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Topics - seargent227

Pages: [1] 2 3
Games / Cannot add funds to steam account.
« on: July 26, 2015, 08:12:16 PM »
I've tried way too many times now to add funds to my steam account and it isn't working. I know for a fact that my payment info is correct but I keep getting an error that says "An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.". I've contacted steam support and sent a ticket but they haven't responded yet (It's been 24hours). I was just wondering if it's possible that me recently changing my password and adding an authenticator to the account could have caused this?

Off Topic / Dual Monitor Background
« on: May 22, 2015, 04:46:00 PM »
Personally I find it difficult to find backgrounds that I like because I really like having the same picture on both background repeating but there are few background meant to be stretched or that go well together. So I was just wondering for anyone that uses dual monitors (Or more) what kind of background do you use, do you use the same background on both monitors or separate backgrounds or do you stretch your image?

Off Topic / Change Forum Name
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:27:31 PM »
So I made my account a while ago and have been wanting to change my name on the forum without buying another copy of the game. I saw that you need to message Badspot but I have tried this but he doesn't seem to reply to messages or change my name. So I was wondering how I can change it since I made this account a while ago and the name is even spelt wrong.

Games / Portal 2 Coupon
« on: October 05, 2013, 10:13:30 AM »
I already traded it.

Help / Lagging out
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:57:58 PM »
Whenever I join a Blockland server that isn't mine eventually I lag so much that I have to disconnect and no matter how long I wait it still lags, the only way I know how to fix it is by disconnecting from the server.  It doesn't happen just as I join it but like 5 - 10 minutes into playing on the server.  This just starting happening yesterday and I could play fine before that.  My brother plays Blockland too and on the same internet but he doesn't get this problem at all.  Sometimes instead of it lagging a lot it just disconnects me from the server and it says I timed out.

Off Topic / Forgot I-pod 4G password.
« on: July 09, 2011, 01:09:40 PM »
Hi, I recently forgot my I-Pod password.  I went to go on it and a bit back I changed it but now I have forgotten it and need help to get it back.  I do not want to restore it because I don't want to lose all of my Applications and Games for it.  It would be a pain to reinstall all of them and I don't want to go through the process of that.  I would appreciate some help please.

Forum Games / Gladiator
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:41:07 PM »

In this forum game you will be fighting opponents to be the gladiator, I ill be accepting 8 - 12 players at a time.  After that the game will begin and I will randomly select 2 players to play in a match.  To battle you need to select a move from what you have/learned (I will put these up in the post) and choose odd or even, once that is done you will have to choose odd or even for your strength and speed.  After that you and your opponent have chosen your moves then I will update with a post that will show what happened,  after someone loses a battle they will be out of the tournament.  The person to win the whole tournament and beat everyone will have the option to keep playing or stop, if they keep playing they wont actually get to play until the next person of the tournament wins the next game and those 2 will fight. The winner of that match will be the gladiator and the gladiator will fight the winner of each tournament.  I will have a shop where you can spend cash from winning a match, there will be armor for you there and some more weapons and possibly magic spells.  You are allowed to loot off the enemy after they are defeated.

Player sheet
Luck:  1/9
Strength:  1/20
Speed:  1/15
Block:  1/15

The Luck, strength speed and block are your skills, you have 5 skill points to spend and you start with 1 point in each category. Post your sheet and you could be accepted, we have a max. of 12 players and min. of 8.  The color will be the the color of your player, you all will look the same just different colors, the higher the level you are (you start at 1) the more items and points you get/spend and I will notify you when you level up. You also start with $50.

Dagger - 5 dam.  Speed: medium $45
Small fireball - 8 dam. Speed: slow $45

(more items will be posted as you progress)
The faster the speed the higher chance of doing double damage.

Player 1.  Doodler
Player 2.  Juja
Player 3.  Masterockets
Player 4.  Max
Player 5.  Daemon
Player 6.  Aphinxer
Player 7.
Player 8.
Player 9.
Player 10.
Player 11.
Player 12.

(the drawings wont be great)

Creativity / SMUDGEEEEEEE!
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:45:06 PM »
I was bored, soooooo i took a photo, went into gimp, and smudged almost the whole thing....
i felt like posting it here :)

Help / Bots
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:34:10 PM »
Can someone give me/show me a good bot event? i can never get the bots to do the right thing, i would just like one where the bot would follow you if you click on him then if he sees an enemy he attacks it?

Suggestions & Requests / Projectile GoTo
« on: February 23, 2011, 08:29:37 PM »
I think it would be cool if instead of trying to get the projectile to go somewhere exact and finding out the numbers for where it goes instead you can just make go to a certain brick that you named.

Forum Games / Robot Survival RPG
« on: January 22, 2011, 04:05:32 PM »
This is a survival war against Humans (you) vs. Robots, 4 people can play it, once you die someone takes your some takes your place.  There will be draw points which you will get from leveling up or doing quests they will allow you to make new weapons, armor, vehicles/transportation, pets and more , everyone will start with 1 weapon (longshots get a ranged weapon) and a special ability (ex. Run fast, luck, fast thinking).

To join just make a character sheet (char name, weapon, ability, class)

Character Sheet

Character name:

Class ability's
Heavy: +5 damage and armor
Engineer: +5 crafting and examine ability
Longshot: +5 damage from a distance
Rouge: +5 speed and dual wield ability


waiting list


You are in a apartment the elevator is broken and the door is barricaded...

« on: January 06, 2011, 08:58:10 PM »
A picture I made of myself on MS Paint!  pretty fail, and it looks better in .bmp and i was too lazy to upload it to a file hosting site so its .jpg :)

Help / laggy maps
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:40:41 PM »
when i go on the bedroom or kitchen maps it lags horribly
but on slate and other maps it does not lag? does anyone
know how to fix if do please help.

Forum Games / Life time
« on: November 20, 2010, 08:38:31 PM »

Forum Games / Mining adventure.
« on: November 19, 2010, 06:43:20 PM »
How it started

I was bored one day so i decided to make this topic.

What is it

Mining Adventure is where you are a miner who works his way into a small mine and starts expanding soon he will find more minerals to upgrade get better tools get a team of miners and more.  Throughout the game the miner will find new miners and mines and even minerals.  Some minerals can be made into objects
others will be used for cash.  Too get into a new mine you need to discover the current mine your in, undiscovered areas are covered in black.  If you want to be part of story PM me.  There can only be 4 people in each story/mine. Right now there is 1/4.

How to play

To play choose options listed in my posts, i will make picture as soon asap.  In some posts i will list a action where it is Creation... in this action you choose what you want the miner to do you dont need to go by the actions.

Saphire pick -- $500
bomb -- $100
Grenade -- $50

Where should he mine/go or what should he do?

Gold = Yellow
Lava= red

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