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Topics - Dusty12

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Games / Sue's Livestream: Come on in!
« on: June 19, 2010, 10:53:06 PM »
Hi everyone, just leaving this here. I will be streaming games on the following days and hours, if you care to watch.

For today's schedule, please refer to this post.

Other streamers:
Qwepir streams every Tuesday and Friday


I need to determine the weekday schedule since I enrolled in a summer class for Computers.

Feel free to suggest games!

Also, I only play music during Minecraft.

Today's stream: nigers

Drama / The Drama Mega Topic
« on: June 12, 2010, 12:20:27 AM »
It has come to my attention that several of our fellow forum users are either stupid and/or annoying, so I've decided to take the ones that aggrivate me the mose and smash them together into one large topic so I can yell at all their dumb asses.

Dramaee #1, manofthefuture

I first had noticed this poor child when reading the "joke" topic to be covered by a later section. He made a quintuple post (Yes, 5 subsequent posts), and that really confirmed his stupidity.
Top 3 quotes
i flaged this video today for fighting!
this joke gets 0/10 for the reasons bellow
_____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________
                                             reasons this joke is not funny
_____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________
*it made no sence
*looks like someones little brother made it
*food means nothing on the matter on speed tomato=faster
buns=good lettuce=slower means nothing on speed
i'm a not a girl so i can fet in but 1 problem
1.i don't know what server to go to get in the club

Profile: Yup
Notable Achievements:
Quintuple Post
General stupidity
Locking a topic for "spam" when there was none therein

Dramaee #2, hotshot87

I first noticed this moron attempting to troll ARC's Search for Plornt, and I decided to look into his background. It wasn't pretty.
Top 3 quotes
you get a DUM ASS
i insert GLaDOS
considerd to what i look like, you'r a sole mate that hasent been met yet.
Profile: Yup
Notable Achievements
Attempting to troll the Search with a "wielder"
General stupidity
Poor grasp of the English language (Ohio resident, not foreign)

Dramaee #3, nanoblock

I noticed his topic for the BB.E clan, and it enlightened me as to how truly stupid he is.
Top 3 quotes

(Too large for here, read more within)
BoB :nes: :nes: :nes:
this clan is an elite group of blocklanders
to apply you must either post a pic onthis topic or join on one of the clan servers

1000-1500 bricks
1 working jvs lightswitch
at least 2-3rooms (more is great)
good quality
uses bigger bricks than 1x1s
is approved by me.

Post about clan

Owner: NanoBot( in game name )
Another failed clan.
We need a ak47...that shoots rockets!
Self explanatory.
Profile: Yup
Notable Achievements:
Produced a few fail clans
Dislikes cussing, probably a young child

Dramaee #4, *Magick* Mage

Mage, Mage, Mage. You just can't quit while you're ahead, can you? Mage is a good friend of mine, but his overly loving and hippie-like posts are quite annoying to me. He seems to be under the false premise that we can "just accept everyone" and "make up with hugs and kisses". He's not stupid, but he's worth a mention since his mushy talk is really getting on mine and other's nerves.

Dramaee #5, Papa EPAL

His posts are generally off topic and just scream craving for attention.

You may find more information about this person at: Yup

Dramaee #6, teablox

I first encountered this moron after he bumped a topic to quote a post from December 2009. I really hate this person out of all of these Dramaees. He gets on my nerves like nothing else.
Top 3 quotes
For some reason it reminds me of lego and roblox.....
He double posted this.
Nice bump Idoit.
First post! Lol can you do battlefeild 1943? Kujus's dosen't work.
PS: I am Revol!
Notable Achievements:
Quoting a post from 2009 for no reason only to tell me he didn't

I'm sure there are many more, but it's 12 AM. I admitedly could have done a little better, but I'm tired and wanted to get this out there. Feel free to post any small rants about fellow forum users here too, as these were too small for a singular topic, but grouped together they hold meaning.

Drama / Hollow: im a lovey little boy who gets girls every day
« on: June 03, 2010, 11:43:23 AM »
Recently, while skimming through Community Projects, my attention was brought to this atrocity of a thread, and it's creator, a fellow named Hollow. As such, I decided to skim through his posts and decided he was worthy enough to have a drama about.



Posts of Interest

if your boyfriend says come you say YAY. locking this...
11. Tell him if you touch me your gay and run!!!
Homophobic or Homoloveual?

this has already been made... I think? anyways First Post!!!  :cookieMonster:
im doing your mom song

the name doesnt fit the map i mean a island called the hideout? Oh yeah sometimes i sail to the hideout to hide from my wife... Lol
He's 11. Yup.
Fat, no im a lovey little boy who gets girls everyday :D
Again, he's 11. Yup.

Dont Ask What I Do In My Spare Time...
Nudes of plastic people! u so cul omg

Quote from: hollow
1st one is OK but 2nd and 3rd SUCK!!! The top of the 2nd one is bigger than all of them the 3rd one WTF IS THAT A STONE BRICK OR SOMETHING??? This HAS to be your first one if its not ima slice my throat

So here we have it folks, yet another moron mucking up the gears of the Blockland forums. And Mage, please keep your hippy ideals out of this topic as I don't want to listen to you ramble on <3

Music / Phoenix Wright Music
« on: May 27, 2010, 10:50:24 AM »
Great Revival (Franziska)
Sample: Here
File name: P-Regal-Franziska

Sample: Here
File name: P-Judgement

Turnabout Sister's Theme
Sample: Here
File name: P-Medicine

Shelly de Killer: Whim of a Murderer (Speaker-ized)
Sample: Here
File name: P-Hotel

Investigation - Core
Sample: Here
File name: P-Rebellious

Luke Atmey: I just want love!
Sample: Here
File name: P-Waltz

Sample: Here
File name: P-Pursuit

Reminiscence: Hazy
Sample: Here
File name: P-Grave

Games / F.E.A.R. and Project Origin
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:23:10 PM »
Well, I just got them off Steam and I'm currently dowloading them. Anyone got any tips/tricks/advice?

