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Topics - Alkatjo

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Off Topic / Computer troubles.
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:49:43 PM »
This was brought up in the laptop thread but still this concerns me.
This laptop used to be fan loving-tastic. Its better than the computer I have now but not my main. I'd still like to have it.
let me explain a bit first.

One day I woke up and got on as usual. Got on my game nothing weird about it but then, the sound stuttered for like a good 5 seconds before It crashed. I booted it up again but this time the horrid artifacts had appeared. Ahh!

I don't know what the forget is going on. And I've just let it sit there in the dust for a good year now. If you want the specs just ask for them but I doubt it would have anything to do with this.

Off Topic / Topic Talk
« on: July 27, 2014, 07:14:53 PM »
Before I begin, I must explain a few things.
Me and my amigo named Cameron are going to record ourselves talking about topics that you guys list in the thread.
It can be anything from games to pop culture ect. Give us whacky stuff to.
At the end of every two days or so I'll compile all the audio into a video and you guys can listen to what we talk about.
Also remember, it can be anything. We have no shame.
This thread will be locked when the official megathread and pilot are placed.


Help / I need an archive of all pre-existing and new rtb add-ons
« on: July 13, 2014, 02:06:53 AM »
Title, I recently had to completely wipe my computer, this included all of my add-ons.
I heard there might be an in game add-on that does this, if so I would be interested in having it.

General Discussion / Badspot's and Rotondo's building skills?
« on: July 09, 2014, 10:45:38 PM »
Has anyone ever had the chance to witness either one of your Gods build? If so when and where?
I'm curious about how they use/build in Blockland.

Short videos and pictures would do nicely.

So now apparently google and everyone else from that "Stop using the word bossy" campaign have devised a plot to enforce woman into the coding world.
Here it is folks the new generation of "code".

Everything you love is made with code, so lets make woman code. Foolproof plan, nothing can go wrong.
Also stop using the word bossy it makes girls mad.

Dance w/ code.
Eat w/ code.
Code w/ code. Everything you can do with code is now easier with code.

Off Topic / English finals project, unexpected twist.
« on: April 24, 2014, 09:57:04 PM »
Finals are coming up and I have a pretty basic idea of what I'm doing. My English teacher has asked us to write a short paragraph with meaning behind a subject such as religion or context in phrases and poems. I have a pretty solid lead and wanted to share a cross between science-fiction and religion (main religion being Christianity seeing how that's the norm in my state, I would've done Buddhism but I hardly know anything of the subject).

Well, here we go.

"We're all of us, connected. Each heart resides within the path of our shadow, our past and future ravishing the times we've lived and the times we once lived. He came, eons ago to seed the land with what seemed a promising race of beings, far superior than his previous experiments. With time almost out, and the universal clock ticking...he set the path in motion of future humanity. It is the creator, a monarch among kings and queens. Each creator resides within its own universe, separated from all who seek it. Its name was Z E-3, creator grid-5. Its task, replenish the fallen race for one last chance, the chance to change. It spoke with such grace and such dignity...its ideas. The future now lay rest within the crevice of his metal vessel, a chariot for kings. Two single celled organism named Advert-9 and Everit-3 were being fitted for the journey to the broken and barren planet of Exes. Exes was no ordinary world. It was neither hot nor cold, but normal in such a degree that it was astonishing to see even for the creator's eyes. It was in perfect loop around the star STz, a rare feet in the days before the great exile. Exes, had a moon similar to that of the creator's home. It punched the tick for launce as an Ancillia, an ancient race of energy, calculated the launch. "My children" it said, looking out of the forceflex hole, "Time calls for a new king, a new race for the eternal abyss which we're all confined to" he paused, looking down at Exes. "I offer you this, as my last gift to you. Do not fail me again"

That's all I have for now basically, can you possibly offer any words of advice about any mistakes I may have overlooked?

Suggestions & Requests / Final Fantasy styled combat?
« on: March 21, 2014, 07:27:44 PM »
Turned based combat anyone?
Instead of me explaining it in vast detail I will summarize it with a scenario.

