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Messages - Foxscotch

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Off Topic / pride month 2024
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:09:39 AM »
hi everyone happy pride month

wasn't sure the forum would make it to this one, but here we are. here's hoping for next year too :)

evil jew scum
honestly dude you have to get a life

Off Topic / Re: Name anagrams - ear mans manga
« on: May 16, 2024, 03:22:40 AM »


Off Topic / Re: Civ Div
« on: May 13, 2024, 03:40:12 PM »

is your take that people who go to foreign countries to engage in war as mercenaries for youtube views because they are bored are cool and good? or what is it you disagree with?
if it's only the first part, about all voluntary soldiers, then there is no sense arguing about it because your perspective (that war is good and we as a country are justified in blowing up the middle east a few times per decade, and therefore that the people who make an informed choice to be part of it are also good) is so normalized in this country that nothing I can say would mean anything to you

Off Topic / Re: Civ Div
« on: May 12, 2024, 07:58:43 PM »
every voluntary soldier in the world should die immediately but especially the ones who do it for fun and/or youtube clout

Off Topic / Re: Civ Div
« on: May 12, 2024, 12:30:35 AM »
since he's a mercenary, he will get no POW treatment if he ever gets captured by the russians. they'd just execute him.
fingers crossed babe

Off Topic / Re: my birthday!!
« on: May 06, 2024, 05:28:52 AM »
weow happy birthday
I turned 30 yesterday
omg hb to you too

Off Topic / Re: Software engineering trends that annoy you
« on: April 26, 2024, 11:03:06 PM »
300mb of memory is a lot, sure, but guess what: I don't care.
ok i decided i dont care enough to articulate this thought properly on the blockland forums but that's cringe and exactly what I'm talking about and it will be the downfall of human civilization in 15 years

Off Topic / Re: Software engineering trends that annoy you
« on: April 10, 2024, 01:44:20 AM »
el texto
it has literally nothing to do with the technologies underlying hashtag The Web. HTML, CSS, and JS themselves are all very performant today, and the first two in particular always have been as they existed at any given time (that is to say, HTML 2.0 performed well in the late 90s when it was created, although modern HTML 5 may not on the same machines). JS has a more complicated history, but has been fast for like 15 years, since the introduction of V8 (and now other fast runtimes). even in actual practice currently HTML and CSS are never going to be the bottleneck, they're both implemented with compiled languages in every case, and largely by people who are the most skilled at that stuff in the world, especially Blink because google has enough money to recruit whoever the hell they want. and the same goes for V8 obviously

the issue is in some of the frameworks used. and not in others! several modern ones are really fast, and don't even jeopardize developer experience for that sake, like Svelte, Solid, Preact, or Inferno (the last three of which are all React-inspired, not because React is fundamentally best, but simply because React is popular and people know it and these frameworks aim to be used). the problem is in how frameworks are used, with a lack of care and attention (as i previously complained about). the problems come from having state changing in components that contain other components, which in turn likely contain more, and so on and so forth. meaning that a single minor change can cause large sections of the page to be re-rendered almost from scratch, and as little as scrolling or moving your mouse around can sometimes trigger these changes on particularly badly-architectured web apps

memory usage is also related, because (again due to lack of care and attention) foolish developers will often replicate state over and over again; for example, if a bunch of components need access to some basic info about the user (which is common), they will all be given their own unique copy of the entire user object, because they write their code in naive but easy-to-write ways that results in them doing that instead of sharing a single copy of the object and simply referencing it from all of its users. now multiply this with every single piece of data an app may need, and every single component that may use some data, and you've got 300MB chrome tabs

avoiding these issues requires extra work, yes, but honestly not that much. the faster frameworks I mentioned before include optimizations to minimize the impact of these stupid, thoughtless choices, but that can only go so far. some of them have different designs that specifically discourage you from doing that kind of thing, but again, in the hands of a lazy developer, any framework can be made slow. Svelte in particular does that discouragement. I can't really speak for the others I mentioned, but their decision to take after React doesn't bode well as far as that goes frankly

as for what you said about developers being reasonable not to care, I dunno. I don't really buy that. having a bad boss doesn't excuse you from making irresponsible decisions that negatively affect other people; the stakes may (sometimes!!) be lower for developers than for doctors or something for instance, but I don't think it's a good justification nonetheless

but perhaps more importantly, that is not an issue directly with web development at all. bad developers, regardless of why they're bad, will create bad software whether it's a web app or a native ui software or an operating system. that is not a web development problem. I think the issue is that web development being relatively easy to enter (which is a good thing in and of itself) means it's also easier for idiots and people who just don't give a stuff about anything to enter it. people writing rust are more likely to care in the first place because you don't really get into rust by convenience

and to be clear I'm not saying that every developer must be passionate about software. there is a big difference between the "passion" that bad recruiters look for and a fundamental concern for how your work impacts other people. we don't expect doctors to be passionate about fixing people's respiratory diseases, but we do expect them to want to help their patients above all else

to state my ideology explicitly, I think all people should care about the work that they do to the degree that it impacts other people*. I do have more sympathy for, for example, people working at mcdonalds for pay that is less than the HHS's poverty guidelines making the same stupid burgers every day. they can get some extra forgiveness for being "lazy" about what they do, making mistakes (so long as they aren't food safety-related; endangering other people crosses a line). but developers making 80k+ don't get that leeway in my eyes

*not investors, managers, etc. forget those guys. I'm talking about customers, clients, etc

Off Topic / Re: re: new year's resolutions?
« on: April 03, 2024, 02:56:28 AM »
I thought was your blog?
first of all what. secondly do I look like pecon to you
is this a trap link? It looks like a trap link.
it's not a trap link, it's pecon's site

is the file larger than 2MB?

Off Topic / re: new year's resolutions?
« on: April 01, 2024, 08:29:15 PM »
thread too old unfortunately. so here's a new one. I don't have a blog so yall have to deal with it

anyway update part 2: not going well now. it was fine for most of february, and I also did the strength training on alternating days as mentioned for a few weeks too, but then something (I don't even remember what) disrupted the routine and I've seriously been struggling to get back into it. and now it's getting warm here again and that makes it much less appealing on top of all my normal executive dysfunction trouble. before I even realized march is already over. here's hoping though

you get jacob geller's latest, Art for No One

side note: this thread is significantly closer to its 20-year anniversary than it is to the 10-year anniversary mentioned in the title. if this forum is still around in two years we will see that time come

I insert a half-eaten box of assorted cookies from walmart

Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: March 24, 2024, 03:58:05 PM »
that's because there is an element of loveual tension to every political debate. if someone told me you spent that much time arguing with nerdy men and didn't come out some kind of gay I would be surprised.
kind of gay to say that

Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: March 18, 2024, 08:59:16 PM »
it's all different types of gay babes. love that for u tho

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