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Topics - MegaScience

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Games / BioShock 1
« on: October 19, 2008, 12:10:16 PM »
BioShock is a game set in the 1960's.

You are on a flight. You hear screams, and black out. Next thing you know, you're in the Atlantic surrounded by sinking wreckage. You swim out the only way you can from where you are, to a mysterious lighthouse: A lighthouse in the middle of the Atlantic?

You go inside, the doors slam behind you. Lights flicker on. You see a banner: "No Gods or Kings. Only Man." A statue carved behind it gives a very...bad feeling. You continue into this lighthouse...a bathysphere! Where does this lead?

You enter and pull the lever, the door closes and you begin to descend. As you descend, a blind covers the window of the bathysphere, and a short movie plays on it. A short explanation plays, voiced by Andrew Ryan. The blind rises as Ryan states "I built Rapture!" And outside the window, you see an underwater city, apparently named Rapture.

You are brought into the city. A whale passes. Your sphere approaches a tube connecting two buildings. You notice a figure, what is seemingly a person in a heavy suit doing maintenance on the tube. You hear radio broadcasts of confusion about the plane crash. You sphere enters a bay, and you begin to ascend.

As you ascend, you begin to hear despite cries. You surface to a dark scene. Outside the window, a man backs away from someone... they look unnatural. He begs the person, but to no avail. He is pushed into the sphere, murdered. The person noticed you, and that you are a newcomer and attacks your sphere. Just before it breaks through, it hits an electrical wire. It jumps off in pain, looks back, and runs away.

You hear the radio again. You grab the radio and are introduced to Atlas. He will guide you through most of the game. The bathysphere door opens...

Welcome to Rapture

Because of the new "Topic Too Old" I can not put this in my old BioShock Topic. As such, here's a new one. I made this introduction to BioShock myself...any good?

Discuss BioShock 1

Off Topic / Badspot removed my Report to Moderator.
« on: October 19, 2008, 07:03:49 AM »
I can not Report to Moderator anymore. I don't know why he removed, I don't use it that much.

Discuss reason's why he'd removed "Report to Moderator" (No stuff like "You suck" because I don't understand why he'd remove it)

Edit: And because of this, I got confused and made this topic:
Never used Report to Moderator before on that forum so I thought it wasn't there.

What the forget, it's back. O.o

Suggestions & Requests / Report to Moderator on all forums.
« on: October 19, 2008, 06:01:18 AM »
Example of why:;boardseen#new

He's promoting game pirating through torrents and stuff.

Edit: Quote incase he changes it:
I know the download link for san andreas (iso):

(for noobs: you need DAEMON TOOLS to play the iso)

Off Topic / is back
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:12:12 AM »
As of 10/03/08,

May be 12 days ago, but still...yay.

Games / BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:03:15 AM » <--Only article on 2kgames mentioning it. <--Article on BioShock 2 with more information.

So far, it's going to be out by August 2009, although I suspect it'd go into 2010.


Edit: In light of a recent teaser found by rAnDoM CaPs, I have changed the topic name to reflect it,
as well as putting the link to

Edit2: And here's the official BioShock 2 forums, right off :D
And as for details on BioShock 2, I have read up on it:
BioShock PS3 was given out early to some people. People who finished it early
were treated to the teaser. I can't wait.

Modification Help / Simple Script - getRandomLetter();
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:49:56 AM »
Someone (I think SlickSilver555) showed me a getRandomLetter(); script that, to me, seemed sorta...ridiculous. As such, I made this script. It works like getRandom, but with letters :D

Code: [Select]
function getRandomLetter(%start, %end) {
%letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
if(strLen(%start) == 1) {
%starlower = strLwr(%start);
if(strStr(%letters, %startlower) < 0)
if(strLen(%end) == 1) {
%endlower = strLwr(%end);
if(strStr(%letters, %endlower) < 0)
if(strStr(%letters, %starlower) > strStr(%letters, %endlower)) {
%starlower = strLwr(%end);
%endlower = strLwr(%start);
if(strLen(%starlower) != 1)
%letter = getRandom(strLen(%letters));
else if(strLen(%starlower) == 1 && strLen(%endlower) != 1)
%letter = getRandom(strStr(%letters, %starlower)+1);
%letter = getRandom(strStr(%letters, %starlower), strStr(%letters, %endlower)+1);
return getSubStr(%letters, %letter, 1);
I'm posting this here because, as the topic name suggests, it's simple. It's also useless, but could be used as an example for some other code...maybe...