Games / TF2: Now politically correct!
« on: May 04, 2010, 02:25:46 PM »

Ah, women in the workplace.

Off Topic / New Arizona law!
« on: April 25, 2010, 04:31:20 PM »
"Papers please!" New AZ law allows police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being illegal.

Arizona lawmakers on Tuesday passed one of the toughest pieces of immigration-enforcement legislation in the country, which would make it a violation of state law to be in the U.S. without proper documentation.

It would also grant police the power to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being illegal.

The bill could still face a veto from Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. A spokesman for Ms. Brewer said she has not publicly commented on the bill. Ms. Brewer, a Republican, has argued for stringent immigration laws.

Under the measure, passed Tuesday by Arizona's lower house, after being passed earlier by the state Senate, foreign nationals are required to carry proof of legal residency.

And how, pray do tell, does a citizen - not required to carry ID "prove" that he or she is not "illegal?"

Welcome to police state creep. Let's hope the Governor vetoes this bill.
I'm at a loss to describe this atrocity.

Suggestions & Requests / Kar98k
« on: April 20, 2010, 10:48:43 PM »
Yes please.

Gallery / Luftwaffe JU-52
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:39:49 PM »
I started this earlier on my ARES sponsored server. I finished it up and I thought I might post it for some criticism/feedback.


Front View.

View from roosterpit and fallschirmjager.


The print pack featuring the Luftwaffe Cross and Swastika are my own.

Faces, Decals, Prints / ARES sponsored decals!
« on: April 16, 2010, 11:28:27 PM »
ARES Decals
By Sue

1. Admiral Uniform
2. Officer Uniform
3. N7 Marine Armor
4. Science/Medical Uniform


Useful for Space RPs or anything else you can find for them!

Games / New TF2 update
« on: April 15, 2010, 07:58:53 PM »

General Discussion / Sue's server: Arctic TDM
« on: March 29, 2010, 05:11:33 PM »
Arctic Warfare
Provided by Sue, help from Qwepir.

This topic serves to advertise my newly created Arctic Warfare server. It consists of a small war-torn battlefield and several cap points. Pictures will be along shortly.

Current class set-up

1. Assualt
A) Battle Rifle
2) Pistol
3) Frag Grenade (x2)

2. Sniper
A) Sport Rifle
B) Magnum
C) Flash Grenade

3. Medic
A) Assualt rifle
B) Pistols Akimbo
C) TF2 Medigun

4. Defense
A) Bullpup
B) Frag Grenade
C) Flash Grenade

5. Support
B) Frag Grenade (x2)
C) Flash Grenade

6. Spy
A) Ambassador
B) Cloak and Dagger
C) Disguise Kit

7. Demolitions
A) M79 Grenade Launcher
B) Frag Grenade (x2)
C) Flash Grenade
D) Silenced SMG

8. Paratrooper
A) Silenced SMG
B) Knife
C) Parachute

Miscellaneous objects
Heavy Machine Gun positions (Courtesy of Jaydee. <3 you babe.)
AA guns

Help / On the subject of parachutes and watches...
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:45:13 PM »
Do the invisibilty watches work anymore?
And, can someone fix the parachute so that it doesn't return to default player after use? If it's easy, can you tell me how to? Thanks.

Forum Games / Blockland Trading Card tournament
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:28:11 PM »
Yes yes yes, I know there's a "battle" topic and crap, but it's lacking in rules and it's created by, let's face it, an idiot.
So, this is a formal tournament. As of today, I will be putting names in who would like to particiapate. There's no prize, it's just a little fun game.


1. No Vehicles or Item cards.
2. No OP attacks. Every card has 100 health.
3. Each attack may only be used once.
4. I will make battle systems clear upon registering date being over. (March 24)
5. You will randmoly be selected to battle someone. Don't complain.
6. Do not post your cards until the tournament has begun.
7. Be sure to have a maximum of 5 attacks, equally balanced. It's not my fault if you run out.
8. The card must be your blockhead. No exceptions.
9. You may have one balanced special attack.

Name List

1. Sue
2. Pi
3. Khain
vs                           Dr. Pain has won! (Khain forfeited)
4. Dr. Pain
5. Wizard
vs                           Spock has won! Record of fight
6. Moybus/Spock
7. Max4344
8. PocketRocket300
9. PowerDag
10. Sony
11. Daedalus
12. Cheemo

March 21 - Topic started; Graphic added
March 24 - First battle between Wizard and Spock; Spock has won




1. Skip
2. Wizzeh
3. Khain

Sites that come with premade cards

Please suggest more.

Now, the battle system is as follows. Once paired with an opponent, you will send me your moves via PM. Each battle will take up most of the posts. Try to refrain from regular posting during a battle. The one with the most health/still alive after each battle is declared the victor and moves on to fight the other victors. Capice?

Example card:

Games / Phoenix Wright; Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:24:43 PM »

Japanese game makers are funny.

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