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Topics - Drew Skube

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Context
« on: December 27, 2016, 05:06:09 AM »
I got hacked. I want to remain bias on what happened, but I used a disposable email because I have had a previous forum account. I am not comfortable telling you guys what the previous forum account is but that is not what this thread is about. I'm not entirely sure why Zapk targeted me, but what I do know is that it is probably passive aggression from being in Entropia. I don't recall any incidents, but I believe it has something to do with what happened after Entropia disbanded. Yet again, I can't recall. I've learned something from this, and it's that I need to change my image. I want to become a better person and the way I will do that is by becoming my own person. Also, one last reminder, change your passwords. I hope you guys understand.

Off Topic / NORAD Tracks Santa started because someone screwed up.
« on: December 24, 2016, 08:04:25 PM »
source ; imgur
cool story to get in the holiday mood and to warm your heart

This is Col. Harry Shoup, commander of the Continental Air Defense Command, and he is the definition of an awesome guy.

He's responsible for NORAD Tracks Santa.
Background real quick. NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defense Command, and they're responsible for the defense of all of North America from Maritime and Aerospace attacks. But they also track Santa Claus for the little tykes of the world.

Back in 1955, they were called the Continental Air Defense Command, and this guy was in charge. He had a red phone that only he, and a 4 star general at the Pentagon had the number for. If those damn commies were gonna attack, he was the first one to know because of that red phone.

Well, one day. A newspaper in Colorado Springs ran this Sears ad, telling kids to call the fat red guy himself. But there was a problem.

They mistyped the phone number. Guess where that phone number went instead?

You got it. Col. Shoup's red phone.

This guy is chilling at his desk one day in December of 1955 when his red phone rings. I mean, I'd probably have been freaking out a bit. This is the height of the Cold War. Who knows what he's gonna be told? So, like to Colonel he is, he answers it calmly and composed. Then this little girl answers him asking "Is this Santa Clause?"

The Colonel is confused as hell. Like. What? Is this some Soviet pinko trick? Like, come on. Santa may wear a red suit, but he's a good Christian, not some commie. He was taken aback.

Naturally, he was pissed and thought it a joke. But when the kid started to cry, he realized it was no joke. So he quickly became Santa Claus. He HoHoHo'd, asked if she's been good this year, and cheered her up. Everyone in the room with him must have been confused AF.

So when  he was done talking to the girl, he asked to speak to her mom. And he demanded to know what was going on. She just said "Have you not seen the Sears Ad? It's all over the paper."
So instead of freaking out, he just set a couple soldiers to work the phones and pretend to be Santa.

There was also a big glass board in the office, that was used to track airplanes coming into the US and Canada. On Christmas Eve, he came into the office and saw someone had drawn Santa and his reindeer coming in over Canada from the North Pole. He stood there a looked at it. When a soldier asked nervously if he wanted it erased, he just stood there considering it. Then instead of freaking out, he went picked up a phone and called the radio station saying "This is the commander at the Combat Alert Center, and we have an unidentified flying object. Why, it looks like a sleigh."  
So the radio stations in town called him about every hour asking where Santa was. And it took off from there.

After that, he received letters from all over the world thanking him. And when he was old and gray (in his 90s), he apparently carried them all in a briefcase labeled "Top Secret"

TL;DR: Good guy Colonel saves Christmas for a little girl, starts huge tradition.

Drama / chakada
« on: December 23, 2016, 09:57:45 PM »
this dude used to be cool. when i joined discord, The Real Nigz aka Meatsale's server was one of the first servers I joined. Recently, it seems chakada has been getting aggressive towards people like Chill, WALDO, Meatsale and Razer and a few more. Even at some points calling me names and stuff I didn't appreciate. Last week or so, chakada decided to abuse his admin on The Real Nigz, and he gave admin to me and Ragref and he told us to kick everyone, so like the fools we were, we did it. He then said he needed a new discord to go to, so i invited him to The Brown Blockland Boys. He seemed pretty chill. He was usually the only one in voice most of the time, some times i joined and we talked and played TF2 or whatever. There was a point in which he began getting pissy at Ragref and myself. A few days ago i added the beemo bot into my discord, and i'd play some music and he'd get angry and move me and the bot and anyone else who was in the voice channel around and he blamed it on Ragref once or twice. I didn't believe him. He even made a GIF of it and put it into the discord. Today, when I was gone, Ragref, chakada and Stealthy Jenna were in the voice chat, so i joined and instantly ragref pm'd me and he said chakada deleted the bot. I instantly confronted him and said i had logs to see if that'd make him admit, but it didn't and i turned out looking like a moron. in the conversation he began calling me and ragref toxic because i was asking him why he banned the bot and he kept getting angry and he said i 'was sucking ragref's richard'.

