my body is aching, like my left arm, my right wrist (Doesn't hurt as bad as it used to), and my chest, this makes it rather uncomfortable to sleep, this SUCKS, i hate being sick, going to the doctor may not help, a few times i went to the doctor with a stuffy nose, sore throat, etc, and got nothing for it, cause medicine isn't really needed for those symptoms, they go away on their own, but i could at least get these pains checked out

No doctor comes in until probably Tuesday due to Monday being a holiday ._.

Games / Left 4 Dead 2: Dark Carnival
« on: August 29, 2009, 09:27:12 AM »

Looks pretty neat, also, clowns? Sounds interesting AND nightmare inducing! :D

Create a Blockland shortcut on the Desktop, you can do this by going to your Blockland directory (i.e. C:\Program Files\Blockland), right click Blockland.exe, hover over 'Send To' to bring up a list, on that list, click 'Desktop (create shortcut)', now go to your Desktop, right click the Blockland shortcut, go to Properties, then click on the text box with 'Target:' on the side of it, and at the very end of the file path, copy and paste this
Code: [Select]
-mod editorIt should then look like
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\Blockland\Blockland.exe" -mod editorOr where ever you have your Blockland installed to, then hit Apply then OK, and now you should be able to access the Mission Editor by starting a game in Blockland and hitting F11

Lightning, Rain and Misty Rain

This add two precipitations data called HeavyRain and MistyRain and lightning data called LightningStorm to the Mission Editor (F11)

How to use it
Download the .zip below, then drag it to the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder, then start up Blockland, then hit Start a Game, then hit the button that says Add-Ons, and scroll down till you see Weather_LightningRainMist, click it to activate it, then hit OK, then click 'Launch Game'

To use it in your map, while in your server (Only the server host can do this), hit F11, then hit F4 to go to Mission Editor Creator, and on the top of the game screen, click the button that says 'World', then click 'Drop at Camera', and on the bottom right of the game screen, go to Mission Object, then Environment, then click Precipitation, a window will pop up, on the window, click on the drop-down list, choose either HeavyRain or MistyRain, for Lightning, while in the Environment list, instead of choosing Precipitation, this time, choose Lightning, a window will pop up with a drop-down list labeled 'DefaultStorm', click it, and click LightningStorm on the list (DefaultStorm does NOT work!)

To see these better, you should place them in a dark map, and if you spawn in any interior, like in the Bedroom map, you spawn in the Bedroom, you'll need to go outside to see the Precipitation/Lightning, you can change how the lightning works and how it looks by going into Mission Editor by hitting F11, then going to Mission Editor Inspector by hitting F3, and in the box on the right, click the [+] next to what's usually named MissionGroup - SimGroup to expand the list of stuff in the map, on the bottom of the list, click Lightning, then under the list, some drop-down menus will appear, click on them and start messing with them, changing the numbers in the Strikes or Color drop-down lists can be quite fun, but for Strikes, it can get pretty loud, so i suggest you keep it low

Misty Rain


Mission Music

Allows you to add music to certain maps, via the .mis files in the files (.mis files can be opened up with Notepad)

How to use it
To make it work, download it by clicking the link below, then drag it to your Add-Ons folder in your Blockland directory like you would any other add-on, then go to Blockland/Add-Ons and open up any file and add before the
Code: [Select]
part in the end of the .mis file

Code: [Select]
   new AudioProfile(Mission_Music)
      filename = "Add-Ons/Music/MUSICNAMEHERE.ogg";
      description = "AudioDefaultLoop";
      preload = false;
   }; should then look like this

Code: [Select]
   new AudioProfile(Mission_Music)
      filename = "Add-Ons/Music/MUSICNAMEHERE.ogg";
      description = "AudioDefaultLoop";
      preload = false;

You can change MUSICNAMEHERE to whatever .ogg file is in the Music folder, ONLY players with that .ogg file can hear the song playing

You can also replace Mission_Music in the '   new AudioProfile(Mission_Music)' line with Mission_SoundFX if you're not using a song and instead are using a sound effect like wind or something


Editing the Mission Music data in the Mission Editor (When you spawn in the map that uses the Mission Music), changing the .ogg's file name will not change the song in-game, you'd need to change the file name in the .mis file you edited, then you need to restart Blockland for the changes to take effect

Edit: DOH! Wrong section, move this to Modification Discussion please!

Actually, y'know what? I don't know where this topic would go, either Modification Discussion or here :S

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