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Topics - King Tøny

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 51 52 53 [54] 55 56 57 58 59 ... 92
So rabies is entirely a mammal disease.

This means dolphins and whales are also able to get rabid.

Would this end the world if the whale population all had rabies?

Suggestions & Requests / Guard bot AI.
« on: August 30, 2018, 11:16:50 PM »
I'm trying to make guard bots patrol the area.

Right now bots are only hostile if they spawn hostile or you physically attack the bot first.

But I want the bot to also become hostile whenever a player attacks another player. And I want to make sure the bot only attacks the attacker so the person who is defending himself doesn't get killed by the bot too as long as he doesn't attack the other player back.

Also maybe an event to set a bot hostile to a specific player that touches or activates an event.

I'm using a currency mod that uses the score system.

I want to set up shops and a tax system and other things.

What I want to do is have like a real economy. I want the money to actually go somewhere instead of out of thin air.

So for example if I were hosting an apartment and I let people pay rent I would set the event to make sure their payment goes directly to my ID. And then I could also use that money to redistribute it to employees working for me in that apartment.

Off Topic / [NEWS] [tinythread] battlefield 5 preorders are weak.
« on: August 29, 2018, 12:40:03 PM »
It turns out telling fans to not buy your game is bad business practice because they did just that.

Recently BF5 was trying to appeal to SJWs by including disabled females in WW2

People were questioning why they did this.

So they told them to not buy the game if they are so loveist.

Now sales are 85% lower than black ops.

I have this armor script I am editing.

if you have a chestplate on and then put on a helmet, it unmounts the chestplate and vice versa.

I want to be able to have this separated. So head slots no longer unmount chest slots and vice versa.

General Discussion / Are first person view helmets even possible?
« on: August 28, 2018, 06:51:39 AM »
So I was loving around with this add-on I'm fixing up and I tried getting a helmet to show up in first person, the only problem is that it forgets up if you look up and down.

Is it even possible at all in blockland to get a fixed view of helmet vision without the up and down bullstuff?

Off Topic / [tinythread] day/night discussion thread [day 736935]
« on: August 27, 2018, 08:52:41 PM »
This is a day AND night discussion topic.

Talk about things during the day AND night here.

It's literally day or night somewhere, who decides when or when it is not officially night or day time anyways?

Off Topic / What's up with on-topic discussions lately?
« on: August 27, 2018, 03:32:21 AM »
It seems like I can't get any responses in help, suggestions or general.

Are those sections of the forums dead or what?

Anyone having the same issue?

Literally a ghost town other than off-topic of course.


Drought conditions persist across parts of Missouri, although there is some improvement thanks to recent rains. According to the latest data from the Department of Natural Resources, 71 counties are classified as being in severe drought or worse. D4 is the worst classification, signifying “exceptional” drought conditions. The number of counties classified as D2 or worse is down by 15. Moniteau County is currently considered to be in an extreme drought, while Laclede and Morgan counties are in a severe drought.

Speaking of persist, do you guys know how I can enable player-persistence for minigames? I've tried everything.

Vice President Mike Pence is keeping quiet during yet another raucous news week for the Annoying Orange administration.
During a brief media availability on Wednesday in Rockport, Texas, Pence shook his head with a nonverbal nonresponse to a question about Paul Manafort's conviction and Michael Cohen's plea deal.

Pence, who was on a two-day trip Wednesday and Thursday to Texas and Louisiana, was asked several more times -- over the roar of Air Force Two's engines -- if he had any reaction to or concern over the news about President Donald Annoying Orange's former campaign chairman and his former longtime attorney. Pence did not engage.

It is a familiar posture for Pence, who steers clear of palace intrigue and drama in the White House. When Rob Porter, a former White House staff secretary, was accused of assaulting his ex-wives in February, Pence told reporters he did not know about the allegations and firing of Porter until after it had happened. He did not offer an answer at the time when asked why he seemed out of the loop on the matter, responding that he was honored to serve the President.