Off Topic / Total Members: 8666
« on: October 12, 2008, 10:01:04 PM »
Truce is over 8000 and 666. See attached image for details.


Off Topic / RobotChicken Table Be Round (Baby got Back parody)
« on: October 07, 2008, 11:54:22 PM »

I'm going to make this into an MP3, should I start the MP3 from start (conversation), or start of music?

I have made it start from "This is a disaster!" Basically, the queue for the song.

MP3 Download:

Edit: I found a version off of much higher quality. The audio is about the same, but if you feel like re-downloading (if you download), you can.

Edit2: I made lyrics to the best of my ability to hear and spell "Per-civ-al" as a NAME (spellcheck gives perceivable and stuff :/ )
You may fix parts are required:

Table Be Round
This table's long, but it should be round.
King Arthur can't hear a sound.
When a knight tries to talk, that brothers gotta walk
'bout half a freakin block to be heard.
Can't hear a word, 'cause this tables so absurd.
Us knights got much to discuss,
But this tables ridiculous. (Don't be ridiculous)

Belvedere can't hear.
“Yo can you pass me some beer?” (Sa’ What?)
It's 20 feet by 80, can't even flirt with ladies.
Better have long arms when you’re having a meal
if you’re trying to cop a feel. (Uh Uh)
We need a new proportion to bring our kingdom fortune.
I got an idea that might work for ya’ll,
I’mma make this motha’ circula‘.

Sir Galahad. (Ya?)
Percival (Ya?)
Do you wanna hear the others talk? (Hell ya!)
Then bring it in, sit it down, it’s like King Arthur’s crown.
Table Be Round.
Table Be Round.

Now with this circulation we can have nice conversation.
“Can you hear me now?” (I can hear!) (Holy Cow!)
Make every knight say “Wow!”
"Now you know that we can not fail,
when we’re looking for the holy grail."
360 on the parameter, you know ho’s like diameter.
Table Be Round (Ya)
Table Be Round (Uh)

Table Be Round (Why am I doing this?!)

Off Topic / Guess Who's Back
« on: October 07, 2008, 08:13:33 PM »

(Click the picture to see the post)

Well, the bans over! (2 hours late...) So...hello?

First Perma-Ban (-=>RR<=-MasterCE)

Off Topic / Google Errored...
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:31:42 PM »
And I refreshed it for some loving reason WTF

;_; Google rarely errors, at least for me, since they are so...big...they can afford stuff that can't error.

If someone has any way of recovering it, tell me ;_; I've tried many things I won't feel like listing

I want to keep the page as a false google page for my school site....just to be funny ;_;

Add-Ons / Blockland.bat - Kills Amiga_Soundpack and l_music.
« on: September 14, 2008, 06:54:13 PM »
This Batch file is extremely simple, but effective.

This is meant to be substituted for using the Blockland.exe to start. This kills the crappy music that takes forever to load.

You put this in your Blockland directory (Default: C:\Program Files\Blockland)
Opening this opens Blockland.

Whatever if this gets Fail-Binned, I was trying to help o.o

Suggestions & Requests / No More Coloresets
« on: September 14, 2008, 06:12:51 PM »
Both a suggestion AND a request, you should be okay with the ones you have. Colorsets forget up loading bricks and macros, I'm tired of it.

Off Topic / Blockland Updates Page
« on: September 13, 2008, 11:04:23 PM »

^Updates page^

This page dynamically changes with the v=#, I put v=7 and found the v7-8 patch instead of the normal one. I wonder if putting in some weird number gets v10beta...

Suggestions & Requests / Fail-Bin Disabler
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:48:41 PM »
Complex stuff unless done by Badspot, if your game can connect to the internet, it will check a Fail-Bin list. Could even check Fail-Bin forum. If it finds an Add-On from it, it doesn't let it activate o.o

Off Topic / My messengers can't login
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:35:16 PM »
I can use the internet, but my messengers can't log in. I tried MSN, it wasn't logging in. I thought it was maybe some server maintenance until I tried Xfire. Xfire can't log in either, what the forget is happening D:

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