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Topics - Demian

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 [20] 21 22 23 24 25
Help / "Mining admin" button in admin menu
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:43:20 AM »
I have this purple "Mining admin" button in my admin menu for some reason. I do not have any boring mining add-ons enabled, so what is the name of this broken add-on that adds such a button when it is not enabled?

Modification Help / Model colors wash out
« on: January 14, 2011, 07:10:57 PM »
My model's colors wash out to an almost shadeless state on the side that is facing the sun. Why?

If you look at the RL you can see the difference.

Modification Help / Advanced RPG Tools
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:03:26 PM »
Advanced RPG Tools

Don't hold your breath on this one. I am really slow when working with add-ons and really lazy. Primary deadline is before summer. The tools are intended for more advanced RPGs as they require some above average eventing for them to really do anything. If you some other tools you would want, by all means tell me.

Tools included
  • Axe
  • Pickaxe
  • Fishing rod
  • (Fishing net)
  • Fishing spear

  • Bronze
  • Iron
  • Steel

I want to add just the very basic materials for the tools as you can very easily add your own. If you can't do that yourself, then you probably shouldn't even be using these tools.

Add-Ons / VCE HUD prints break centerprint
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:59:03 AM »

It breaks centerprints and apparently lags the server to death when Rapid Fire is used too much.

Help / Moving builds without them losing ownership
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:53:02 PM »
I need to move various builds built by other people from one location to another without the bricks losing ownership or me having to full trust anyone. How would I do this on my server where I am Super Admin?

Off Topic / Monty - A dynamic program that learns English from you
« on: January 02, 2011, 03:00:04 PM »
"Teach me English!" -Monty

Surprisingly entertaining.

Suggestions & Requests / Fireworks
« on: December 30, 2010, 08:36:51 AM »
I've seen a few server with firework projectiles but I can't find them anywhere. Care to point me in the right direction?

Modification Help / Projectile collision mesh
« on: December 28, 2010, 09:19:22 AM »
Can projectiles have a collision mesh? Currently it is a one dimensional point in the middle of the model. Can I change that to a cube for example?

Modification Help / Projectile questions
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:39:26 AM »
Is it possible to make a projectile spawn an explosion datablock when it bounces off anything?

Is it possible with a script of some sort to make a projectile fake kill, in a minigame, any brick it hits?

Can projectiles have some sort of armature or something that controls where the projectile's emitter comes from?

I also need a script for Grapple Rope. It needs to keep the projectile alive until the fire button is released. You hold down the fire button and it fires a projectile and that projectile disappears when the fire button is released. Possible?

Modification Help / Projectile rotation
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:06:53 AM »
Is it possible to add some sort rotation value for projectiles so they would rotate at a specified speed?

General Discussion / Demian's Knife TDM
« on: December 26, 2010, 06:21:35 AM »
Demian's Knife TDM
Online from 27.12.2010 to 31.01.2011.

Great thanks to Kalphiter for providing me with this server. The server will be up till January 31st. Enjoy! Knife TDM up again.

Donations accepted but not required.
This fancy high speed dedicated server cost me 15 US dollars. So I would appreciate if you would be so nice as to click the neat button below to donate me some money. If I gather up enough money from donations, about 10$, I would be more than happy to pay for another month.

Current donations: 0.25$
Donations needed: 10$

Pecon7: 0.25$

Modification Help / General Blender help thread
« on: December 23, 2010, 04:44:41 PM »
By all means ignore this link. I seriously had to add it up here because I am quoting this link so god damn much.

Download Blender 2.49b with preinstalled Python and DTS Exporter (32bit) (Download, extract, run and export. Simple as that.)
Download Blender 2.49b with preinstalled Python and DTS Exporter (64bit) (Download, extract, run and export. Simple as that.)

