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Topics - VerticalHorizon

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Creativity / VH wrote a new song
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:44:32 AM »

Off Topic / Riffs
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:45:48 AM »
I have recorded a play through of some riff ideas. I'm trying to record at the speed of light in anticipation for my very first show and I want material to provide for the record label executive that will be there. What is your opinions on these riffs? Is the structure okay? Do I need to make a part longer? Shorter? snake? Vagina? Discuse.

Off Topic / Christian philosophy is wrong IMO
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:09:15 PM »
Before you guys comment on this saying "oh but I'm an christian" or "god sucks" I am just here to tell you that the term christianity is a fallacy. According to the dictionary definition being a christian means you believe there is a higher being than us and that there is a possibility there can be a god. Take that fact into matter and since god/gods are in touch with almost every aspect of life, you have to know everything to say there is such thing as god. This is impossible. So next time you say you are a "christian" say you are agnostic, cause that really makes me mad.

Thanks for reading!

Off Topic / VH's list of cool people on the forum
« on: January 28, 2012, 08:45:25 PM »
  • VerticalHorizon
  • Bones4
  • Barnabas
  • Lørd Tøny
  • MegaScientifical
  • Solid
  • dkamm65
  • tapemaster21
  • TapeDeck

I'm about to take a shower and I can't decide: should I shave my beard thing off or not? I like it a lot but I also love going nude. PLEASE HALP :C.

Photo is me at this very moment, keep it or lose it?


Without facial hair:


This topic is now about stuff.

Off Topic /
« on: January 13, 2012, 01:08:37 AM »
Join peoples' rooms, listen to their music or become a DJ, enjoy and stuff. I'm playing metal if anyone wants to join me.

Gallery / Lego Architecture: Falling Water
« on: December 10, 2011, 06:12:13 PM »
I saw these sets in the Lego store at the mall and I decided I had to build the Falling Water set... So here it is.

First, the real set:

Now mine:

I used a scan of the official instruction booklet and followed it step by step exactly how it was written. Thank you to Dillpickle for telling me about One Random Brick Pack and making this reproduction possible.

Rate if you want I don't care I just wanted to post it.

Off Topic / Geocaching
« on: November 09, 2011, 06:04:13 PM »
Geocaching is basically a worldwide treasure hunt where you use a GPS to locate hidden containers called geocaches.
My sister just introduced me to this today and we went and found a geocache right here in my town. We used the compass on my phone to find it after we had found the spot on the map. We looked through some trees in a graveyard and finally found a film canister covered in camouflage. We opened it up and found a piece of paper with peoples' names on it, we wrote our names on it and put it back, then logged it on our geocaching app.
She said there are larger ones like mason jars with toys inside of them where you can swap out the toys for other toys for people to find. Some are puzzles where you find clues, some are like a series with a certain theme. I found it pretty cool and exciting to find my first cache.
Does anyone here do this? If not you should try it, it's cool as forget.

Off Topic / Your favorite quick meals
« on: October 07, 2011, 11:11:42 PM »
Quick meal as in something that doesn't take long to cook but fills you up enough to be satisfied.
I'd prefer if you post stuff you've made up or your own take on pre made food (Like adding stuff to Ramen, etc.).

One of my favorites is to take bean and bacon soup, then add pepper, garlic salt and ground chipotle.
I usually shake the pepper in it about 4 times, coat the middle with the garlic and coat the entire top with the chipotle.

Take a bag of instant rice and a can of cream of mushroom soup, prepare both and mix the soup into the rice.
Tastes excellent and it's pretty filling. You can also use cream of chicken.

Post your recipes.

Help / Mission editor is bringing up the wrong directory
« on: September 28, 2011, 02:33:44 AM »
Posting this here in hopes that I can finally get some help

So I'm working on getting Mountains of Excalibur running correctly for everyone, but I am baffled by this.

So I installed a clean copy of Blockland to my Documents folder, wherein my other folder is in C:
I downloaded my map from my forum topic and opened it in game... It looks perfectly fine.
I opened the mission editor and opened the texture painter,

Looks fine to me. However, when I opened the terrain inspector, my textures are targeted at Add-Ons/map_mounts/blah

Then I remembered when I was making the map, when I hit Add Material... button it took me to a folder with nothing in it but a default texture. When I added textures to the map_mounts folder in my Add-Ons they appeared on the list. This copy of Blockland doesn't have that folder, yet my textures appear in game, but not on the Add Materials... list. ASDUSAHFUSHDFGUSDFHGSDFGSDFGS DFG. Do I need to change the path? If so, how would I? Also, some people report the trees are missing, why would that be? Why do some people have them and some don't? And to my knowledge, 100% of the people don't have the tree stump or the log. They load fine for me in game and they're in the .zip.

[...] I installed a second copy so I could see how my map works on a completely clean, unmodified installation.
When I hit Add Material... it gives me this:

I extracted [the map to a folder] and deleted the .zip file. I opened Blockland, started the map, opened the mission editor, and I still get this:

Off Topic / This is the greatest forum ever (WARNING: Sappy and gay)
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:32:31 AM »
Here's the part where VH sounds like a sappy, sad and lonely man. But hear me out.

