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Topics - TheArmyGuy

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Modification Help / Turret only working half-ish
« on: July 03, 2017, 12:49:45 PM »
So yeah bad title but it's a really weird issue. I'm making a turret to mount on a vehicle, which is working fine. However, the look animation (rising and lowering of the barrel) only works when the turret is spawned on it's own. If the turret is spawned by spawning it's parent vehicle, it doesn't do the animation. However, the turret does fire a projetile when clicking if it's on the vehicle, but does not shoot when it's spawned by itself.

Also note that the projectile is shot in the correct angle (where the barrel would logically be if the look animation was working), so it's just a visual issue.

Any help would be appreciated. I can pm the code if someone asks.

Pretty self explanatory. I want to use wheels instead of animated propellors on a plane to make the rotation speed match whether the player is pressing w.

Off Topic / Apparantly blockland is inescapable
« on: June 21, 2017, 07:14:44 AM »
I was googling some images of trains to get inspiration to make some more trains for blockland. I google 'iconic trains'. The first result is a train built in blockland by King Leo. The other day I googled 'forget fidget spinners' and got a thread in the blockland forums as the first result. This is all in mozilla (I normally use chrome) or incognito mode. What are the odds of this even. I mean try it yourelf, google those terms.

Modification Help / What are Blockland's common restrictions?
« on: March 09, 2017, 03:35:38 PM »
Im talking about these things:
  • Maximum amount of wheels on a vehicle
  • Maximum amount of mountpoints on a vehicle
  • Maximum amount of tris (or vertices) on a vehicle
  • Maximum velocity of a vehicle
  • Maximum amount of dts collision boxes
  • Maximum texture resolution
  • Minimum texture resolution
  • Maximum amount of materials
  • Maximum amount of textures
  • Maximum amount of animations on a vehicle (dependant on bindable keys?)

An answer to any or all of these is much appreciated.

Modification Help / 'blank' material turns up red
« on: January 25, 2017, 09:32:07 PM »
So for 1 specific vehicle I've made that uses the exact same rig and code as another that does work properly, the 'blank' color the player can choose by enabling 'recolor vehicle' turns up red. It's a plain white material called 'blank' in blender, and there isn't even a red material .png in the add-on folder. Recoloring doesn't work, it always turns out red, even with recoloring disabled. It's not the same red as my colorset's red.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Basically a function to kill players or vehicles that collide with a vehicle if that vehicle is going above a set speed.
I've been loving around with onCollision but the results are very unreliable. I tried this:

Code: [Select]
function LegoFreightvehicle::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %vec, %vecLen)
%speed2 = vectorLen(%obj.getVelocity());
if(minigameCanDamage(%col,%obj) && isObject(%Col.Client.player) && %speed2 > 5)
%col.addVelocity("0 0 10");
if(%Col.getclassname() $= "AiPlayer")
%col.addVelocity("0 0 10");
if(%Col.getclassname() $= "Armor")
return parent::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %vec, %vecLen);

Right now it instakills any bots that walk into it, however it only occasionally kills players (the threshold was too high, players work reliably now) and it never kills vehicles.
Thanks in advance.

Add-Ons / [Vehicle] (v2.2) Lego freight train #60052
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:27:52 PM »
So Mr.LoL asked me to make a lego train for his lego-themed server.
Just finished it up, might as well release it to the public. Model based on (almost a 100% remake) lego set 60052.
Borrowed some (a lot of) code from Uxie's steam train. Uses different sounds though.

Press and hold left click to sound the horn. Type /togglebell to toggle the bell.
Has 5 seats; 1 driver and 4 passengers.
Made to fit track that is 4 studs apart (so []----[] as track, most commonly used. Also visible in screenshots)
Blue part is recolorable.