/!\ NOTICE /!\
As of Blender 2.63.0 (Official stable release available on the Blender site) the core mechanics of Blender have been greatly improved. Blender now supports single faces that have more than 4 or 3 edges/vertices called "n-gons". So for example an octagon with 8 vertices and 8 edges could be a single face. Before you would have needed to construct this octagon from 8 or 6 triangles or 3 quads.
From left to right: A triangle "tri", a square "quad", an octagon "8-gon" (single face!), and an octagon constructed of 3 quads.

Obviously these n-gons are not supported in Blockland but they are not supported in any older versions of Blender either. This new feature is called BMesh and it completely reworked the entire polygon modeling aspect of Blender. This also affects the .blend saves.

In order to open .blend files saved in Blender 2.63 or newer with older Blender versions you need to save the file again with Legacy Mesh Format. Please note that this gets rid of all ngons in the save. To save with Legacy Mesh Format, go to File > Save As... or press Ctrl + Alt + S and check the Legacy Mesh Format checkbox.

Download the latest Blender (Recommended)
Download Blender 2.49b (Version 2.49b, old and should only be used for exporting and animating)

Download Blender 2.49b with preinstalled Python and DTS Exporter (32bit) (Download, extract, run and export. Simple as that.)
Download Blender 2.49b with preinstalled Python and DTS Exporter (64bit) (Download, extract, run and export. Simple as that.)
Blender DTS Exporter 0.97 beta 3 (Released 2009-07-04. This is the latest version.)
Blender DTS Exporter 0.964 (Released 2008-08-11.)

Guide to exporting Blender models for Blockland
Polygon Toolkit (For advanced users only)

If you have any questions regarding Blender I would be more than happy to answer you. I primarily support the latest version but I can provide some support for version 2.49 too. I am not a Python scripter, don't ask me how the scripts work.

All protips are for Blender 2.5 unless otherwise noted.



Vertex (Plural: Vertices)

Edge, only between 2 vertices

Face, can only be formed in between of 3 or more vertices

Mesh, but can also be referred as model or object

  • In the Space menu you do not necessarily need to type in the full name of the action you wish to perfom. For example if you wish too add a cube, you could type in Add Cube and select it or you could simply type in cube and it will display all actions with "cube" in the name.
  • In 3D view, press Z on your keyboard to quickly change between solid and wireframe.
  • In 3D view, press Ctrl + TAB on your keyboard to quickly change between vertex, edge and face select modes.
  • In 3D view, press TAB on your keyboard to quickly change between object and edit modes.
  • In 3D view, you can select anything (Lamps, cameras, meshes, vertices etc.) and  press M on your keyboard to quickly move it to a separate layer. This helps you keep the scene clear. I like moving the camera and light to a separate layer. Pres Shift  + 0-9 to show two or more layers at once.
  • In 3D view, press Shift + A on your keyboard to easily add new meshes.
  • To scale your mesh/parts of your mesh simply select it/them, press S on your keyboard and move your mouse. Alternatively you can type in numbers if you want more precise scaling. The scaling percentage can be seen in the bottom left of the 3D view.
  • Shift + S has a lot of useful snapping options.
  • Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C is a good shortcut to remember for centering meshes.

Questions & Answers (Blender 2.5+)

Q: My model lighting is all screwed up! The colors are dimmer at random parts and there are shadows in weird places. The world is ending!
A: This is caused by scaling your mesh in object mode. But worry not! It can be easily fixed so there is no need to avoid scaling in object mode. To make your life easier, your model needs to be all one mesh. If you modeled in separate meshes, I suggest you save a backup first if you wish to continue modeling.

First of all select all of your model, excluding lamps; cameras and others; just select the meshes. Now press Ctrl + J to join them together. Usually joining separate parts of a model together, depending on the model, causes double vertices which tend to cause problems. To get rid of these select your mesh, go to edit mode, select all of your mesh (To be sure, press A on your keyboard once or twice.) and in the toolbar go to Mesh > Vertices > Remove Doubles. One problem down, one to go.

