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Topics - Gen. Hothauser

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 ... 15
Modification Help / GUI help - button makes player talk
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:04:33 AM »
On a GUI, how would I make a button that, when pressed, made the player enter something into their text field.

My use for this is, when someone clicks a brick, a restaurant menu GUI pops up with buttons next to the dishes, and when the player clicks a button, it makes the player say "/C restaurant [food item]", which uses the cmd events to then trigger more events to work.

I stripped the code from the prompt events to get my GUI to pop up when the event is triggered, so all I need is the button help.

Suggestions & Requests / Hat mod to work with new bot system
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:55:52 PM »
Can someone do what is necessary to get the hat mod to work with the new bot system?  Currently, onbotspawn>bot>wearhat does not exist, though it used to.

Suggestions & Requests / Event system disable
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:40:07 AM »
I remember seeing this in a CRPG server a while back, but I'm not sure if it was tied to the CRPG mod or not, but does anyone have a server mod that disables the ability for non-admins to use events entirely?  In the CRPG server, it looked like the button to get to the eventing menu was darkened out like it had been pressed, if that helps anyone's recollection.

Help / Need to flip a build
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:10:01 PM »
Is there a command to flip a build along an axis?

Suggestions & Requests / Paintcan color variable replacer
« on: July 02, 2013, 04:37:40 PM »
I am requesting someone make a variable replacer for the current color of the player's paint can - an example is provided below.

Code: [Select]
[Onactivate] [Self] [VCE_Modvariable] [Brick] [colorid] [Set] [<var:cl:paintcan>]

General Discussion / Blocky999's VCE CRPG (Help me out!)
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:21:03 AM »

City design attempt 6

Table of Content:

  • Background
  • Information
  • Links
  • Pictures
  • Building Code
  • Help
  • Progress
  • News and Updates
  • Admins and Credits


I began learning VCE during Winter Break, 2010.  By the time Spring Break came around, I was fluent in VCE.  It was then that I decided to put my newly mastered skill to the test.  After running through several ideas, mainly a fantasy RPG, CRPG, and a world at war TDM series, I decided on making the series of TDMs.  After several attempts at making a single TDM map, I dumped that project idea and played other people's servers in despair.  I played DMs and TDMs, CTFs and CPs, CRPGs and Trench games, and even tried RPs, the last of those I completely and entirely refused to ever do again.  I stuck with doing CRPGs for some reason.  After becoming president in one server, then accidentally killing someone when they jumped in front of my car, then becoming a master criminal, then being stuck in a large hole such is the curse of every CRPG up to that point, I decided then that I would make a CRPG.  At that point in time, people only ever used one of the three existing unreliable CRPG gamemodes.  I hated these, and since I had no idea how to code, I set out to develop my own event-based CRPG gamemode.

City attempt 1, dubbed Realistic City, begins, and the house design that I use for all of my other cities is made (I dumped this design in my current city because it did not mesh with my building codes).  I also develop simple VCE systems, such as banking and jobs.  Summer ends and school starts, and work on it slows to a halt.  I don't work on it for two months, the topic becomes too old, and events become glitched slightly.

City attempt 2, dubbed Uber City, rises from the ashes of the old city.  Where the old city was a small neighborhood with a mine, bank, and skyscraper, the new city is a large expanse of land, with poor, middle, and rich neighborhood areas, a mine and forest area, the actual city bit, and a highway.  This was when I mainly built.  I get bored and stop making it.  Months pass, and I pick back up with it.  Roadways are made, a large lake and dam area developed, the mine was moved, etc.  The only important bit here was that I started creating agriculture with the Combine Harvestor running through zonebrick-laden fields of corn.  Got bored of this, stopped working.

Weeks pass, and I start City attempt 3...on an island!  I recently went to a Floridian island called Captiva, and decided to make it in blockland, as a CRPG.  Banking is perfected here, that's basically it.  I stop working because I messed up on the scale of it (I used a map that had roads drawn out of scale).

City attempt 4 begins a month later, dubbed Sunrise Islands RPG.  I make a lot of this, and jobs and job lines (more on that later) perfected.  Work proceeded until I reached brick limit, gave up for a while.

