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Messages - Nitramtj

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Add-Ons / Re: Client_GPS
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:01:52 AM »
There are different coordinate systems, and in torque Z is the vertical axis. You can't say Y is vertical in every case.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:29:29 PM »
If you see nothing wrong with that, and you call yourself a libertarian, you are either stupid or not a libertarian.
I don't call myself a libertarian.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:25:37 PM » poop around 4:20~
That's a good reference. Call me misinformed but I don't know the specifics of the 1964 Civil Rights Act so I can't comment too much on it. I'm guessing I'd have wanted the act to pass, but while I might disagree with his opinion, that doesn't prove he's tribal. He has a good reason for disagreeing with it, even if I'd argue the advantages are better than the disadvantages.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:56:43 PM »
Can someone find an actual quote from Ron Paul himself that proves he's full blown white supremacist? If it's true, that's pretty low, but I see it the same way as his view on gay marriage and abortion. He's not actually going to pass a law that supporting his views, he'll leave it up to the states.

I'm interested if he'll give an official response, he seems like the type of guy that'd do that.

Modification Help / Re: CityRPG
« on: February 01, 2012, 07:40:00 PM »
It's hard to come up with ideas for people to spend money on. It really is. Does anyone actually have any suggestions on something to but that does not generate profit?
What about space stations? It probably can't work because you need a map with stars on the sky box in order to make it look right. I also imagine it'd be hard to justify since players wouldn't be able to see it unless they actually have a system to visit them, in which case it's still an unnecessary trip.

We are working on a spacebuild gamemode though,  who knows, we could work towards the possibility of linking it to other mods.

That's like saying a baseball bat or a knife is a weapon
They are weapons.

Modification Help / Re: Points Value
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:33:51 PM »
This only gives me the value of the first player's score.
Code: [Select]
%points = getField(NPL_List.getRowText(%name), 2);
"index" is a number from 0 - (playerCount - 1), not a name.

Off Topic / Re: Atheist philosophy is wrong, IMO
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:04:47 PM »
Really what I want to get out, maybe I should say "The def of Athiesm is a paradox"
Maybe.. But there are plenty of things in life that have this type of relationship. I don't think it's something of significance.

Off Topic / Re: Atheist philosophy is wrong, IMO
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:00:19 PM »
Fudge, the flaw in your argument is that there is a difference between believing and knowing. You can believe something without knowing it.

Although really, it's petty to argue over the technical definition of a word in the first place when someone is using it the way that the general public uses it.

Off Topic / Re: Browsing Reddit when suddenly... (Badspot)
« on: January 27, 2012, 09:11:50 PM »
TicTac's comment needs to get up-voted so people see the source of the image.

Modification Help / Re: CityRPG
« on: January 27, 2012, 02:09:34 AM »
Haha we've used the issue tracker a bit with spacebuild. We don't put all of the issues or tasks on it, but it's great when people are telling you ideas in game. We actually implemented someone's idea because they added it to the tracker.

Modification Help / Re: CityRPG
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:03:19 PM »
I'd love that, honestly, but it'd be hard to keep formatting and logic consistent, keeping track of who's doing what. I'd need to clean up some parts, too.

I might, though. After things get stable I'll do some housekeeping and break script objects into class files, refurbish the saving system, etc.

For work we use a repository system and something called TortiseSVN to keep the hivemind collective despite thousands of miles of distance between the 3 of us.

It'd also be hard to decide who to let in. I'd have to be certain of their skills and ability, not just trust. Object-Oriented Programming is an absolute mega-must. Ephialtes and SpaceGuy jump to mind, but neither of them would want to work on CityRPG, lol. Not even sure if SpaceGuy still plays. I'm not familiar with any other developers because of 2 years of being out of the development circle.
Have you looked at distributed source control? (Mercurial or Git) I recently tried it out with spacebuild ( and it has actually been working out quite well. It's pretty simple for people to make a copy of your repo and do changes completely separate from you (something I haven't done with subversion before.) The reason I suggested this is actually because we had someone else do a quick bug fix for us, which we were able to pull in.

I can see your point on the problems of having multiple people working on a project, but I think it's alright if the others are just making small changes or bug fixes here and there. If someone is adept enough to make a bigger change, then you should be able to work directly with them on those problems.

I'm not trying to be pushy, but using a repository for my Blockland projects has been very helpful so I'm very excited about suggesting it.

Modification Help / Re: CityRPG
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:39:19 PM »
I wish I had a co-developer but I'm too brown town about how stuffs done to let any hands on the code.
I know what it's like to not want others modifying your code. What about setting up a repository and giving some trustworthy people read access. Then, they can fork off of it and make their own commits, and send a pull request when they're ready to submit something back to you. That way, you can get the advantages of other developers, while still keeping control over your code.

Off Topic / Re: Japanese people are disordered.
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:36:31 PM »
I don't really see the problem with looking at a generated image as an 'idol.' As a matter of fact, I think as time moves on, the idea will become more natural.
Hatsune Miku is as real as real as lady gaga for instance

They are both fake.
This is sort of what I'm getting at.

What do you think about the historical culture of Japan? What about culture not related to otaku?

Off Topic / Re: What is "TBM"?
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:26:54 PM »
TBM was one of the mods that people used to play before the retail was released. First was Blockland Mods 1.6, then All-In-One and RTB. It's a little simplified to say they were in that order since they all existed about at the same time, at one point. TBM was actually a good mod for the day, but Badspot didn't agree with some of their developers' ethics (exploit to inject code into someone's Blockland directory.) In the end, after Badspot posted on the main site warning players not to use the mod, they split into their own community for a little while. As far as I know it's low activity, if any, now as it has been awhile since all of this happened.

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