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Topics - Han Frolo

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8
Help / no bullet damage again. Ephialtes, i took your advice, though.
« on: April 10, 2008, 02:26:24 PM »
Ephialtes, i took your advice, and it happened again.

here's my log again. but i don't know what it is causing it.

Help / no bullet damage again. Ephialtes, i took your advice, though.
« on: April 10, 2008, 02:25:19 PM »
Ephialtes, i took your advice, and it happened again.

here's my log again. but i don't know what it is causing it.

Help / if i let people experement, can they find out what's wrong?
« on: April 09, 2008, 08:00:04 PM »
if i let someone experiment with my add-ons and base folder, can someone find out what's wrong?

im getting desperate.

and i want to try a little more, before formatting my copy of blockland for the 3rd time. :panda:

Suggestions & Requests / a war/forts war TDM?
« on: April 07, 2008, 10:57:21 PM »
i was thinking about how i hope someday i will join a cool TDM server, where two teams with two big forts will battle each other in a grassy plains or on slate tundra. soldiers from the left, air forces to the right, explosion and tanks everywhere, oh my!

i know the tanks part got to wait until v9, but i thought, what if there was a BattleFront mode where two teams start of with one capture point each, and try to take control of capture points, and if one team takes control of all of them for 20 seconds, they automatically win. and each team has a limited of respawn tries, and after so many deaths of a player, that player can't respawn, and if one team's re-reinforcements get completely wiped out, they lose.

like on Star Wars: Battle Front.

and a fort wars mode that is like Assasians, only with two huge or small forts, and each team got to fight the other teams huge or medium sized army, and defend they're leader. if the leader dies once, it's game over.

but i realized something while suggesting fort wars. i think it might be possible by just using the Assasians mode, just make it where soldiers deaths are 0 points, and the leader's death are 100 or so points.

much easier. so skip that one.

Suggestions & Requests / what about a "princess rescue" TDM mode?
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:59:41 PM »
maybe where there's like a tall tower with obstacles, and there's 3 teams. the heroes who got to get to the top, the bad guy(s) in the tower to slow them down that are bosses, and the princess.

and everyone has more HP than usual, so sword fights will be longer.

I've noticed how when i don't have a bunch of add-ons, it reduces lag.

I've also noticed how when i have alot of add-ons, and they're all enabled, some don't appear.

what's up with that?

i mean we now no about boats and tanks to come soon, what else?

here's my console log again.

please read.

recently i added a bunch of add-ons, but now gun bullets do no damage to vehicles nor players.

i tried to enable and disable different gun add-ons, but still no damage.

i can't figure it out. is it possible for someone to read the log, and find out what's wrong?

i heard that they're planning on making a tank for v9 that has a real working turret, where one player can drive, and the other can mand the turret.

is this really what's suspected to come.

and if that's possible, is it possible to mount gun turrets on planes, and spawn round platforms with gun turrets on them that can turn around 360 degrease?

Suggestions & Requests / suggestion and request: new tool box skin
« on: April 03, 2008, 02:31:40 PM »
does anyone get tired of that same boring Grey interface for the block tool box?

i was wondering if it was a possibility to make the interface look like a 2D toy tool box, or a toy box or something.

that would be nice.

constructive criticism only.

Help / having troubles again?
« on: March 20, 2008, 10:04:35 PM »
it's just started a few days ago.

but sometimes. my server crashes, usually after someone joins, and a few mins after they leave, and i get this message.

"invalid something (mounted images)" or something like that.

here's part of the log.

"*** Phase 3: Mission Lighting
 Successfully loaded mission lighting file: 'base/data/missions/'
Mission lighting done
Executing base/config/client/Favorites.cs.
Activating DirectInput...
keyboard0 input device acquired.
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
direct load base/saves/Bedroom/1Monopoly_Board.bls
SERVER LOADBRICKS colormethod = 3
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Spider.cs (348): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
Got Connect challenge Request from IP:
Got Connect Request
Connect request from: IP:
  lan name = night hawk
  net name = Night Hawk
    Internet client connecting to internet server, regular authentication
BanManagerSO::isBanned() - ban expired, removing
Auth Init Successfull: Night Hawk
CADD: 10775 IP:
 +- bl_id = 1217
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client: base/data/missions/bedroom.mis
Posting to master server
Client 10775 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
Add-Ons/TeamDMv4/GameMode_TeamDM_Base.cs (1712): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'removeMember2'
CDROP: 10775 IP:
Posting to master server
Connection error: Invalid packet (mounted images)..
Posting to master server
keyboard0 input device unacquired.
keyboard0 input device acquired."

General Discussion / Audacity
« on: March 20, 2008, 06:45:54 PM »
i got audacity, and i was gonna edit a song to use on blockland, but i need to know.

how do i cut the song?

i want to make sure it's not the whole song i install.

General Discussion / a build 'n ride style wrench event?
« on: February 06, 2008, 06:50:10 PM »
i remember a few months ago, i was on a server, and someone built a sled and then hit it with the wrench, and then jumped onto it, then started riding on it.

is this what's to be suspected in v9? imagine building a robot mech out of bricks and riding in it!

Suggestions & Requests / Bombs
« on: February 04, 2008, 05:16:59 PM »
i know it's been suggested before, but i just wanted to revive the suggestion in a new way.

know about the HE-grenades? know how powerful they are and how they blow up in a few seconds? what about bombs that you can throw at anytime, but instead of blowing up in a few secs, they blow up on contact depending on how fast they fall and how hard the impact on the ground is.

and what about different bombs? like cluster bombs for example. that way during teamDMs, you can bomb bases! like you fly a plane over a base, get the timing right, hold down the fire button, release with right timing to drop the bomb, and then BOOM!!!

General Discussion / is the ammo system a good idea?
« on: February 04, 2008, 01:01:02 AM »
i dont have alot of time to say this, so im gonna get to the point.

in your opinion, is the ammo system a crowd pleaser?

EDIT: added a poll.

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