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Topics - NickTheSushi

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Off Topic / Stage One auditions
« on: August 12, 2010, 04:48:24 PM »
Well, there's this thing called Stage One, a thing where kids/teens can audition to be in plays and such. My sister is a huge theater nut and she's getting me to audition for them. For the audition, you have to memorize 1 monologue and sing one musical number. I'm posting this to ask for suggestions for a song. It has to be from a play and it has to be appropriate. I'm going for a part in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Auditions are the 22nd so I need to get a song asap.
Any support and suggestions are appreciated c:

Off Topic / Home Movies - The entire series
« on: August 08, 2010, 12:51:38 AM »
Well, my TV has been getting a stuffty reception lately (I can't watch any good channels) and I've been watching a lot of recordings on our DVR or DVDs of shows/movies and I started thinking about good shows, which lead me to Home Movies. Home Movies, hopefully some of you know about it, is about these three kids who are into making, well, home movies. I usually watch it during the school year when I get up for school, mainly because its only on then. So then I got on the computer and I googled "Home Movies on DVD" and I got this:

I'm considering getting it when I get a bit more loot to buy it, which is only about $20 more bucks. Should I get this? I could probably surf around and get it a bit cheaper, like for $85-$95.

edit: If I don't/can't get it now, I'll ask for it for Christmas and go buy an NES and some games.

Off Topic / Can someone make me a gif?
« on: August 07, 2010, 11:48:37 PM »

Make me one of him shaking his paws. If you can make one that's a decent size and one avatar size I'll adore you.

Off Topic / I'm getting White Castle delivered
« on: August 05, 2010, 04:58:25 AM »
Well I was on Facebook and one of my sister's friends that added me posted 10-15 minutes ago she was going to White Castle, so I texted her to get me something as a joke. I am now receiving three cheese double stacks, fries, and a coke.

Talk about epic moments in food and inb4Hugums c:

Leif the Swedish P.I.
Well stuff, another adventure by NickTheSushi

Yeah I'm making another one (:V) but this is because I have literally nothing better to do. I will end this either at the end of a few episodes or whenever I get bored, so I'll stick to it as long as I can, I swear this time (OH LIKE YOU HAVEN'T BEFORE.) Anyways, this adventure will follow the life and times of Leif, a young, bold Swedish chef who has also started his own Private Investigation. He uses his server hopping, flying bakery/pie shop to fly to the servers of those in need of a good problem investigating. Oh and he also takes fan mail, just PM it to me and I'll pass it on. He keeps his email secret so his enemies don't find him.

You wake out from passing out from a wild party that you had in your secret, underground bunker that you have just in case your enemies find you or there is a nuclear fallout. You must've drank too many blue Fantas, oh well. You're so crashed from that sugar high that you forgot your name! Why don't you just give yourself a new one?

Off Topic / I HATE Internet Connections
« on: July 21, 2010, 11:24:27 PM »
Well a year and a half ago my network adapter in the computer stopped working, couldn't find drivers for it anywhere (anyone who wants to take a crack at finding them, the adapter is called a 1394 Net Adapter). So my pop and I went out and bought a Linksys USB adapter to plug my wire up to in the internet. Just last month my internet started going out every 10 minutes, literally, when ever I did anything more than browsing the internet or talking to people on Steam. So I went out and got a wireless adapter for our router (our router is wireless, since we got lappytops) and the adapter refuses to connect to the router. It'll detect it, it just won't connect to it.  If this helps anyone, I have a Compact Wireless-G USB Network Adapter. That's the wireless USB thingy.

Please help because I'm bored out of my loving skull trying to get all my stuff back. I reinstalled my computer cause I thought that was the problem but no.