City attempt 5, dubbed Blocktopolis, starts, and I decided to focus more on the event systems rather than looks, and I get a lot done here.  The mine, forest, and now fishing areas are perfected, of the most important developments, along with real estate perfected and religion added, just for forgets.  The most impressive addition was agriculture, where crops appear to grow as bricks change color and appear.  Stop working on it because of school.

I bring you city attempt 6, dubbed Blockton, where I hope to put absolutely everything together for a final coup de grace before college next year, this includes perfecting architecture and landscape, and of course events.


This CRPG uses events instead of a gamemode to create the CRPG experience.


Please be advised, the build quality in the following links does not match the caliber I have created and have planned for this city to have.

City Attempt 1
City Attempt 2
City Attempt 3 A forum page for this was never made
City Attempt 4
City Attempt 5



The first food market (left) and food bank (right).  (1.6k bricks for the market, 1.2k bricks for the bank).  The two buildings are placed where they will be in the city, and there will be more buildings next to them.

Interior of food market, first floor.

Interior of food market, second floor, wall 1.

Interior of food market, second floor, wall 2.

Interior of food market, second floor, bread cabinet..

The current double flat design.  (6k bricks total, 3k per flat)

Mailbox on the double flat.  Click this to buy, sell, or check the ownership of the flat.

Inside of flat.  Plain and boring, made like that for a purpose.

First single-family home design.  (5k bricks, not done)

Front porch of single-family home.

Kitchen in the single-family home.


The following pictures are of the island.  Find me.

see me?

The mining cave.


City main area design (the right one, left is obsolete).

Key for the city layout.

Future area for wealthy neighborhood area.

Future area for shanty-town for miners, axemen, fishermen, and hunters (maybe).

Future area for business area.

Ramp up to business area.  Making decorative bushes on the sides instead of a sidewalk.

Traffic light.  The blue sign is the name of the street.  N/S facing streets are colors, E/W streets are named after brick types (brick, plate, special, ramp, etc.).

Two designs for the turn.  Can't quite decide, I favor the left, though the right looks good-ish too.


Sign I tore out of the old city and renamed.

THE MOON (maybe)

THE MOON (maybe).  It's 1.6k 20b height bricks - so 32k bricks high.

Bots were fun to mess around with in ACM city.


Monorail pieces.

Monorail test track.

Menu for the first restaurant.  This might be converted into a GUI for aesthetic purposes.

Building Code

  • Must use the 6 height doors
  • No window bricks, all windows must be made from standard bricks
  • Floors should be made from print plates unless a different effect is desired, and ceilings must be made from print plates.  These print plates must be able to be built on
  • Interior walls must be 24 plates tall - that's floor, plate, 6 height brick, plate, 1 height brick, plate, ceiling (I'll get a picture for you guys)
  • If it is supposed to be in the city, not in the suburbs, it must have two flat, windowless sides and must be on a 32x32 baseplate to be connected to other buildings (I'll get a picture for you guys)


Alright guys, I'm just gunna double post for a new subject.

I am realizing now just how big this city is going to actually be - including how much time and effort it will take to make this thing (I don't have the time to do such a big project due to college apps, job, sports, etc.). As such, I am requesting help on this.  I need a group of people to help me build and event this thing with me.  You don't need to be able to build or event that well, I can train you with those things.  If you can build or event well, I'd have to show you the standards in design I have going on in the city.  So, there are four things you need/can do to be able to help (above everything required to play Blockland) which are a basic idea of how to event, an ability to distinguish between spam and a house, a willingness to help and continue on even when something seems tedious or boring, and the ability to use the chat function.  If you think you are up to this challenge, post on this page or pm me with your in game name (IGN), your BL_ID, what you would like to help with (either building or eventing), and your experience level (on a scale of: I need to be taught/guide me while working/tell me what to do and I'll do it).  I haven't yet decided if I will host a class to teach people at one time, or individually.

Thank you all for any advanced replies.

