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Topics - jman552

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Games / 2 years ago...
« on: November 08, 2014, 05:12:24 PM »
I was going through some old Skype messages, and I came across this link:

Yup. That's the roguelike that Rotondo made two years ago. The download link still works, and I've been playing it for about an hour. Someone who can portforward will have to host, my family doesn't like me "tampering" with the internet."

So, who wants to play?

Original Forum Post (broken images):

Help / Help with JVS Content
« on: August 02, 2014, 09:04:13 PM »
  So yeah. JVS Content is outdated, broken(?),and replaced. But, is there some sort of patch or fix that was applied to JVS content that wasn't Doors_Pack0. I'm really hoping there is, as TheLegendsDoors had elevator doors that I wanted for a build I was working on. I have it installed with JVS_Content, but it still doesn't show up. I've seen people get it in their servers, but all they pretty much are, are props. The new door events no longer work on them.

  tl;dr: Is there a patch for older JVS doors to work like new doors?

  I'm probably way behind on things, considering I took a break from Blockland a while back. From what I've noticed, the only JVS doors that work are the ones in Doors_Pack0.

Off Topic / Internet Troubles (Jesus Christ ANOTHER help me topic?)
« on: November 21, 2013, 01:18:40 PM »
Whenever my computer goes into sleep mode, the internet disconnects from my computer, and my computer only, and I have to restart.

This started happening ever since the power surged this one time.

Off Topic / Hamachi BS
« on: November 04, 2013, 04:33:30 PM »
As most of you know, LogMeIn Hamachi had an update today. I seem to be having some trouble with it.

When Hamachi wanted to update, it restarted itself. It failed to connect to the engine, I figured I could just restart it in Services, but it wasn't there. I tried to reinstall it but it says I need to uninstall first. I tried to uninstall it, and it says it's not fully installed. So now I am in this Hamachi limbo where I can't uninstall unless I reinstall, and I can't reinstall unless I uninstall.

I really need help with this or else I can never play with my friends again.


Off Topic / I can't follow through with anything.
« on: November 01, 2013, 11:44:07 PM »
This happens to me a lot. I always get some sort of motivation to do something. I get really into it, I spend so much time doing something, trying to do it. Really putting my effort into it. By the time I get done, or around some time in the middle, I tell myself that it's stuff, and I just shut the whole project/idea I had down. This happens with so many things it's beginning to become something where I just give up on something because of how I know it will suck in the end. It doesn't help when I do get the motivation, I do it, I'm happy, I tell myself it's stuff, I stop, I'm not happy.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Off Topic / Adblock as recently been failing
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:55:17 PM »
This has happened twice now, Adblock for Google Chrome has been giving out, even though it is enabled, and should be blocking said ads. I want to stick with Google Chrome, but with all the hassle it's been giving me I feel like I should switch over to Firefox. Serious suggestions only please.

Off Topic / Well... this is a problem
« on: August 30, 2013, 08:45:17 PM »
Task Manager started doing this earlier. I can't access anything else so I'm stuck on services. I've already tried restarting my computer.

Please help.

Off Topic / So my friend drew me last year....
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:37:57 PM »

He does this thing where he over does his drawings based on how you act, personal features, you're abilities, etc. He also adds in stuff just to piss off whoever he's drawing. Try to spot all of the things!

This is a direct scan, that's why the image is so big.

Off Topic / Anybody know what's the deal with my Chrome?
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:54:21 AM »
For more than a month now, Google Chrome has been doing this to me.

Page duping, making going back a nightmare.

Sometimes when I'm watching Youtube an external video ad shows, but of course since I'm trying to make a thread about it, they decide to not show up. (Just my luck)

I'm not stupid, I didn't download anything suspicious. Please give suggestions on how to fix.

Gettin' real tired of your stuff Google.

Games / Battlefield Rant
« on: June 27, 2013, 08:47:28 PM »
Op Edit: Before I made this thread I emailed some of the admins to the servers I was playing on stating I was unfairly banned. They told me
"We understand how you could get unfairly banned, we just have strict rules. You may still play on our servers."

I grossly oversimplified what they said, but basically I can play again.

Also those of you asking for Battlelog, it isn't working for me atm I'll try again in a bit.

