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Topics - Butler

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Off Topic / forget, broke my window
« on: April 04, 2012, 12:14:28 AM »


Help / Crashes on startup
« on: March 31, 2012, 10:55:36 AM »
When I open the launcher, it loads fine and properly, but when the launcher closes to load the actual game something goes wrong and the game crashes before anything can happen.

Off Topic / Avatar Thread
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:19:53 AM »
I think it is amazing the variety of avatars in this forum. Everyone has their own that they probably edited in some way. Post past/current/future avatars here. If you need help with editing something on/for your avatar, I will, or someone else can, assist you. Again, I find it amazing the variety of avatars in this forum.

My avatar is an edited version of this picture I found one night while scouring the far reaches of

Help / Blockland crashes on startup
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:55:15 AM »
I open BlocklandLauncher, it loads everything, BlocklandLauncher quits to open Blockland, but Blockland never opens. Instead I get an error report saying that Blockland has quit unexpectedly. It just started doing this a day or two ago. I have a console.log file for anyone who wants to read it.

Help / team Deathmatch
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:41:42 PM »
I don't know if it's because I haven't hosted in so long and I forgot or if it is broken in some way, but I won't spawn on the spawn points that I have set up for the teams.

Help / Unknown hosting issues with Macintoshes
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:40:38 PM »
First of all, if you come in here with the intent of saying something along the lines of "Get Windows"   forget off.

I'm getting tired of this, whenever I host a server, literally five minutes in I crash. The game freezes and I have to force quit.
I have a console.log with trace:

Off Topic / Samurai Jack
« on: February 10, 2012, 08:44:34 PM »


     "Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku!"    Aku, Master of Darkness.

      This quotation begins each episode of Samurai Jack, which tells the story of a young prince (Jack) from Feudal Japan whose father's empire was destroyed by the demon Aku. As a child, the prince escapes destruction and travels the world training his mind and his body for years until he reaches adulthood, becoming a legendary samurai. After taking his father's magic katana, he challenges Aku to a duel and defeats the demon. However, before the prince can deal the killing blow, Aku creates a time portal and sends his opponent into the distant future, anticipating that he would be able to amass sufficient power to deal with the Samurai later. The protagonist arrives in a dystopian, futuristic Earth ruled by Aku and filled with his robot minions and a large number of alien immigrant races of various appearances. The first people he encounters in the future call him "Jack" as a form of slang, which he adopts as his name (his true given name is never mentioned in the series).

      Standard episodes follow Jack's search for a way to travel back to his own time, where he hopes to stop Aku before these events come to pass. The cartoon depicts Jack's quest to find a time portal, while constantly facing obstacles set by Aku in a classic battle of Good versus Evil. Typically each time Jack believes he has reached the end of his quest, something causes him to dramatically miss his chance. In one attempt Jack locates a stable portal to the past, but the guardian of the portal defeats him after a long but noticeably mismatched battle. The guardian is about to crush him when the portal starts to flicker and glow, apparently giving the guardian a message; the guardian has a giant pterodactyl take the unconscious Jack away. After Jack leaves, the guardian states that it is not yet time for him to return to the past, and an image of what is implied to be an older Jack is then seen in the portal; indicating that Jack is predestined to succeed, but it will take many years for him to do so.


      Samurai Jack takes place in a world where science and technology have developed far beyond what is available our current time, and in some ways resembles magic on its own. However, despite scientific advances, the future is decidedly dystopian—for example, in one episode the mafia profits greatly from the sale of simple water. Aliens, bounty hunters, and robots are plentiful, and always ready for a fight. The leader of this world is Aku.

      While the setting is distinctly futuristic and technological, several instances of mythology and supernatural events do occur. Mythologies, like Valhalla, and even supernatural forces, such as demonic enemies, make regular appearances, yet do not seem to stand out amongst the technologically advanced inhabitants. Aku himself is obviously supernatural, as is Jack's sword.
Stories take place in a variety of locations. Ranging from beautiful wilderness to futuristic or even dystopian cities, there is often a stark contrast made between the industrial world and the natural world. Regardless of the setting, the simple, minimalistic art style employed resembles ukiyo-e paintings.