  • 8/24/13 - A whole lot since the last update.  Whoops, haven't updated this part in a while.
  • 7/13/13 - Created first restaurant bot and made the first menu
  • 7/3/13 - Created the city center designs, created intersection design and road designs, started reworking the traffic light system
  • 7/2/13 - Finished the first flat, more colors, designs, and orientations to come

News and Updates:
  • 7/3/13 - Page modified (added pictures)
  • 7/2/13 - Page modified (added pictures)
  • 7/1/13 - Page modified (added information)
  • 6/30/13 - Page created

Active Admins
-Masterking deaddude
-Rawr muffinz
-Dead Bones

-Georges - modeled the amazing city buses
-Bluetoothboy - vehicle-ized the bus models for blockland
-BlockoBlocko - music
-Rawr muffinz - working on GUIs
-Dead Bones - ideas
-Lectro - ideas

Modification Help / Question about datablocks
« on: June 25, 2013, 07:02:54 AM »
I currently have 50+ brick packs spanning all necessary cubic bricks, but with some repeats.  I want to know if I were to create my own brick pack with every cubic brick I currently have, and others I still need, without repeats, and delete all other cubic brick packs, would I have significantly more datablocks then?

Off Topic / Who's in the UK or US?
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:13:38 AM »
On vacation in London, and after being disappointed that Blockland's URL didn't change from to, I was wondering how many people were in the UK vs in the US.  I also included US territories in the poll, because I don't know UK territories.

Modification Help / My questions page about making GUIs
« on: June 09, 2013, 11:24:37 PM »
I am in the process of making a newspaper-looking GUI for my upcoming event-based CRPG, and while making it, Blockland crashed.  When I restarted Blockland, either in correlation with or not, my saved "NewspaperGui" was not in the menu for GUI select.  I have the "NewspaperGui.Gui" saved in the base/client/ui/ folder, is this where it should be to load in the GUI select menu of the GUI maker?  If so, where?  If not, then what did I do wrong?

This would be my first serious GUI I have/am making, so I don't know much about the process of saving them and the correct place I should put them.

Answer: Everytime you work on your GUI, you have to execute it by typing exec("base/client/ui/NewspaperGui.gui"); into the console, unless it is in an addon.

Second question.

I have made a test gui to see what I need to enter to keybind the gui and such.

File directory: Add-Ons/Client_CRPG/
In that folder, I have "NewspaperGui.gui", "Client.cs", "description.txt", and "Newspaper.png"

Code: [Select]
new GuiControl(Newspaper) {
   profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
   horizSizing = "right";
   vertSizing = "bottom";
   position = "0 0";
   extent = "1024 768";
   minExtent = "8 2";
   enabled = "1";
   visible = "1";
   clipToParent = "1";

   new GuiWindowCtrl() {
      profile = "GuiWindowProfile";
      horizSizing = "center";
      vertSizing = "bottom";
      position = "307 121";
      extent = "410 432";
      minExtent = "8 2";
      enabled = "1";
      visible = "1";
      clipToParent = "1";
      maxLength = "255";
      resizeWidth = "1";
      resizeHeight = "1";
      canMove = "0";
      canClose = "1";
      canMinimize = "0";
      canMaximize = "0";
      minSize = "50 50";
      closeCommand = "canvas.popDialog(NewspaperGui.gui);";

      new GuiBitmapCtrl() {
         profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
         horizSizing = "right";
         vertSizing = "bottom";
         position = "5 27";
         extent = "400 400";
         minExtent = "8 2";
         enabled = "1";
         visible = "1";
         clipToParent = "1";
         bitmap = "./Newspaper";
         wrap = "0";
         lockAspectRatio = "0";
         alignLeft = "0";
         alignTop = "0";
         overflowImage = "0";
         keepCached = "0";
         mColor = "255 255 255 255";
         mMultiply = "0";

         new GuiScrollCtrl(Text1) {
            profile = "GuiScrollProfile";
            horizSizing = "right";
            vertSizing = "bottom";
            position = "13 193";
            extent = "177 95";
            minExtent = "8 2";
            enabled = "1";
            visible = "1";
            clipToParent = "1";
            willFirstRespond = "0";
            hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
            vScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
            constantThumbHeight = "0";
            childMargin = "0 0";
            rowHeight = "40";
            columnWidth = "30";
         new GuiScrollCtrl(Text2) {
            profile = "GuiScrollProfile";
            horizSizing = "right";
            vertSizing = "bottom";
            position = "209 193";
            extent = "177 95";
            minExtent = "8 2";
            enabled = "1";
            visible = "1";
            clipToParent = "1";
            willFirstRespond = "0";
            hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
            vScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
            constantThumbHeight = "0";
            childMargin = "0 0";
            rowHeight = "40";
            columnWidth = "30";
function Open_NewspaperGui.gui(%toggle)


Code: [Select]

    $remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Blocky999";
    $remapName[$remapCount] = "NewspaperGui.gui";
    $remapCmd[$remapCount] = "Open_NewspaperGui.gui";

Code: [Select]
Title: CRPG GUIs
Author: Blocky999
Guis for my CRPG

I'm following this as a tutorial.