Now, in object mode, add a new cube mesh (Either by pressing Space and searching for Add Cube or by Shift + A) and scale it so your entire mesh is inside the cube. Now read carefully this next part is very important. While you are in object mode, deselect everything (By pressing A once or twice), select YOUR MESH FIRST and then select the CUBE SECOND. Got that? Your mesh first, cube second. Now press Ctrl + J to join these two meshes together. Go to edit mode and select the cube vertices/edges/faces, whatever floats your boat, and delete them by pressing Delete or X. Now your model is model is all neat and ready for exporting.

If you are still experiencing these problems it means your model has inverted normals. But I'll get to those later.

Q: How do I add materials (color) to my mesh?
A: First things first. The only thing that matters is the material name. It doesn't matter what color it is, what sort of specularity it has or anything else. None of those will get exported, only the material name. So any color you add to your model in Blender is purely for Blender. I helps you with modeling, but that's all.
To add a new material to your mesh/part of your mesh select it, go to the Material tab in the toolbar on the right and click New. By default, it is named Material. Change it to your liking and your good to go for exporting.
If you want to have the color in Blender, then simply change the Diffuse color. If you do not understand RGB/HEX color system work, please Google it because that is something everyone using a computer should know. It's computer 101.

Q: My model isn't moving in first person in Blockland. Like swinging the sword. What to do? (Parenting meshes)
A: You need to have two empties in your model called Shape and Detail32. To add an empty press Shift + A on your keyboard and select empty. For some reason I have been unable to find the empty mesh from the Space menu. Do not move the empties, let them be in the center on the scene on top of each other. Once you have two empties, name one of them Shape by going to the toolbar on the right and clicking the Object tab. The name is in the topmost text box right of the orange cube icon. Now name the other one Detail32.
Now select all of your mesh, including armatures (I'll get to those later.), and parent them to Detail32. To parent one mesh to another, first you need to select the child mesh which in this case is your whole mesh. Then go to Object tab in the master toolbar and in the Relations tab there is a text box titled Parent. In this box type Detail32. Now your mesh (The child mesh) is parented to Detail32 (The parent mesh).
Once all of your mesh is parented to Detail32, select the Detail32 empty mesh and parent it to the Shape empty.

Q: Help! My mesh suddenly vanished!
A: You must have accidentally pressed H which hides the selected mesh (parts). Press Alt + H to unhide. Or you could have moved it to another layer. Press the numbers 0-9 on your keyboard to change the visible layer. If you see your mesh in one of those layers, simply select it, press M and the select a layer by either clicking one of the boxes or pressing numbers 0-9.

Q: How do I set a background image?
A: I like step by step guides.
  • In 3D view, press N on your keyboard.
  • Check Background Images and open the menu.
  • Click Add Image and open the menu by clicking the little arrow left of "Not Set".
  • Click Open and find your image.
  • Now you can adjust the image size, transparency and on what axes/views it will be displayed.

Q: How to hide the dotted line between child and parent meshes?
A: In 3D view, press N on your keyboard and uncheck Relationship Lines.

Q: How do I add curves?
A: This is a rather advanced feature in comparison and doesn't have all too many uses for modeling for Blockland. Simply press Shift + A and select curve or press Space and search for curve.

Q: I moved the 3D cursor by accidentally clicking the left mouse button. How do I move it back to the center of the scene? This little fella:
A: A very common accident indeed. Simply press Space and type in Snap Cursor to Center. Or press Shift + S.

Q: How do I snap to grid when I'm editing my mesh? (Moving, scaling rotating etc.)
A: In the 3D View toolbar there is a little button that looks like a magnet called "Snap during transform". Click that and select Increment from the Snap Element menu next to that button.

Q: How do snap a mesh/parts of mesh to grid?
A: I highly suggest you go to Ortographic view mode by pressing 5 on the numpad once or twice then to front/right/top view with 2, 3 or 7 on the numpad. (Note: If you do not have a numpad, get one. Or change the view with the View menu in the 3D view menu.) Now select your mesh/part of your mesh, press Space, search for Grid and select Snap Selection to Grid. Please note that this can be to single vertices too. Or press Shift + S.

