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Topics - Nibble

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Off Topic / Blockland is now a Ghost Town
« on: July 17, 2016, 07:12:45 AM »
I left a few years back noticing I could not host a stable server. Now that I have a PC 3 years later, it appears the game is abandoned. Mostly due to RTB, Steam referation, and out-dated, but it's still fun.

Look at skyrim for instance, it can be modded and it's still played, yet they don't update that stuff anymore. Apparently SOMETHING must've happened. And if we can, we need to revive this great game.

Off Topic / Image Cutting and Transparency
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:30:41 AM »
Hello, sorry to bug and bother, but I've made a request a while back I believe a year ago from an old friend who helped out. But I haven't heard from that friend in a long time and I have another set that I can't cut without failure in the images.

If anyone is able to, I need the images in the folder below to be removed of the background as well as possible. I would be forever grateful of your help. The background would be best if it was Transparent with the Alpha Channel.

Off Topic / 8-Bit alpha channels
« on: August 03, 2015, 02:21:18 PM »
I need a good program that can create a 8Bit Alpha channel, and be able to cut photos very very clean (No White along the edge of the photo). I tried GIMP but it only created a white line around the edge and it would take forever to remove and would still look ugly.

Can anyone recommend me any good free program that supports 8-Bit Alpha Channeling and outline removing?

Help / Blockland crashes when a vehicle spazes out through the ground
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:43:48 PM »

Ok, I just want to host an Army RP, but I notice I need vehicles. I place these vehicles and test them out a bit. Then I accidently knock it into the ground or collide into another vehicle. And then my vehicle spazzes out through the ground and causing my screen to go Grey. Then I can't do anything. I need to know what the issue is because it's really aggravating.

Suggestions & Requests / Idea: GIFs in Prints?
« on: November 06, 2014, 04:44:30 PM »
Would it be amazing if GIFs were in Blockland? I know we have them on the forums, but why not as prints? That would be amazing if Torque supported it.

Help / Blockland cancels sound for me w/ headphones
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:08:52 PM »

To be more specific, when I usually start up blockland with my headphones in, the sound is normal. But when I take them out, and plug them back in, they appear to make no sound and cause a 2 second lag spike for me and just me in game when I host.

Is there any way in some kind of form for this to be ignored for Windows 7? I am still getting used to it of switching from a lower grade of the Generations.

Suggestions & Requests / Judge Dredd's weapon
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:30:01 PM »
Judge Dredd from the movies "Dredd" and "Dredd 3D", he uses mainly what I would think is a pistol. Now I haven't seen the movie, but I hopefully will soon. But seeing with the great action scenes I mainly watched, I think it would be interesting to see this weapon created. With switchable action options such as from this scene:

As I would recall everyone who has seen the movie, or at least this video, should get what I mean. Options (similar to like speech sensors) could be "possible" for the weapon.

If switching doesn't work, maybe it could just be the original.

Off Topic / Windows Vista is soon going out-of-date
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:03:22 PM »
The reason I mention Vista is because I am using Vista myself with not much RAM itself. Seeing I can't really afford one of those "High-Def" computers that kids have now a days, it worries me seeing I am limited to much gaming. Thus seeing I don't think a graphics card even for Vista would support it well enough until then.

But on the other note, Vista is going to be Out-of-Date soon which is very worrying to me seeing I still use it. Prices are in the range where I can't afford it right now but hopefully I'll be getting a job soon and seeing what can happen until there. But for now, I'm living the days left of Vista as the numbers count down.

If you have a good suggestion of what kind of computer I should aim for (One with good RAM obviously) that is a decent price, please let me know seeing I am probably going to miss Vista since it was very helpful while it lasted.  :panda:

Off Topic / Ebola is back!
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:47:25 PM »
Just got note another person came from Africa with ebola. I am honestly think Africa is TRYING to kill us.

Suggestions & Requests / Prints & Server_Add-On fix
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:20:08 PM »
I need certain things a little altered. By altered I mean changed. And some stuff needed.


*By now we should all know who this is.*

*The second picture would be best without a background.

(I need these as Prints for 1x1 Print, 1x4x4 Print, and the Poster 8x Print. All default.)

Now about the Add-on...

otto-spark's Money Mod (v3)

It works, it just needs tweaking. I need it to make sure people don't lose money on death. I get complaints of people losing money on death and for me to give it back to them which is excruciatingly annoying. If it's possible I need it to make sure that it DOESN'T make you lose money on death and for it to remain normally.

I also need (as it was mentioned but never done) banking which was planned but never was gotten around to. So if it's all possible, I would love to have this mod at least tweaked. Thanks.

Help / Ctrl + Z no longer works!
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:06:28 AM »
It works at the beginning of the game consisting up to at least 10 minutes, but then afterwards, I can't undo anymore.



This is becoming a serious issue since I duplicate a lot of things. And if I misplace a dupe, I would have to mine all that out. I need this fixed when it can.

Suggestions & Requests / Fixed Corpse version of SMM
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:23:54 PM »

I need a repair on the SMM Bodies for when someone is carrying a corpse, you can steal the corpse out from their hand, but then the game immediately crashes the client.

There is another major problem with the SMM Bodies as well. Appearing after at least 0.5 second(s) of picking up a body/corpse, and when you attempt to drop the body, the body instead disappears out of your hands like you ate it instead.

If all possible, please PM me a fixed version. I need a fixed version of such a thing.

Suggestions & Requests / Event_onPlayerRespawn ?
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:01:32 PM »

I thought this had existed. But when I checked even on the forums, the closest thing I found was MiniGameSpawn which did all the players. I am looking for a Event that is triggered when a player is killed, and respawns, the event will be triggered. MinigameSpawn was very similar except it wasn't just the person; in fact, you would use it on a brick and it wouldn't change anything.

This is needed in order to fix some issues with some items and allow me to make improvements on my Server.

Games / Game of War - Fire Age (A new type of war)
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:22:20 PM »
This game from their perspective is like an upgraded version of "Clash of Clans". From my perspective, it would be a new version of Forge of Empires.

But on another note...

This game is meant about Building an empire, creating an Army, and attacking other Empires. With clans, heroes, and many more things can create loads of creation.

(Game is also available for Mobile Apps.)

Suggestions & Requests / More Health Playertypes
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:15:26 PM »

I need this for certain reasons considering this is needed in order to finish a type of feature I am making in a game.





I might post more if I need more types.

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