This show was the stuff, I used to try to watch it all the time. Sadly, I was too young to remember it now. However I will soon be able to see it again    C:

More info here.


Off Topic / Happeh New Years
« on: January 01, 2012, 12:47:35 AM »
Happy New Year 2012 from us peeps in Chicago!

Off Topic / Happy Holidays!
« on: December 25, 2011, 03:44:54 AM »

Games / Nuclear Dawn
« on: December 11, 2011, 06:36:53 PM »


Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.

As a soldier, explore war-torn post-apocalyptic landscapes, modelled on modern cities, and take the fight to your enemies as armoured, assault or stealth infantry, using various weapons across ten distinct load-outs to accomplish your objectives. The first person shooter action in Nuclear Dawn is hard, fast and unforgiving, with weapons that rely on skill and tactics more than on twitch reflexes and map memorization.

Then, take Nuclear Dawn above the action, and play as the commander. Organize your fellow players in squads, and assign them to tactical objectives. Plan the resource routes for your army, and production of your structures for forward deployment. Exploit the terrain and resource point locations to block your enemies’ advance, and crush their plans in an iron fist. Research and implement new technologies to give your soldiers the edge on the battlefield, and set up forward bases to lead the assault on your enemies, with a full complement of defensive and offensive structures to choose from, to build your perfect fortress.

Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.

RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.

Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.

Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.

Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.

Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.

Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.

SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.

Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.

Steam Powered: Available for both Mac and PC through Steamplay with Steam Cloud support.


2009-2030 - European and Chinese joint efforts develop cutting edge software and hardware technologies that blur the line between imagination and reality, and unleash the age of Nanotech.

Previously impossible engineering, genetic research and chemical compounds become everyday reality, and for the first time since the Industrial Revolution, human culture experiences a true leap forward. Power centres diversify, but the old alliances and countries remain, steadily guiding their citizens on a path to enlightenment. Old differences only seem to be amplified by the newfound power delivered to the houses and hands of common people.

2030-2039 - Emboldened by godlike power that can deliver just about every man's dream through nanotechnology, Chinese imperialism, religious extremism and good old fashioned industrialist greed bring the world spiralling down in a series of cruel terrorist attacks. Even more brutal counterterrorist reprisals bring the world on the edge of chaos, on the brink of destruction. After being temporarily banished by the light of contentment, the old hatreds and discriminations once again rule the day. The people of the world are reeling in pain and disarray, the militaries of half a dozen nations are deployed around the globe. The armies of mankind at the ready, waiting for any order or excuse to unleash hell on their enemies.

2040 - The Third World War starts on January 22nd, in the Sea of Japan. A flotilla of Chinese gunships tries to break a US embargo. Two US destroyers are sunk, and one aircraft carrier is crippled; hundreds are dead. China subsequently invades Japan, and tries to steamroll over the US defences in the area. The Allied counterattack is devastating and the largest naval battle in history ensues.

Beijing unleashes its Plague of Iron on the United States, and 29 million Americans die before the US government catches on the cure for this nanite-based, manmade plague. The nuclear retaliatory strike against China kills 60 million civilians.

2041 - Russia, secretly allied with the Chinese government, invades Europe, and covert strikes cripple Western Europe's nuclear defense capabilities. Alliances are made, and too easily fall in the old Cold War patterns, with Russia against the European block and US, while in the pacific the US battles Chinese troops in Japan.

2042-2045 - the Russian war machine conquers Eastern Europe, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and perches on the borders of France. It delivers ultimatums for unconditional surrender to the remaining nations, and news of Russian atrocities on the noncombatant population leak to the news channels.

China and the US sign a peace treaty that leaves control of parts of Japan to Beijing, and the US immediately retreats, and starts protecting its allies in Europe, and infiltrating Russia with their Nanotech Singularity Gateways. By the end of September 2024, most of the Russian High Command has been assassinated.