Q: How do I move meshes/lamps/materials/anything from one save to another?
A: It is called appending and it is really easy. In the main toolbar go to File > Append, find your save and open it. Inside the save there a multitude of folders, but what you need is the "Object" folder which contains all the meshes in the save. Of course appending other things than meshes work too. Open the Object folder, select all the meshes you wish to append and press the Link/Append from Library button at top right.

Q: How do I bevel meshes?
A: Select your mesh and in the main toolbar go to Modifiers tab. Click Add Modifier and select Bevel under the Generate list. When you're done editing your bevel remember to click Apply. This is a quick and dirty way to bevel. I prefer manual bevelling as it allows more control.

Q: How do I split meshes? Separate one part of a mesh to make it it's own mesh?
A: Select a part of your mesh (Vertices, faces or edges) and press P on you keyboard and select Selection.

Q: How to split and close panels in the interface?
A: There are a few white lines in a triangular shape in both top right and bottom left of every panel. Click and drag. That's all I can really say as I do not know how it exactly works myself.

Q: How to set the amount of vertices in a cylinder or circle?
A: Add a cylinder or circle, select it in object mode and press T to open the toolbar on the left. At the very bottom of the toolbar there is a Add Circle/Cylinder menu, open it and change the amount of vertices.

Q: How to move objects along specified axis/axes?
A: Select the object you wish to move (Meshes, lamps, cameras etc.) and press G to grab it. Now press X, Y or Y to lock your grabbing to the specified axis.

Q: How to merge two different objects together?
A: Select both of your objects and press Ctrl + J.

Q: How to move the model origin point back to the center of my model? The point that the model usually rotates around.
A: Select your mesh, press Space and search for "Set Origin" then select where you wish to move the model origin point. The options are self explanatory.

Q: How do I display normals?
A: Select your object and go to edit mode. Press N to open a toolbar then select Mesh Display > Normals: > Face.

Q: How do I center my model to the 3D cursor/origin point etc.?
A: The keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C has various centering options.

Questions & Answers (Blender 2.49)

Q: How do I change transparency in Blender 2.49?
A: The transparency or alpha value can be found in the material settings. (In toolbar: Shading > Material buttons) Look for the material tab where there four sliders: R, G, B and A. Simply change the A or alpha slider. The other three sliders are for red, green and blue colors.

Q: How do I assign multiple materials to a single mesh in Blender 2.49?
A: I am assuming your mesh already has one material assigned to the whole mesh. Now select the faces you wish to assign a new material to, go to the editing tab (F9) and in the Links and Materials box click New and Assign buttons. Your selected faces now have that new material assigned to them. Now you simply modify that new material to your liking.

Q: How do I split meshes? Separate one part of a mesh to make it it's own mesh in Blender 2.49?
A: Select a part of your mesh (Vertices, faces or edges) and press P on you keyboard and select Selected.

Modification Help / Rotating the third person view?
« on: December 23, 2010, 03:18:05 PM »
I am in a desperate need for a piece of code that rotates the third person view by 180 degrees so you are looking at your character from the front instead of back. It can be a playertype, console command, script or anything. I just really need this. No. I am not trying to be cheating bastard in minigames. The rear view mirror is for that. I have a legit use for this.

Modification Help / Infinite items
« on: December 23, 2010, 09:59:02 AM »
What's the difference between these two scripts that apparently both work just fine in making an item with infinite usage. As in the item not being removed from your inventory after use.

Code: [Select]
function Snowball_Image::onCharge(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playthread(2, spearReady);

function Snowball_Image::onAbortCharge(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playthread(2, root);

function Snowball_Image::onFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playthread(2, spearThrow);
Parent::onFire(%this, %obj, %slot);

Code: [Select]
function whiteCardImage::onPreFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playthread(2, armattack);

function whiteCardImage::onStopFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playthread(2, root);

Modification Help / Item hit event
« on: December 22, 2010, 12:21:37 PM »
How would I make an event that activates when the brick is hit by an item?

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