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Messages - A-master

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General Discussion / Re: Blockland: A Reality (Movie Inside)
« on: January 17, 2006, 12:22:38 AM »
Sorry to say this, but this movie really dissapoints me so much.

I know that you stated this in the credits that you based this off of "Mine"(The name off the original movie for Battlefield 2.), but the thing is, you didn't even base it off the original movie. All you did was copy everything from the original, ripped the sound from it(You can hear sound effects from Battlefield 2 in your Blockland remake, they both sound exactly the same.), and then just re-enacted everything in Blockland. Nothing in this movie is original at all, you didn't think anything up on your own. If you look past the fact that they were both made from two different games, it's pretty much the exact same movie. The only differences being the exclusion of the long intro, and the different ending credits.

Also, in many ways, "Mine" is so much better than your Blockland remake. The original was made with Battlefield 2, a first person shooter, because it had jokes that you woudn't understand in other games, such as Blockland, which is a completely different game. For example, you woudn't know or get why the bots were running around the helipad on top of the building in the begining of the movie unless you played Battlefield 2 before. The acting in the original movie was also so much better. They actually got a hundred people to act in their movie, while you just kept on using bots in yours.

I can somehow imagine that I am going to get flamed now, but this is something that had to be said.

General Discussion / Re: 120 cookies to Badspot.
« on: December 01, 2005, 08:54:21 PM »
Avatars don't take up space that a post could. Only signiratures were disallowed. If you don't want one, by all means, don't make one.
I never said I didn't want one, I am just wondering why he enabled avatars now.

I am aware that avatars dont take up space like sigs do, but I still thought that Badspot didn't like them since they weren't enabled before.

General Discussion / Re: 120 cookies to Badspot.
« on: December 01, 2005, 07:51:14 PM »
Why did Badspot enable avatars? I thought he didn't like avatars, sigs, and such.

General Discussion / Re: What'd you think of Blood Bath's City Challange?
« on: November 06, 2005, 09:38:55 AM »
At what time's does this city challenge server come up? I still haven't seen it yet.

General Discussion / Re: What'd you think of Blood Bath's City Challange?
« on: November 02, 2005, 02:36:26 PM »
Never seen his city challenge you guys speak of before. What is it like?

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