I started up Blockland, keybound it to "Alt R", started a game, pressed the keybind, nothing happened.  I entered the console and nothing was displayed.  What am I doing wrong?


I loaded an old CRPG of mine that uses events, and one of the most impressive systems in the 'mod' used firerelaynumdirection to make crops grow.  I figured out it was the event.  Anyone know if there is already an addon incompatible with this event, or if the event is broken?

Off Topic / Roblox Mobile
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:10:19 PM »
It's been about a month or so since I've played Blockland, because I was tired of the worsening community situation, an so I moved to Minecraft.  In my attempts to locate minecraft-like mobile apps, I came across the Roblox Mobile app on the App Store.  I had no idea it existed, and still remembering my account from six or seven years ago, I downloaded it.

You know how the mobile versions of games are always stuff compared to their non-mobile versions?  Well, mobile Roblox is way less stuffty than PC Roblox.  It's still full of 9 y/o pricks, but there is so much less lag time; that may be due to the expectation that mobile games are laggisious, and so Roblox (a naturally laggy game) is far less laggy on its mobile version in comparison.

The game is still stuff, though.  The physics isn't implemented correctly, the community is worse than this forum, and the development of Roblox are all stuff.

Two random questions that do not correlate with eachother.

How much memory could be saved if input events stopped putting "on" in front of the event, such as "Onactivate".  Instead, couldn't a good amount of wasted memory be gained by never using "on" anymore?

Why do we have colorsets, and not a customizable paint color chooser.  I assume it be for memory's purpose; each brick is saved with a data value corresponding to the paint color in the colorset that it is painted with.  If this is so, then why can't we have ingame colorset customization, like in the avatar menu?

Help / Event glitch: Corrupt save file?
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:06:36 PM »
I hosted my Pacific: A WWII TDM on a dedicated server, all VCE events were messed up.

Help / Event Help: CP input event not working?
« on: December 22, 2012, 09:44:49 AM »
In my Pacific: A WWII TDM, I am using a system where inorder to win, the rival team's base island needs to be captured.  Inorder to do this, all five of the other islands must be captured.  Inorder for one team to capture an island, they must capture all points on an island (three caps for the small islands, four caps for the big islands).  Caping all points on an island triggers a large flag in the center to change color to the team that has capped the island.  For some reason, the flag doesn't change color, and the event line that displays that the island is captured, "THE ALLIES HAVE CAPTURED THE NORTH ISLAND" does not trigger.  This leads me to believe that my problem is either the Slayer CPCapture input, or the Ifvalue check on the other flag bricks.

Here is a pic.

In the picture, there are some bricks named.  Line 0 is the flag name for the capture point I wrenched here.  Lines 2, 3, and 4 named bricks are the small flags that change color when someone caps a single CP.  These are the other three flags besides the one that is currently being capped.  Line 6 is the large island flag that changes color when all small caps on an island are captured.  Line 7 is the spawn that can only be accessed by a team when that team caps the island, and only that team can access it (currently only AA Turrets, but I'm thinking about adding a bomber somewhere).  All lines after that just repeat for the other team.  in lines 2, 3, and 4, I originally had it check <var:br:colorid> with 16 for Blue and 9 for Red, but I changed it hoping that it would fix the problem.

Someone please help, as I cannot figure out what is wrong.

Help / Minigame playertype glitch
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:55:30 AM »
For my Pacific: A WWII TDM, I am using a single spawn room for both teams, therefore, I have to set the minigame playertype to noncombatant, so people don't kill eachother in the spawn room.  The way my system works is that the person spawns, clicks a door on the wall to choose a class, they become that class (while still retaining their noncombatant playertype, they then click on a colored brick on the minimap to teleport to wherever they clicked, upon clicking, the events make the the corresponding playertype to what they chose, such as the Tf2_Medic playertype for a medic.

Unfortunately, some glitch happens that doesn't change the player's playertype, so they have all the characteristics of the noncombatant playertype.  Does anyone know a fix for this?

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