Added stud textures
Added Rally's script to keep the train on track
Going faster than 10 BPS will now kill any player or bot you run over with the train
Seat added next to the driver
General model cleanup

Fixed some stud textures missing

Fixed the train destroying anything in it's collision box repeatedly

Download (click download arrow at the top right):

Modification Help / Vehicle doesn't cast shadows
« on: January 22, 2017, 12:36:18 PM »
So I have made plenty of vehicles, all of which had working shadows.
This one however doesn't for some reason. I can cast shadows on it just fine, it just doesn't cast any of itself.

Shadows also aprtially go through it, as if it was water:

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: it acts as if it has minimum shaders on, so the sides not lit by the sun ARE in fact darker than the ones lit by the sun. Weird spaghetti torque going on.

Suggestions & Requests / A hammer that only checks the brick you hit
« on: November 05, 2016, 03:28:05 PM »
Basically just a hammer that doesn't do any floating-brick checks or whatever, it just removed the brick you hammer.
So precisely like the duplicator cut function actually, just in a hammer tool.

Right now when I use hackplant and hammer bricks, the entire structure gets removed client-side but is still there serverside, which is annoying as forget.

Modification Help / Vehicle rotated multiples of 1.52 degrees randomly
« on: November 04, 2016, 01:04:13 PM »
So I made a train thing yesterday.
It currently uses the code from the Hazard Train by Swollow, which has this same issue, bit it's less noticeable because it's smaller.

The model is perfectly straight with all the scaling done correctly etc.
This is how it looks:

Looking towards NORTH

So this is completely fine, and there are no issues when the train is moving north

Looking towards EAST

It looks rotated a bit, but it still moves straight along the brick grid

Looking towards SOUTH

Same issue as east but less severe

Looking towards WEST

Same issue but it's even less

What causes this, and how do I fix it?

General Discussion / ♣ TAG's Woke Island [closed]
« on: October 26, 2016, 03:49:49 PM »

So I had a couple of ships sitting in my save folder, gathering dust.
I thought to put them to use in a control points map, and following the popular map Wake Island decided to try and make the very best Wake Island map ever, Woke Island.
The difference between Wake Island and Woke Island being that the inhabitants of Woke Island are aware of the fact that jet fuel can't melt steel beams


First of all, a small gallery. Click the images to enlarge.

The entire map

Red base

Blue base

Control points

Spawn rooms

The gamemode being played is a pretty straight forward control points gamemode.
There are 4 control points. The team to control 3 out of the 4 control points for 3 minutes wins. Alternatively, if this doesn't happen within 30 minuts the team with the highest score wins.
This time (3 minutes to hold) has to be tweaked to be fair; this is why I am doing an open beta test.

Most of the 4 control points have some sort of bonus attached to them.
  • A: Control of 2 naval guns, good for attacking team blue
  • B: Control over an MLRS, good at long range defense of control points
  • C: If captured by the blue team, gives them 3 humvees
  • D: Nothing really, just the all-round hardest point to capture

The map
The aim of the map was to look good while also being extremely fun. This is why the map is as interactive as possible. The map currently has the following gameplay features:
  • 2 detonatable bridges (takes them out for 60 seconds)
  • Custom made Phalanx CIWS turret
  • Custom made Mark 45 naval gun
  • Lots and lots of emplaced turrets to defend positions
  • Sharks that will forget you up
  • Clouds (non-colliding, non-raycasting)
  • Spawning on captured control points
  • Interactive map in the spawn room
  • Landmines
  • 10 hidden treasure chests that grant access to a special place once found

The entire map is loosely based on the horseshoe shape of Wake Island. The rest is mostly freeformed.
There are 4 control points; A, B, C and D. Some details:

A: Has 2 naval guns and a small bunker. Also features a small patrol boat. It is not possible to reach point A with land vehicles.

B: Point B is the radio tower. It features control over an MLRS, a trench, a small bunker and of course the tower, which is a good sniping spot.

C: Point C features a camp spot, a port (with a large, underground bunker), a fortified house and a Phalanx CIWS.

D: Point D is in the middle of the horseshoe shape, and can only be reached via boat or air. It's surrounded by sharks, making swimming to it hard. Features a watchtower and 2 rowboats.

