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Topics - Kyzor

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Help / Ban Command
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:33:04 PM »
I feel incredibly stupid for asking this because I should totally know it, but what is the -
1. chat command to ban someone?
2. console command to ban someone?

I used to know them, but I forgot... Hooray for short-term memory.

Off Topic / Contradiction?
« on: January 16, 2010, 03:14:45 AM »
I was just looking at the Drama board rules and noticed that in the "If you don't care, don't post." topic, Badspot clearly says, "Anyone who posts 'who cares' or 'I don't care' or similar dismissive statements will be banned." I then took a look at the "Bad things happening to you is not drama" topic.

Quote from: Badspot
Examples not-drama:
  • You got a disease - etc. etc.
  • Your mom grounded you - etc. etc.
  • Your computer exploded - Seriously, who cares.

The italicized and bolded font in the last list item is what caught my attention. Is this contradictory/hypocritical or a coincedence and has anyone else noticed it? I'm merely pointing it out to those who've never noticed it.

Off Topic / It's RTB Mod Bot's Birthday
« on: January 14, 2010, 02:24:45 AM »
Happy birthday to the RTB Mod Bot. She's 1 year old.

Off Topic / Pat Robertson - What a loving starfish
« on: January 13, 2010, 10:37:56 PM »
I'm sure you've all heard about the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred yesterday at around 5:00PM Central Standard Time in Haiti. I'm also sure (or at least I hope) you all know that Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world, and an earthquake, especially of that magnitude, is one thing they most definitely don't need right now.

So today, Pat Robertson, a so-called "Televangelist," came out and said this about the earthquake and about one portion of Haitian history which is complete and utter bullstuff, unless you're Pat Robertson, who is a complete Jesus nut. I'm not insinuating that there is anything wrong with religion, but even my Mormon friend said this guy is an idiot. This subject is very important to me because my best friend is part Haitian and he has relatives that live there. Once again, I, personally, am not bashing religion in any way, shape, or form, but this guy needs to be put in an earthquake himself and then he can open his senile mouth.

Games / Radiant
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:20:19 PM »
Radiant is like Asteroid and Galaga combined. It is an iPhone/iPod Touch app with stunning graphics, even though the objects in the game are pixelated. You can see more info about it here.

It's $0.99 and worth every penny. Despite the cheesy commentary, it's very enjoyable, complete with three difficulty levels, Casual, Normal, and Hardcore. The levels get increasingly more difficult and the weapons get incresingly more powerful as you upgrade them. My personal favorite is the Disruptor Laser; at level 10 nothing can stop that beast.

Will post screenshots later.

Off Topic / When was the last time you...
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:28:36 PM »
Here's how it works:

First poster (me): When was the last time you played Blockland? (example)
Second poster: An hour ago. When was the last time you downloaded an add-on? (example)
Next poster: Ten minutes ago. (and so on and so forth)

To begin, when was the last time you did your homework?

Off Topic / Please tell me I'm not crazy
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:13:14 AM »
So my parents are out of town, their flight gets back at around 11:30 tonight, after I'm in bed. Earlier this evening, after I was done with dinner, I turned on the faucet to wash my plate. No water came out. I turned it off, then on again, still nothing. So I go downstairs to the main water shutoff valve and check to make sure it's on; it is. I go back upstairs and try the faucet again, this time water does come out. So I wash my plate and go get back on the computer, thinking nothing of it. A while later I could swear I hear someone walking up my basement stairs. Thinking it's my parents, I go out to greet them. I walk into the kitchen (which connects to the stairs) and there's nobody there. I open the basement door and look down the dark stairwell (lol...) only to see nothing. Right here I say the topic title to myself. I swear my house isn't haunted, so what the hell is going on. :c

Clan Discussion / {K} Khoz
« on: January 10, 2010, 08:06:17 PM »


Khoz is a creative clan focused on several things, including:
  • Building -- Our builds are aimed at modern to near future styles (not space ships, not high-tech laboratories).
  • Film-making -- We here at Khoz take our movie making very seriously.
  • Graphic design -- As the logo suggests, abstract designs are our strong point.
  • Modeling -- Weapons, vehicles, tools, we model them all.


Building applications:
Number of bricks is not so much a concern here as quality is. As long as your build properly demonstrates your skills as well as the overall theme of the clan (modern to near future), brick count is not an issue. Just remember this: quantity ≠ quality. This means that your app could be 10000+ bricks and not be accepted due to lack of quality. Also, please build efficiently. Don't spam your build with 1x1x5s.

Film-making applications:
If you wish to apply for the film-making portion of Khoz, please provide an example of your skills (a video you've made, uploaded to your favorite video sharing site with the link posted here). Videos must not be some simple Windows Movie Maker creation. This is not to say you cannot use WMM to create videos, just take your time and put effort into it.