I've been here for a long 6 years now. I've been here through the bad times (TBM) and through the good times (RTB).
I've seen the trolls, I've seen the forum crashes, I've seen the generally horrible people. I've seen the great people, the incredibly talented people.
These people were my family when my dad died, when I lost my house, when I basically lost contact with my family due to my step-dad. Every time I've been depressed, every time I've been suicidal, every time I've been so incredibly lonely and had no friends, everything. This forum has watched me grow up, this forum has been my home when I've had no home.
The people on these forums have personalities, personalities you don't see anywhere else. I've tried getting into other forums but they all feel like nothing but avatars and usernames. They're all robots that say the same things over and over. But here, I see people, not just usernames.
I see people and I know their personalities and I can laugh with them and argue with them and get mad at them and truly call them friends.
These forums have been, and always will be, a significant part of me and my life. I will always look back on my times here and smile because I know without a doubt that this is where I belong.
As much as I say I hate you forgeters, when you call me an emo cigarette (Bisjac) and call me a disgusting freak for cross dressing (90% of you), I can't help but come back. I let it slide cause in reality I really do love you guys (in a completely homoloveual way ;)).
It's truly an incredible feeling to be a part of this community; to watch Blockland grow and progress, to watch the wars and the breakthroughs, to be a part of the mod development teams and beta projects. I wouldn't trade you guys for anything in the world.

TL;DR: Read the god damn thing, it's not that loving long.

Off Topic / Glitchscape - Make music with beeps and bloops
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:38:51 PM »
This is similar to that other site where you use the white dots to make music except I like this one better.
You have a grid and you just draw different size squares/rectangles to make your loop. I found it really entertaining.

Share your loops and stuff.

One of my loops

Do this for posting your loops:

[ url=YourLoopURL]Text[/url]

Without the space of course.

Mapping Help / Mission editor is bringing up the wrong directory
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:58:10 AM »
So I'm working on getting Mountains of Excalibur running correctly for everyone, but I am baffled by this.

So I installed a clean copy of Blockland to my Documents folder, wherein my other folder is in C:
I downloaded my map from my forum topic and opened it in game... It looks perfectly fine.
I opened the mission editor and opened the texture painter,

Looks fine to me. However, when I opened the terrain inspector, my textures are targeted at Add-Ons/map_mounts/blah

Then I remembered when I was making the map, when I hit Add Material... button it took me to a folder with nothing in it but a default texture. When I added textures to the map_mounts folder in my Add-Ons they appeared on the list. This copy of Blockland doesn't have that folder, yet my textures appear in game, but not on the Add Materials... list. ASDUSAHFUSHDFGUSDFHGSDFGSDFGS DFG. Do I need to change the path? If so, how would I? Also, some people report the trees are missing, why would that be? Why do some people have them and some don't? And to my knowledge, 100% of the people don't have the tree stump or the log. They load fine for me in game and they're in the .zip.

General Discussion / Mountains of Excalibur - What the hell?
« on: August 31, 2011, 10:18:05 PM »
To whom it may concern,

Chrono, being the great man that he is, has showed me what you are all talking about as far as the map being different in game. I was horrified by what he showed me and I apologize for this fatal error. I am looking into it and hopefully I'll have a 100% working version uploaded within the next couple days.
I had been confused by the comments in the thread because my version looked fine. Apparently the .zip packaging system has me beat and I need to relearn the process all the forget over again. This is embarrassing to say the least, but once I get back into the groove I'll be back to create some more maps for everyone.

I would have posted this in the topic in the Maps section but I got the 'too told' error so I thought I'd announce it here for those of you who care.
This is not a plea for sympathy or a cry out for attention, merely, I feel as though I have cheated you guys with false advertisement. The map really does look that way, and I did pour my heart into that map for a few months.

My maps are my art, as odd as it may seem. It's a stress reliever and one of my most powerful creative outlets. I look forward to correcting this problem and making more maps.

Off Topic / Help me find a pattern in these numbers (GOT IT)
« on: August 28, 2011, 05:05:59 AM »
I've transposed the guitar riff from this song into numbers and I'm trying to find a pattern so I may better understand it.

However, I can't seem to find the loving pattern. I've exhausted all of my possible solutions (Solutions that I have managed to come up with at 4:20 in the morning at least).
Help would be greatly appreciated.

3 1 5 9 2 2 1 3 1 5 9 2 1 2 2 1 5 9 2 2 1 3 1 5 9 2 1 2 3 1 5 9 2 2 1 3 1 5 9 2 1 2

There might not even be a pattern at all but this band is obsessed with music theory so I'm at least 99% sure there's a pattern in it somewhere.

Alright guys so I caved in and slowed it down. Upon inspection of the newly slowed down riff, I've found the correct sequence of numbers.

3 1 5 9 2 2 1 3 1 1 5 9 2 1 2 3 1 5 9 2 2 1 3 1 5 9 2 1 2 3 1 5 9 2 2 1 3 1 1 5 9 2 1 2

Among those numbers I very quickly spotted the pattern.

3 1 5 9 2 2 1
3 1 1 5 9 2 1 2
3 1 5 9 2 2 1
3 1 1 5 9 2 1 2
3 1 5 9 2 2 1
3 1 1 5 9 2 1 2

This pattern, while quite easy to pinpoint, is ridiculously complex to play, especially in the way they've arranged it. Thanks for your suggestions guys, it turned out to be my own mistake in the transcribing at full speed.

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