anyways, did i handle it the right way and will you /support?

This mailbox is

Off Topic / Blade Runner 2049 (discussion)
« on: December 22, 2016, 12:53:04 AM »

hype!!!!!! hopefully we'll get the same eery atmosphere we had in the first movie. looks pretty sick to me.

Off Topic / famous relatives
« on: December 21, 2016, 11:16:46 PM »
uncle bob skube (played on the millwaukee brewers)
uncle mike thompson (my dad's side is divvied, rawlings vice prez)

thats it


General Discussion / Blockland Baseball League (BBL)
« on: December 17, 2016, 06:45:30 PM »
The Blockland Baseball League is a organized Baseball league for Blockland. We have received the add-ons from a few sources and we are now drafting for the 2017 season. Drafting will begin on December 26th, 2016 for the 3 teams that will have coaches. Training will happen on March 29, 2017 and go until April 3, 2017.  The season will go April 3rd, to April 15th, 2017. There will be a World Series for the top two teams. We only accept 5 players for each team so we need 15 players by December 31st.


We currently only have two teams. The Cubes and the Sick City Sackers We are currently only accepting  one more team. Teams must come with a logo and a coach and manager.

Current Teams

The Cubes

Manager; Drew Skube
Coach; Chakada
Assistant Coach ; Ragref
Uniform ;

Sick City Sackers
manager; Eon
coach blid; SphericalCube (idontlovingknowlol)
assisstant coach blid ; Toxicology/Tito (idk)

How to join the draft.
Position ;
In-game name ;

Team adding
Team name ;
team logo ;
manager blid ;
coach blid ;
assisstant coach blid ;
photo of uniform ;

Off Topic / _____'s starter pack thread
« on: December 16, 2016, 09:24:17 PM »

post start packs for your REAL LIFE.

inb4 creepy ass stuff

Off Topic / music that brings back bad memories
« on: December 14, 2016, 03:30:02 AM »
reminds me of nightmares of where im alone. other memories are things like call of cthulhu. it scares me. reminds me of the time i went hunting my first time.

Games / BLF Terraria Discord
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:49:09 PM »
The Blockland Forum's Terraria Discord
Do you want a place to discuss Terraria with your friends? Do you want an enjoyable Discord Terraria experience? Then I'd suggest my server that I have created. Great administration, enough channels to post whatever you choose! Play in gamerooms privately, or all together on a server which will be set up at a point in time.

y'know, the grind?

Post anything not spammy. Doesn't include memes. Discuss what happened at school today, political events, or just some crazy stuff on the forums.

This is our cesspool of enjoyable, human waste. Post it all. Furry, special interest, anything.


Off Topic / does anyone see the similarities between the 60's and now?
« on: December 11, 2016, 04:27:41 AM »
does history actually repeat itself?

a seemingly unending war in which there are EXTREME protests about

presidential scandals


womens rights


nuclear weaponry

the gay rights movements

the new left

beatles = one direction?

second wave feminism

it all seems like one big circle

« on: December 11, 2016, 02:05:19 AM »

engoy ;))))))))))))

Off Topic / good movies
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:43:23 PM »
American Graffiti
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
There Will Be Blood

Off Topic / give yourself a title
« on: December 10, 2016, 02:50:09 AM »
The Northernmost Blockland Player

Off Topic / I think someone's going to break into my house
« on: December 10, 2016, 01:33:34 AM »
There are banging noises and footsteps outside the window and sliding glass door. Me and my mom checked but no one e was there, I got skills as a baseball slugger and I got my louisville slugger right next to me. What do

Also, 100th post

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