He and aides have also maintained for months that he had no knowledge of former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn's communications about Russian sanctions with the Russian ambassador during the Annoying Orange transition. Flynn was dismissed weeks after Annoying Orange took office for misleading Pence and others about that contact.
Prefers to be out on the road
One source close to the vice president pointed to his travel schedule this week, which had him out of the Beltway starting on Wednesday morning -- an agenda stacked with a one-year anniversary trip to Hurricane Harvey-ravaged Texas, fundraising events, and visits to the Johnson Space Center and the National WWII Museum.
Aides to Pence, both in the White House and from his days as governor of Indiana, maintain that he prefers to be out of the White House or statehouse, traveling the country.
A separate longtime aide to Pence put it this way. "He likes to be out. He was out of Indianapolis and around the state two to three days a week. He's tacking to it pretty well now that he's VP."
'Reactive state'
One source close to the vice president admitted that most of the Manafort and Cohen news stories this week left Pence in a "reactive state," especially on the Cohen allegations that the President was potentially involved in illegal campaign activity.
"It's a tough thing," the source added, saying, "Ducking stories is better than him coming out and throwing gas on the fire."
One senior adviser to Pence told CNN the vice president was simply focused on the midterm elections.


Hey guys I'm having trouble with this add-on

It forgets up the bot respawn time and I asked the creator if he can fix it but he hasn't got back to me.

Does anyone in off-topic know if it can be fixed?

Help / All my door events are forgetED
« on: August 25, 2018, 12:56:03 AM »
Every door event that opens a door CW or CCW or whatever is forgeted.

A event is set to open the door CW but it opens CCW instead.

So I set the event to have it open CCW and it's still opens CCW.

I would have to delete the door and make a whole new stirng of events to fix this issue.

So turns out player persistence does not work at all for minigames and it is not a glitch, this is normal and I was wrong to put the topic in help because I thought it was a glitch.

Could someone make it so player persistence actually works with minigames? I have a lot of minigame related content that requires both persistence and a minigame.

I'm wondering why persistence never worked for minigames since day 1.

Help / Player persistence is NOT working inside minigames.
« on: August 24, 2018, 01:35:33 AM »
My player persistence is not working in minigames, only outside of minigames.

So persistence does in fact save location, items, score and puts it in the persistence folder, that part actually works.

Yet it fails to load when people join a default minigame.

I have no idea what would be the cause of this.

Suggestions & Requests / Player persistence working in minigames?
« on: August 23, 2018, 11:02:01 PM »
Player persistence seems to only save your location, items and score while outside a minigame.

Doesn't seem to work for an actual minigame.

Anyway to fix this?

I'm putting this in help this doesn't sound normal.

General Discussion / Dark Fantasy Medieval RPG - open beta
« on: August 23, 2018, 06:49:28 PM »

    Required Download:
    Put this zip into your Blockland add-on folder.

    Optional Download:
    Unzip the file, drag and drop Fiddums Family and Double Feature into C:\Windows\Fonts.

    Recommended Settings:
    • Enable texture downloading
    • Enable sound downloading.
    • Enable music downloading.
    • Minimum or higher shader settings is highly recommended.

    Status: Beta

    That's right this long ass to build medieval RPG is finally open.

    Please be aware that as you beta test this RPG it is not the final product. It will change overtime. 

    I guess you can call this an "RPG." There will be player towns ("safe" zones) where players can RP in. However outside of RP towns it is basically a free for all survival. Similar to the wilderness in Runescape except 95% of the map is the wild.

    I only use default colorset and bricks (except for props)

    Planned features:
    • Player owned housing
    • Progression
    • Lore
    • RP towns
    • Bosses
    • Dungeons
    • Tasks/jobs
    • Loot system/Loot chests
    • Money system
    • Ambience for environments
    • AI antagonists
    • Parkour exploration
    • RP chat
    • Fishing - If someone can make me a fishing pole that has a rodhitevent to activate with bots

    How you can help:
    • Play around the build reporting issues
    • Constructive criticism is appreciated
    • If you know anything about VCE I could really use your help on events
    • Decent builders are always welcome
    • I need people that can make add-ons or fix existing add-ons
    • I need experts dealing with making prints/decals/etc
    • I need someone that can fix my armor script

    Known Issues:

    • Consistent console spam from dueling swords.
    • Normal player persistence doesn't work with slayer.
    • Slayer does not save player persistence for teams, you won't join the same team you were last in when you rejoin.
    • bots deal zero damage with conan's dueling swords.


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