Control of any 3 of these 4 points at once gives the team controlling them victory after 3 minutes.

The rest of the map is dotted with palm trees, tank traps, rocks, flower, sandbags, houses, small hills and some points of interest (including some easter eggs). There is enough cover to go around.

Item selection
The item selection is score-based. Items cost anywhere from 0 points (pistol) to 1500 points (sniper rifle). Points RESET after each round, but items can be saved. This is a mechanic to make it so you have to have a really good/skillful round to be able to get that sniper, instead of just being on the server for a long time.

Kiling a player is 25 points, capturing a control point is 75 points.
These values are also subject to change during the beta.

There's just 3 rules on the server:
Don't bug abuse, don't try to crash the server and don't use the jets for transport.
Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me.

The UH-1 vehicles are known to crash server when impacting bricks at high velocities, so I made them extremely fragile. If you so much as toch a brick at any velocity the helicopter explodes. Don't worry, landing works just fine fi you don't smash it into the ground.

Stereo is enabled with some sick custom songs for in the UH-1's. Try it.

Please post any feedback you have during the beta on this thread as a post.

The server should be going up some time today (I personally think it will be around 2.5 hours from submission of this post).

Thank you for reading all of that, and I hope to see you in the server today!

Help / Modter hiding faces
« on: October 01, 2016, 02:37:20 PM »
So modter always does this to me. UngaBunga told me this doesn't happen to him, so it's somethign on my side.
I tried usign the same modter bricks as UngaBunga (he uploaded his GSF terrain zips), but that doesn't fix the issue.

Anyone knows why this happens?


Add-Ons / [Brick] Tank trap
« on: July 31, 2016, 08:34:45 PM »
A simple tank trap (also known as a Czech hedgehog) brick I made for an upcoming server.

Has basic x4 cube collision and an icon. Findable under 'special - misc'.

Tiles really nicely if you rotate it, as seen below.


So I've made a couple turrets lately, which work great. One problem is that I restricted their aiming arc, which also works great. The projectiles exit the barrel nicely at every angle and stuff. Except when the player aims above the barrel's tilting limit. When the player aims higher than the turret allows, the barrel stops rotating upward as it should. The projectiles however, still get spawned from the player at the angle he's looking.

There's a bone called 'mount0' at the end of the barrel. Would making the bullets come from there solve this?
If so, how do I make them come from that bone?
If it doesn't, how else can I solve this?

EDIT: The bullets seem to get spawned from the turret's eye bone.
Also here's a gif to explain my problem:

EDIT 2: Code-wise I'd say you could just check if the up/down aim vector is above x degrees or below y degrees and just not fire a projectile if that's the case, but I have no idea how to do that.

Modification Help / Making a turret (like the tank turret)
« on: July 13, 2016, 06:45:56 PM »
Ok so I am trying to get into this content creation thing for blockland, and so far blb doors and projectiles work great. I really want to move further and make myself a turret for an upcoming TDM though, but I got stuck. I know a turret like the tank turret is a playertype, but I can't help but think it only moves in 2 ways, rotating and barrel up/down. Now I can imagine rotating isn't an animation, but it needs a point to rotate about. How do I add this point to rotate the turret on?

Also, the barrel needs to move up and down, how do I tell the game about which point the barrel needs to rotate? Is this an animation I need to make, and if so, how?

Finally, how do I tell the game from which point to fire the projectile?

I'm getting pretty good at torkscript so the code shouldn't be a problem, I'm using most of the default tank turret code anyways.
Oh and how do I rell the game which part is the 'base' of the turret, and which part is the barrel? Like, so the entire turret doesn't tilt when you aim up.

Found some resources on how to make playertypes but those were so old all download links to examples were dead. It would help me a ton if someone that has made a turret in the past could give me the .ms3d or .blend file for it. Most importantly being that it has the above mentioned points already on it.
Thanks in advance.

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