There are 4 players, 2 on each team. The players enter the battle ect. The game randomly decides which team will start based on who attacked who first.
(In this scenario team 1) The game chooses team 1, then a player on said team. The player gets to move and attack, then the player is teleported back to
his starting position, and then the rest of team 1 gets to go. After all attacks are made by team 1, the game switches over to team 2 and repeats every step
before switching back to team 1.

I've tried this many times with vce and register "if" events. It has come to my attention that certain aspects of this request are needed in code to make sure
the gameplay Is fluid and not just a timed event.

Games / I'll buy you a Steam game/item for $5.00 below.
« on: March 08, 2014, 09:21:05 PM »
I went on a buying spree when i got paid, i have $5.00 leftover.
Name some item/game of choice under 5 and i will buy and give it to you.
So yeah, give me your steam ID and nickname just be to sure. And list what you want.

Modification Help / Help: Vehicle troubles.
« on: March 04, 2014, 11:33:19 AM »
Can someone tell me why this won't show up in my Add-On list in game?

Here is the Vehicle.

I'd sure like to have this fixed.

Suggestions & Requests / More WWII Themed planes.
« on: March 03, 2014, 10:55:07 PM »
Recently been playing War Thunder and noticed that blockland has like, almost 3 WWII inspired planes. (Some of which don't even work, ex: Avenger dive bomber)
We have too many damn cars, what about our boys in the air?

And i'm intrested in re-building a 1:3 scale of wake island.

Anyway, just an idea. Here are a few planes in mind.

Warhawks. P-51 Mustangs. B-17 bombers ect.
Jap Zero, the Shindin, ptf-70.

Off Topic / My Dog(s) have Parvo
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:25:48 AM »
So yeah, my Dog(s) contracted Parvo out of the blue, i still don't know how. There was no infected stool for them to eat.
This virus attacks the inside of their guts basically, causing vomiting and watery poo.
I have four five month old puppies.
Boo, Spot, Chewy, and Diablo.
Spot already died this morning, we didn't know it was Parvo, but when we got to the vet...
We can't put him in a grave, because Parvo lives on for like, years. So they have to burn him. We still get his ashes though. Boo looks to be okay. Chewy is in my room and i have him on pentacilian or whatever its called. It should keep his Zinc and hydration up.
Diablo is recovering, but that does not mean he can't die from lack of water.
I have no idea how to make them loving eat. All chewy does is just sit there on my bed. He didn't even take a stuff or piss this morning. Odd.


Games / The Omni, a not so distant virtual reality.
« on: February 11, 2014, 09:46:11 PM »
Paired with the Oculus Rift. And oh boy, get ready.

What it Does:This little tool allows you to literally "step" into your game. The low friction surface and special shoes makes it so the game registers your movement, and it works perfectly. You don't slip because the ring also acts like a belt, keeping you in place without you feeling it.

Here are some demonstration videos.

Imagine an early jog in Skyrim.
Running 500M in Arma 3. Holy stuff. You'd lose a lot of calories.

Its been funded and now you can re-order your own for about $499. Or buy one for your friend in this...$1000 duel deal pack.

Some pictures.

The receptors along the line allow you to do a number of moves, such as sit, crouch, jump and more.

The Omni itself, can be adjusted and sized to your liking.

Honestly, I can't wait for this. From what I've seen it does not look like a big let down.

Help / Authentication Validating key
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:07:40 PM »
This is happening to me again, are the master servers down?

General Discussion / Things you loved on blockland, but are now gone.
« on: February 03, 2014, 06:24:04 PM »
You say anything about maps I'll loving gag you.

To start, one of the first games I joined was Wizzard's Dogfight. Oh boy was that fun, it had like a latency of 12 and ran smooth. Planes and guns and terrain

The SCP project by TheBrighterDark. I don't know why this was canceled, it looked so damn fun.
Tombland(s), supposedly a mix of Blockland and runescape. Looked fun as hell and looked well scripted.
Derroith's Dayz. Seriously people what the living forget. Don't cancel stuff when its like, 90% complete come on.


Help / flushtexture command?
« on: January 25, 2014, 04:40:53 PM »
is it flushtexture()?
I know you're supposed to put a . somewhere.

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