Off Topic / NickTheSushi's Girl Drama v1
« on: July 14, 2010, 12:11:34 AM »
Well, me and my friend Emily started dating two months ago. We had been best friends for years, and I knew she liked me that way already and I already liked her. So I finally asked her out that day, of course she said yes. Fast forward to a month and a half later, I get invited to go to a 4th of July grill-out at her Aunt's house. Come that day, I get a call and say that I've been uninvited because it's a "family thing." What the hell? My older sister's boyfriend comes to all of our family stuff. Anyways, at first I thought it was kind of understandable, but then a few days later I ask her to hang out, she says she'd love to. Then the day she gets to come over, she "sleeps in" until about 5pm, says her mom is "at the mall" and when she "gets back" it'd be too late to come over. So that happens quite a few times. I invite her to do all sorts of really fun stuff or just to hang out, and she is always "sick" or "it gets too late" or "she's busy." Now fast forward to a few minutes ago, where she just broke up with me over. the loving. phone. She said that someone in her family died, which I honestly think is a bunch of bullstuff because you don't want someone you love to not be with you anymore and the fact that she didn't sound that depressed/sad. If someone I loved/was in my family died I kind of think I'd want some form of support. So anyways, I'm really sad now because I think she doesn't like me anymore for some reason but won't tell me the truth.

Discuss and or show support, I guess.

Off Topic / Happy Canada Day!
« on: July 01, 2010, 04:24:12 PM »
I hope I'm not too late, but you guys don't seem very enthusiastic about Canada Day! C'mon everyone, open your windows and go out in the streets and sing songs of singing, it's Canada Day!

Discus Canada and syrup and stuff.

Off Topic / Zombie novel project.
« on: June 26, 2010, 10:34:35 PM »
Well I've been in the writing mood lately, writing short stories and such, and I've decided I want to write a longer story on my favorite things: zombies, murderers, diseases, mafia-like organizations, and mental disorders (I'm interested in all of them, don't judge me :c)

ANYWAYS, I'm posting about it here because I need help coming up with characters, this is basically the plot idea I've gotten thought up so far:
The story begins with a local Billiards pro, born and raised in the small town of Caspian, Michigan, who is caught in the middle of losing a game he bet five hundred thousand dollars on saying that he would win. After an intense bar fight, he wakes up from being knocked out with a blow to the back of a head. He finds himself inside of a van owned by the gang that won the bet, where he is going to be carted out and dropped in the middle of the desert with only his favorite cue stick, which he carries everywhere. As the van is coasting along a cliff side, the van is in a horrible accident and is driven through the safety rails and into a forested valley that contains a large, Black Forest City which has been infested with a horrible disease that causes humans to turn into a horrible, zombie-like monster, but still has small groups of human survivors who are trying to contain the city.

The main things I need are character bios other than my main character, Scott Attwood, to be the survivors inside of the unnamed city. If you guys would want to help with the story idea, I'd love the help.

edit: No, you can't be in it. Don't ask.

Current characters:

Scott Attwood
Male, Age 19
He’s one of the best Billiards players in the Northern United States. He’s a very outgoing and intelligent person. Although he’s appears to be a strong man from his fighting, he’s got many phobias. Such as tomophobia, a fear of surgery, and oneirophobia, which is the fear of dreams. When under serious pressure, excluding hundreds of people watching him play Billiards, he becomes extremely paranoid and develops a nervous tick that can prevent him from working.

Vinny King
Male, Age 22
Vinny has been a murderer since the day he turned 12. He had murdered both of his parents for what people believed was done for no reason. He has also murdered several other people since then and would do deranged things such as devouring the dead bodies himself, using bones for tools, or even using a fountain pen or spray can to write in blood he draws from the victim before killing them. He has taken “haven” in the Black Forest City after murdering a mayor in Tennessee. No further information is known of his whereabouts.

Maria Wideroos

Female, Age 20
A Finnish-born sharpshooter who had been working as a hitwoman in the Northern and Eastern United States. She was hired by gangs and single persons alike, anything that filled her wallet would do. She became lost and became stuck in the city after running out of gas in the middle of a park in the city. She’s a very calm-headed person and works well under pressure, but she really hates working with other people.

Jamie Zeller
Male, Age 35
He was an ex-plumber who lives, ironically, in the sewers of the Black Forest City. He’s a very care-free person and doesn’t think on things too much, which is how he was trapped in the city. When he was 21 and just started his plumbing business, someone had called him to their house as a prank and gave an address to him which belonged to a building inside of Black Forest. After being trapped in Black Forest for 14 years, he’s become lonely and carries Baby, his favorite pipe wrench, who he is constantly talking to and telling stories of his life with his beautiful wife and kids.