I bought BF3 during the $5 sale along with premium. I've owned it for about a week I think. I'm pretty good, I would guess, but in about every single game I get accused of hacking, cheating, and other crap. I don't hack, I'm not a menace to gaming society, I don't cheat. That's that. Of course though, I get banned from about every game I play.

This is bullstuff, I didn't buy a game to not play it. I shouldn't be punished for things I didn't do. I hate the certain parts of community, they are idiots and nothing more. Just plain idiots.

rantover /discuss

Off Topic / Thank Jebus schools over
« on: June 15, 2013, 12:12:26 PM »
Oh yey another rant. I am so happy school is over, the people who go there are idiots.

EXAMPLE 1: One guy continues to make religious arguments like Allah vs God or something stupid. If you didn't agree with him you were basically the devil of mankind. Meugh religion causes so much arguments.

EXAMPLE 2: My school is full of swag cigarettes and douche bags. (Hey look that rhymed) They literally say the word swag and yolo every to seconds. The other guys sit there being idiots. "Hey man you better back the hell off me, I could kick your ass if I wanted to."

EXAMPLE 3: People who don't respect your opinions. Me: "No I will not be buying Call of Duty: Ghosts, I do not like Call of Duty, I play other games though like-" Douche bag: "CALL OF DUTY IS THE BEST GAME EVER, I BET YOU PLAY STUPID GAMES LIKE MINECRAFT AND WON'T STOP PLAYING WITH LEGOS. I BET YOU WILL STILL LIVE WITH YOUR MOTHER WHEN YOU ARE 40!!!!!" Me: "Lego is played by many people as a hobby, like movie making and big builds. Also, my computer outdoes the Xbox's specs-" Douche Bag: "NOTHING CAN BE BETTER THAN THE XBOX YOU IDIOT!!! THE XBOX IS THE BEST CONSOLE EVER. LEGOS ARE ALSO DUMB AND STUPID AND ONLY friendS PLAY WITH THEM."

But, since of course I have one year of that place left, I have to go through it again. I wish I could (quite literally) knock some sense into them. However my lack of strength, calcium, fighting skill, and school rules tend to stop me.

Hate humanity with me.

Off Topic / So apparently, soda causes depression
« on: June 05, 2013, 11:20:40 PM »
I'm not sure where I read it, but up to 33% of people who drink up to 4 cans of soda a day develop depression. Fruit punch drinkers have a higher chance, with 38%.


Seriously, whenever I found myself in my room, I was always in a saddened mood, as if something was always dragging me down. I usually drank 4 cans of soda a day thinking I was just tired, trying to get caffeine into my system. But, no. I was actually screwing with my brain somehow. So, I am limiting what I drink from now on. Tis' a shame, I love Pepsi and Fanta :'(

Off Topic / My Grandmother is very ill
« on: May 24, 2013, 07:24:11 AM »
For the past two weeks, my family has been extremely stressed about what is going on with my Grandmother. She was first put into a hospital after she couldn't speak or breathe. The doctors diagnosed a heart attack. She came home two days before my birthday, she was there for it. But, on the day after she literally spoke giberish, it sounded like Qubert. She couldn't tell what basic objects were, and couldn't remember who we were. She was put back into the hosptial. She came back again three days later, I was never told the diagnosis, I'd assume it was a mini-stroke or something. While I was on my computer two paramedics came and took her out. I don't know how I didn't hear what was going on down there. So I really don't know what they are doing to her now, or if shes okay. My mother is constantly stressed at all times because if my grandmother dies we will be on the streets. We don't technically "own" the house, we've always given my grandmother the money. So really, if we lose grandmother, we lose the house.

I am extremely worried about her, stressed out as well. I don't know what I'd do without her, she's been with me my whole life. I was 6 years old when she moved out for a week, and I cried that entire week. This is when she will be gone forever, I just hope she will pull through.

Drama / Hiiro326 stealing VinncentTheGuy's profile pic
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:02:27 PM »

I was browsing the forums and noticed Hiiro, he had the exact same profile pic as Vincent's.
Vinny has this picture for everything. Believe me, I have him on skype, steam, and origin. All of them have this. I HAVE THE BLOODY CONVERSATION about him being angry with the commissioner who was supposed to make it.

Off Topic / I should be doing something, but...
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:46:23 PM »
A new forum game! It works like this

Blockhead99999999999 I should be doing my chores right now but....

jman552 The internet needs me.

I will start.
I should be working on that school project, but....

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