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Topics - Mr. T_T

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7
Drama / Worst host ever?
« on: November 02, 2012, 08:58:09 PM »
So I join Angry German kid's family RP and just start trolling
1. Spawn a rocket launcher and annoy people.
2. Block the door in 2 houses.
Then some guy gets mad and asks for admin,
So the host says the admin pass for everybody to hear,
And I permaban everyone
Host doesn't flinch
I leave.
I come back and the host says Hi like nothing even happened
And then I un ban all the guys and one rejoins,
Then the host shuts down the server.
I know I was trolling and being a badmin and all but Seriously this guy did not even FLINCH. Especially when I rejoined
He also gave the admin pass for everyone to hear.

User was banned for this post

Gallery / The "Observance"
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:46:18 PM »
Small flak frigate.
My first spacecraft.
Armed with 6 AA Guns.
I'm accepting 1/10 ratings.
NOTE: Thinking of renaming it, Also, engines turning on/off don't work because I can't event for stuff.
The ship with guns on full automatic:

The back of the ship.

First floor hallway housing the beds for the crew.

Second floor hallway

Medical bay, Note the cross on the wall

The Cafeteria


The ship is sortof too small to be anything with heavy guns, but too big to NOT have guns or to be a fighter, so I made it a flak frigate (Anti Aircraft Light Frigate)
And if there is anything I can do better or do the right way don't hesitate to tell me,
I can only get better by knowing what can be improved/fixed.

General Discussion / Bring Maps back
« on: October 30, 2012, 08:09:56 PM »

Off Topic / Post your favorite GIFs
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:28:53 PM »

Starting GIFs
Any more from me will be in a new reply.
Searching internet now.

Suggestions & Requests / Wedge ramps, and Circle print bricks
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:18:05 PM »
First suggestion: Wedge ramps,
Like say you wanted to make a build like this:

or this:

You couldn't do it, But with Wedge ramps?
And how about some circle print bricks.
Not like this:

But like these:

I was thinking 3 variants of the above.
4 sided decal brick, 2 sided, and 1 sided.
Again I suggest print bricks made from above bricks.

Suggestions & Requests / Apocalypse Tank
« on: October 25, 2012, 04:07:49 PM »
Someone please make this:

Ignore the walker on the right in the first picture.
I would like it to have the 2 guns shown and you can use the spacebar to fire the missles on the sides of the turret.
This would be epic.

Off Topic / Whats the last game you think the user above you played?
« on: October 19, 2012, 04:03:02 PM »
Saying Blockland is ok.

Suggestions & Requests / Teleportation Events
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:50:38 PM »
Anybody have those old Teleportation events?
I need them for elevators.

Add-Ons / Old Vehicle: Pirate Ship
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:34:46 PM »
I think this was made by Packer:
I posted this because there were 2 requests for it
EDIT: Holy stuff I forgot the DL link:

Suggestions & Requests / GV-104 Razorback
« on: October 18, 2012, 03:20:32 PM »
Armored Car in Just Cause 2

Has a cannon and 2 50cal MGs

This tank in action:
Skip to 4:12 for the actual tank.

Suggestions & Requests / Free builds
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:57:15 PM »
May I have some free builds please?

Suggestions & Requests / Some builds
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:15:36 PM »
Anybody have that old castle made by Hugums?
Or will Hugums give me the link?
Or did he not release it?
Or what.
That or the finished version of Bones4s Titanic?
2 build requests.

Off Topic / Will Work For Steam Money
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:33:31 PM »
Ask me to build something, i'll give it my best effort, when i'm done, you can pay me Steam money for it, if it's good enough.
Please, I need the Steam money

General Discussion / Vehicle Build Contest
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:04:55 PM »
Vehicle must be evented to actually shoot.
You can build any vehicle. (Aircraft, Ship, Boat, Land, Buggy, Tank, APC, Car, Motorcycle, Etc)
Please provide In-game name, ID, name of your vehicle, vehicle DL link, and vehicle description.

Spots are endless.

Pm me the link to download your vehicle. I will inspect, grade, 1-10, and 5 reasons why I liked, and didn't like it.
Best vehicle (Highest Rating and Most Good/ Least Bad reasons) will win.
Winners, and gradings on losers will be announced christmas day.

Banned from contest:
There will be 5 branches of the contest.
Military Wheeled Vehicle
And Alien.
Each branch will have 2 winners.
You are allowed to build a vehicle for multiple branches.

Up to 3 of my builds each.
These include:
Anything in this topic:
And any of my war maps:
I have:
8 CTFs
2 DMs
4 Sieges
12 TDMs
And a few ZAPT levels (I did say levels)
I also have a Trenchwars map that I use with zombies/national socialists.
It will also be avaliable.
You may pick your prize.
I will show you my stuff when you ask.
I might have more, if you want to see what else I have just ask.
You can only ask me on Christmas Day or after.
There will be a follow-up contest with the winners.
Overall winner will recieve my heavy tank. >:)


Off Topic / BlocklandMissingBlockhead.avi
« on: December 07, 2011, 02:59:27 PM »
Yet another post involving a creepypasta.

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