Russell Thompson

Male, Age 16
Born with a disease that refuses growth, Russell has been a dwarf since birth. After being stuck in Black Forest after a train derailing that was going through, Russell became the leader of a small band of survivors inside of Black Forest called Last of Humanity. Like all other dwarves, he becomes extremely annoyed when you mention his height. Unless you think you can survive a few shells from a 12-Gauge, I don’t recommend you asking him how the weather is down there.

Susan Walker

Female, 23
Susan followed in her father’s footsteps and attended a police academy at the age of 18. Unfortunately for her, she never had much experience with handling a gun or any kind of weapon, considering she had been home schooled and was never in fights. She usually did paperwork, until one day the entire station was called out as back-up for what they thought would be a major gang fight on the highway at midnight. On the way to the supposed area, Susan received a radio message reporting that everyone should return to the station because it was a false call, but her car had broken down after turning around. She wandered into the nearest city, which unfortunately, was Black Forest.

Facebook Poll Count:
Never Shout Death +2
Quarantine Valley
Fight Four Life

Forum Games / Generic Adventure RPG - Another Damn Forum Game
« on: May 29, 2010, 05:55:35 PM »

Yes, another forum game, probably doomed to the same fate as most: it won't go far. But since I won't be doing much this summer, I'll try my best to keep this going. Everyone knows how these games work, but this one is a tiiiiny bit different. Instead of controlling one person, you'll control four. These characters are controlled by the players can also give suggestions. I will be the final say in what happens, but the actual players have a better chance of having their actions preformed. Let's get started, shall we?

Four chaps awake in a large, white room. There seem to be no doors or windows, but there is a small computer console built into the wall with a small lit sign above it. It seems that there are two buttons to be lit up, but only the one with the 'X' on it is lit. To preform any actions, you will need to tell which character to do what, such as "JC: Pick up rock.", but right now you'll have to tell which character by their color.

Games / Warioware D.I.Y
« on: May 08, 2010, 10:40:56 PM »
Anyone here ever play Warioware: Touched! for the DS? Well this game is basically a game to make your own microgames, comics, or even music. I got it for my b-day on Friday. It's a pretty neat game, simple to learn, too. I've made a few comics, atleast two minigames, and I think a record (music). If anyone has this game/wants to share stuff, post your FC and all dat.

Discus Wario, minigames, and garlic.

Off Topic / My brother's a (Super?) national socialist
« on: May 06, 2010, 08:57:06 AM »
Well, two days ago on Animal Crossing, my brother was making a national socialist flag for our town, which I thought was for the sake of comedy, so I kind of left him alone. THEN THE NEXT DAY, my brother comes home preaching about how we have German roots (we've got Irish roots, our last name is Peace ffs) and that Riddler is the new Jesus and he's gonna rise to kill all the Jews or some bullstuff. I keep telling him that it's all a bunch of nonsense, but it turns out that a few of his classmates got these pamphlets from some friend who was going door-to-door about it. Why their parents let them talk to this moron, I'll never know.

tl;fu - My brother thinks being a national socialist is a religion now.

Off Topic / Boys, we have a traitor!
« on: April 24, 2010, 02:26:30 PM »
Well, today I was asked if I wanted to go to Borders. Well, I sure as hell did, but when I went to nab my wallet from me drawer, I noticed it was empty. Now only a few weeks ago during Spring Break, I had taken my friend Emily and I to the zoo and I brought back about $20. My dad's had a history of taking my money, even if its quarters for parking (which it usually only is.) I've also caught my brother and older sister taking my money before. So the question is, how do I find out who really took it? I'm very pissed >:C

Off Topic / Computer crashing and programs/drivers not working
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:33:18 PM »
Well, every time I start my computer I get this message that some drivers are missing, now some blob file from Steam is missing (I'm going to get a pic of it later so I can get some help from here). Some days my computer will randomly crash, whether I'm playing a game or just looking at something on the internet; it crashes. I've checked through and uninstalled several programs, but it isn't those. I've scanned and scanned for viruses, malware, spyware, etc. but I haven't found a damn thing.

Anyone got any ideas what the forget is wrong with it?

Games / Break the Tower
« on: April 22, 2010, 03:55:50 PM »
A little game Notch made for a competition, this game is like a little civilization thing that has one main objective: Break the tower. You build little buildings to help and improve your people while building enough soldiers to destroy that tour.

Notch really makes me wanna learn how to use java. Hate them knights who wander over alot :c

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