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Topics - Gen. Hothauser

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Suggestions & Requests / Suggestion Extension- multinaming bricks
« on: October 06, 2012, 01:25:03 AM »
I remember reading a thread about the ability to name a bricks, then name it into a subgroup.  What if it had more namable slots.  I'd find this extremely helpful.

Help / A limit to the number of zones created?
« on: October 06, 2012, 12:29:26 AM »
I was doing some work on my CRPG by doing the zone trick on bricks to make precipitation not go through bricks.  I did this for a lot of bricks-roofs, roads, ground-and found some of the last zoned bricks to not have a zone property to them.  Is there a limit to the number of zones you can make?  If so, what is it, and how do I make it higher, I've already checked the usual place where projectile and brick limits are.  If not, then what is this glitch?  I triple checked my events to ensure no screw up in the repeated exercises of making quick zones.

Here are some pictures of the roads.

Off Topic / 4th dimensional Rubik's cube
« on: September 22, 2012, 06:21:22 PM »
I have been doing some theoretical thinking about the 4th dimension, and even got my entire guitar 4 class in school to think about it, half stoned.  We confused the stuff out of the Orchestra kids, we use their room because Guitar is too cool to need its own room.  We talked about the Hypercube (4D cube), 4D spheres, and 4D pyramids.  Later that day, I had an epiphany-a 4th dimensional Rubik's cube.  I first drew out the hypercube, then segmented it proportionally to create what would be the 4D Rubik's cube.  That was the easy part, the hard part was figuring out how it moved.  I finally figured it out, then looked on the internets to see if anyone else had the same idea.  Turns out they did, and here is the link to a 4D Rubik's cube simulator, that's simulator, it can't actually create the fourth dimension because we are creatures of the third dimension viewing a deformed 3D object on a 2D screen.

Click on the picture at the top of the webpage to go to a simple applet for demonstrations.

Suggestions & Requests / Requesting someone make an image for me
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:14:52 PM »
Can someone make the Blockland B with a transparent background?

Suggestions & Requests / New idea for numbers on doors?
« on: September 08, 2012, 04:09:41 PM »
I haven't done much in the JVS field, so I'm not positive whether this is possible or not.

Instead of using prints, my idea is a JVS object that is only a floating number.  These JVS objects have zone-like qualities, and thus can be placed inside another JVS object.  When the door is activated, the numbered JVS object moves with the door.  Of course, this would require a standardized default rotation speed among all JVS doors.  The number would be split in half length-wise, and flipped, so it is shown in the correct orientation on either side of the door.

/discuss or make

Suggestions & Requests / Event Request: Plant and Delete outputs
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:34:01 PM »
/title.  Very self explanatory.  Not sure how well it's work though, if at all possible.  The placement of the brick would be weird though, so maybe some North, South, East, West, Up, and Down kinda thing could work?  And could there be a box to add a brick name to the newly planted brick?

I made a topic about this a while ago when the V21 shadows and shaders idea was recently released, but now that we have shadows and shaders, I thought it'd be good to resuggest it.

This would be like the spray can, like have it's own row similar to fx, that would change the shininess of the brick that is painted, to give the illusion that it is a different material.  You could paint a brick gray, then texture it really shiny to make metal, or make an offwhite wall then paint it the least shiny, to make a stucco or matte finish.


Off Topic / Some weird stuff I just realized
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:04:37 AM »
I dunno why I'm making this topic, but meh.

So I was looking some more at the Blockland stats, and saw that Idle has the most time for being online, that being 387 days, but, she has never posted a single post.  What's up with that?


Not sure how many people know this little trick, but it's what I use for typing events quickly in the forums for examples and such.  This works for IPhone 4s, and presumably IPad and Itouch as well.

Go into settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Add new shortcut

Then follow the instructions that they give you.

This way, you could set it so that when you type "activate", it changes it to [onactivate], which is a good way of writing events on the forums.  This is how I write events fast, and I hope you all enjoy this method as well.

Suggestions & Requests / Increased detailing in vehicles
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:39:42 PM »
I was in a server the other day and remarked how the Pumas have brake lights.  I don't see why this same system can't be instilled in the normal, city vehicles like the fordor and fillipes cars.  Also, wouldn't simple headlights be simple?  Just use the standardized flashlight emitter on to points where the headlights are.

If no one does anything soon, then I'm gunna try stuff.

General Discussion / When we break 40k BL_IDs
« on: August 06, 2012, 12:04:26 AM »
According to my quick calculations, with the current rate of growth, we will break 40k members on November 11th, 2012.

And on November 7th, 2013, we shall break 50,000.

(Disclaimer: These were all quick calculations while being bored, half asleep.  Measurements may be subject to change.  All measurements are estimated, using the current increase/day, the current BL_ID, and the calendar and calculator apps on my IPhone.  Bears can hurt you, so don't drink and drive.  Enjoy the rest of your meal!)

Help / Extreme lag that increased as time went on.
« on: August 04, 2012, 02:51:54 PM »
Something happened on my server today that has never happened to me before.  A large lag stream occured that started off small, which i did notice because it never happens, then increased trumendously with either time or increased bricks.

Unfortunately, i started Blockland back up after I quit Blockland to get out of the lag, and forgot that i should have checked the console log.  I'm just wondering if anyone experienced this before.  The only new addons/updates i got were the update to the hatmod that was a little while ago and the update to the cmd funciton event that happened a few days ago.

General Discussion / Quote your first post. Ever.
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:07:36 AM »
Include title, date, URL, and the content.

Depending on how long you've been posting stuff, you may or may not be able to hit the quote button and copy the quote exactly, so just copy it from the thread screen.

Title: How to make a vehicle
« February 10, 2010, 03:27:22 PM »   
how do you make a vehicle.  Ive made a list of them and i am attempting to make Wii sports resort.  so i need to make a wakeboard with boat, jetski ...

This is the same for tools/weapons, golf stuff frisby ...

It makes you feel proud of yourself.

Suggestions & Requests / Request: Bell Sound
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:39:48 PM »
No, not a whimpy door bell.  I'm requesting a powerful bell sound that a church bell or city bell would make, just one gong is fine please.

Suggestions & Requests / Event mod suggestion: Copy events event
« on: July 30, 2012, 12:34:48 AM »
It would like something like this

[onactivate] [namedbrick] [test] [copyevents] [ ]

What this is is it copies the events of one brick, and sets the other brick's events to the copied events.  The check box at the end is for copying the events of this brick to 'test' brick (empty), or copying 'test' brick's event to this brick (checked).


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