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Topics - Alkatjo

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Off Topic / Why do people Purposely act stupid?
« on: November 01, 2013, 05:39:30 PM »
Is it to gain attention somehow? To differ yourself from everyone?

Prime Example:

This is just one crumb on the cookie of what I experience at school.

Off Topic / So uh, this just happened.
« on: October 28, 2013, 07:23:11 PM »
Local news said that a man had a stuff so big that they had to take him to ER to remove it, how the? I..

This possible?

Off Topic / Intreasting conversation with friend, leaves a question...
« on: October 20, 2013, 05:26:14 PM »
If one furry finds another furry, typically a straight furry couple. How does their taboo of animal loving turn them on when they look like childish loving mascots while doing so?


Jesus Christ that looks goofy as forget, so that leaves a question.
How do people get off on this kind of stuff. I'm really curious to know, please enlighten me.

Off Topic / Google the person's name above you, then post said results.
« on: October 15, 2013, 04:37:22 PM »

Posting pictures is allowed, you may also print screen ect.

Games / DBZ: Battle of Z
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:07:58 PM »
A while back a game called Dbz: Zenkai released in Japan. The game would depict 4 people choosing a character from the dbz universe and fighting in a ffa. Players would have the chance to preform team attacks with enemy's to gain points and such. Namco Bandi caught ahold of this Arcade Japanese game quickly and funded Dragon ball z Battle of Z, a 4v4 team game spanning over 60+ missions and a full story line "what-if" scenario where all of Goku's friends would fight with him. The game is packed with 70+
characters and featuring new characters from the Japan movie, Dbz battle of the gods.
Includes Wise, Bills, and God Goku.
Dlc includes the fusion forms, bardock, and Goku with a Naruto sage costume.

I'm looking forward to this game not only because it takes a spin away form conventional dbz 1 on 1 games, but also adds the twist of multiple people.


Drama / Greenlight Hype gone, new players ill-mannered, What's next?
« on: September 15, 2013, 03:24:28 PM »
Well Badspot, you got Blockland on steam now, what's next?
Proper vehicle physics now?

I'm bored of Blockland, I haven't played in like 2 months because there is nothing new or exciting to do now. Its all the same TDM/DM racing/grapple knifes...
Losing interest in building and such.

So really, what's next?

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Russia's retarted decisons.
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:57:18 PM »
Oh boy, where to begin.
First of all today, this morning I got up watched some news and listened to a topic about Russia and the Us. Apparently Russia is "finalizing" their invasion plans for the us.

Russia pls. I have a date tomorrow and if it gets ruined I swear to god your tiny country of road rage and drunks will cease to exist blah blah..

So is it true are they going to invade the usa? because of what Syria? Please comfort me so I don't have to bring my Ar-15 everywhere I go.

Help / Slayer loves being a bitch to people.
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:01:13 PM »
Team shuffle checked, round set to one life under 15 minutes, 2 teams, at the end of each round teams won't shuffle, at the start we're all on the same team again.

This is pretty common now and days, it didn't do this a year ago and now look.
Its ruining basically every TDM I try to host in some way or another and its getting annoying to the point of me considering Space guy's tdm. I don't even know if that still works. Couldn't be a conflicting add-ons, how could it?

Anyway /tittle

Suggestions & Requests / Vehicle Variabled Spawning
« on: August 04, 2013, 03:47:37 PM »
Seeing how the vehicle spawn bricks are limited to the point of origin, why not have a variable to set them diagonally? Instead of making them always straight.
Ex: The jets on an aircraft carrier, are facing like a 35 degree angle.

General Discussion / Any (good) Scp Servers floating about?
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:13:12 PM »
I think the brighter dark is still working on his, not even sure if the mod is #port or if anyone else has it.
I've seen a few with low player count so I assume those don't even involve good scares.

Off Topic / testing
« on: July 23, 2013, 01:06:21 AM »
Sorry folks nvm

Drama / And down falls the drama...
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:13:04 PM »
Seriously guys, look at this.
Don't know if this is Blockland relevant and it might be but...
There are more "Stop this stuffty ass stuff" topics on the front page than there are about actual people, and I know most of you have changed your views on the whole /support ordeal because of whatever, or you're crying about some random ass stuff that is the loving "stop making 'stop making' dramas".
The most anyone could ever possibly achieve out of any of it is a /support. And I hate to say it but most of us (me included) are making a big fuss and just fueling the fire.

Call me an idiot, but this is true. Don't agree with me? Then don't post.

Drama / Arty and the big letdown.
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:15:43 AM »
So here I am looking through the modification topic checking updates for big upcoming add-ons when BAM!

-The Walking Blockhead or whatevertheforgetitis- Catches my view.

Little did we know, Arty the attention whore was plotting to "release pictures" when this happened.
Bots...Ok so they're bots cool but they have faces from Zapt? Its listed that the progress is 75% done and its going to be released soon :O!
But no. Arty forgeted up. Boink! and I are suspicious then we're all asking for video proof. Then the obvious happens.

Quote from arty:i don't have youtue account....
Plus i deleted this five minutes ago..... You're loving kidding me right?
Sorry if this doesn't seem relevant to Blockland in any form or fashion I just got really exited, like I always let myself do. I just felt like arty was being an attention whore who decided to ruin people's day.


Suggestions & Requests / Oculus Rift Support.
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:33:34 AM »
It would be kind of cool stepping around say a city in blockland with those goggles strapped on. Everything looks relatively bigger from what I've herd, as if you're the one looking around and such. Is it possible?

Help / A working/valid .dts exporter for Blender
« on: June 20, 2013, 11:56:37 PM »
Name, I need it as the one on the website is bugged, I just get a white screen when trying to access it.
Also I don't know if this does go in help or not, its kinda blockland related.

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