Graphic design applications:
Application requirements for this are slightly more strict. For instance, don't use Paint. Gimp, Paint.NET, and Photoshop are recommended. Basically as long as it's not Paint, you're probably okay. Again, create an application image, upload it to your favorite image hosting site (Photobucket is a suggestion), and post the link here. As previously stated, apps should meet the theme of the clan. Refer to the clan logo if needed.

Modeling applications:
Create a model in your favorite modeling program (Blender and MilkShape are recommended) and post pictures of it here. The model can be anything from a weapon to a tool, so go crazy, but make it look good, and please flatshade it. Add a script to it if you want, but you don't have to.

--Miscellaneous Requirements--

  • Please, try your hardest to use proper spelling/grammar/punctuation/etc.
  • You represent the clan, which means don't go to servers and act like an imbecile. You'll most likely get banned anyway if you do this.
  • Clan tags are to be worn as follows: {K}Kyzor
       --If you are in more than one other clan, clan tags may be worn whenever you desire, however, clan tags must be worn at clan servers.
  • And please, respect others.

--Member List--

Kyzor (leader, founder) / BL_ID: 11024
Daedalus (member, graphic designer) / BL_ID: 5092
Cucumber (member, graphic designer) / BL_ID: 11575
Makanix (member, modeler) / BL_ID: 2022
Pi (member, modeler) / BL_ID: 12406
iownu424 (member, modeler) / BL_ID: 10314
xC (member, builder, movie maker extraordinaire) / BL_ID: 13559
LewnaJa (member, builder) / BL_ID: 9488


None yet, let's hope to keep it that way.

Off Topic / Graphic Design
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:31:46 AM »
Poll finished, this topic is now for graphic design requests.

I've been wondering this for some time now.

Might as well ask my other questions while I'm here; what is the absolute maximum number of bricks possible?

With the current version, is it only possible to have no more than 32 people on your server at one time?

Last one, and I'm not sure if anyone can answer this, but why is it that when a player is scaled down to, for example, 0.200 size, they sometimes move through solid objects (map walls/ground, bricks, etc.)? I am purely just wondering why this happens, I know it is not possible to fix at the moment.

Off Topic / What are your phobias?
« on: January 07, 2010, 12:32:55 AM »
My only one is heights.

forgetin' hate 'em.

Post yours.

General Discussion / Kyzor's Build Your Own Deathmatch
« on: January 05, 2010, 03:46:42 AM »
So recently I've been hosting servers that begin with "Kyzor's Build Your Own (whatever)." As I was hosting one today, I came up with this idea.

Kyzor's Build Your Own Deathmatch

And you do just that, build a deathmatch of your own style and creation.

Server Regulations:
  • All builds must be on either a 32x, 48x, or 64x baseplate. This does not mean that these sizes are the only ones you can use, but your build cannot just be on <32x baseplate.
  • Do not spam your build with lights or emitters. A maximum of each I'd probably say is 15 lights and 20 emitters; depending on the lights/emitters these numbers could vary.
  • Read the info center before starting your build. It will contain these exact regulations.
  • If you wish to build with more than one person, ask me before doing so. If I'm not at the server, leave a brick next to the info center containing a CenterPrint event with your names, IDs, and put an FX Can - Rainbow emitter on it.
  • If your build is on the server for 2+ days without any activity it will be removed.
  • Please notify me when you are finished with your build; leave a brick with a question mark print somewhere on your build that tells me the progress of it as well as a description, if you're so inclined.
  • "CNA I HAEV AMDIN" = instant ban. My other normal server rules still apply.
  • Once your creation is completed, start a minigame and invite me to it so I can take a look at your build.
  • There is no limit to how large your build can be, but please, build efficiently. Don't make walls out of all 1x1x5 bricks. Spammy builds will be removed.
  • Your build may also be either a TDM or a CTF; as long as it's intended for deathmatches, I don't really care what it is.

Oh and by the way, this is a contest.

General Discussion / 1,500,000+ posts
« on: December 31, 2009, 02:53:03 AM »

Aah, a good old fashioned wächstetter on kein-verstand straβa.

was the 1,500,000th post on the forums. I wonder how many posts this place will get before the day it goes away. Share your thoughts on how long the forums, not the game, will last. And make a prediction on how many posts you think the forums will have by the time it disappears, if you feel like it.

General Discussion / What font does the console use?
« on: December 31, 2009, 01:20:15 AM »
That's my first question, and my second question is, does anyone have the firework launcher? I need it for something specific, a link would be great.

Off Topic / Holy stuff, it's Zor's birthday
« on: December 18, 2009, 03:01:35 AM »
Sorry for all the topics by me lately, but I was just browsing some really old-ass topics from page 189 of Drama and decided to take a look at Zor's profile. She's 20 today, lol.

Happy birthday Zor, wherever you are.

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