US Submarines strike Russian coastal cities, and US reinforcements flood into Western Europe. Its back against the wall, its territory devastated by nanoplagues, and its enemies at the gates, Russia responds the only way it can conceive: by unleashing its monstrous nuclear arsenal on Europe, the US and its former Chinese allies. The United States and every country on Earth with any defensive capability unleash their counterattacks and wait with bated breaths through the night, knowing that darkness has covered the world they know for the last time.

On December 1st, 2045, the Nuclear Dawn explodes on the world, vapourizing all the most advanced technologies and ideals in its lumbering atomic path. The Golden Age of man ends.

2046-2049 - The world's power structures crumble, and all is chaos. Only through the heroic efforts of the tattered remains of the old military organizations is any semblance of civilization restored.

The atomic firestorm that raged purged the earth of rampaging nanite plagues, but it also knocked technology back to Early Golden Age levels, and a desperate rush for resources ensues.

The Consortium and Empire sign uneasy and dishonest truces with each other, and the modern age begins, with covert, high tech raids in enemy territory, and open warfare in some cases, rule the day. The Nuclear Dawn has left precious little for mankind to survive, and survival of the fittest no longer is a theory: it is everyday reality.

The Factions

The Consortium of Free States
Also known as "The Consortium", "TC".

The Consortium consists of the military governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Each of these governments is nominally sovereign but practically under the leadership of Arnold H. Westfall, who spends most of his time conducting operations from the USS Exeter, the world's only surviving aircraft carrier.

The offensive arm of the Consortium is the Asymmetrical Warfare Detachment. While it sounds like it might be small in size it actually numbers into the tens of thousands. Each member receives detailed training and is equipped with the very best weapons and armor. The AWD is supervised directly by the military leader of each member nation of the Consortium, and coordinates with the AWD of Admiral Westfall. AWD units function as 10-20 man Storm Forces that utilize cutting edge wireless transfer technology and airborne insertion to raid facilities of the People's Empire, and search lost cities for artifacts of the Golden Age.

The People’s Empire
Also known as "Empire", "Imps".

A Consortium intelligence profile on the leader of the People's Empire characterized its leader Jiang Di Zhai as dangerously unstable, megalomaniacal, and determined to revenge himself on China's former enemies.

Jiang Di Zhai is certainly megalomaniacal, but as the ruler of the most powerful nation left after the Third he is also brilliantly calculating and anything but unstable. His plan is to use the same raiding tactics and technology as the Consortium while he strengthens his conventional military forces. When his brown townysts project that an Imperial victory can be guaranteed he will launch the closing salvos of the Third.

The armed forces of the People's Empire are divided into three branches; Force Armor, Force Infantry, and Force Air. Force Armor, consisting of tanks and armored infantry, is largely occupied with modernization and securing vehicles and equipment against the environmental threats of the post Third era. Force Infantry, by far the largest of the three, consists of volunteer divisions who are better trained and equipped, and conscript divisions, which are poorly trained and equipped.

The volunteer divisions are used to smash uprisings and unrest and most are deployed in Russia at the request of Daristov. The conscript divisions keep the peace and patrol the enclaves of China. Force Air is used for ferrying troops and dignitaries and little else. It is being modernized and enlarged but Zhai and his generals feel there is little threat from the Consortium's modest air force.

So I ask the Blockland community, is the game worth the twenty dollars?

I literally just copied all of this from

Help / Validating, doesn't happen.
« on: December 11, 2011, 03:19:42 PM »
Blockland refuses to validate my key most of the time I try to play.

Off Topic / Everyday I'm stepping' on the beach
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:08:01 PM »

Games / Erythros' 24/7 Minecraft Vanilla Server
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:59:43 PM »
My IP is:


General Discussion / What is the best color set?
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:48:07 PM »
I had to re-install and lost all my add-ons and color sets. I need a new color set and decided to go by public opinion.

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